
North Cook News

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met August 29.

Webp hall

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met Aug. 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

The special Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order by City Clerk Kimberly Dewis at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present: Councilmembers Dixon, Gavin, Martinez, Rauschenberger, Shaw, Steffen and Mayor Kaptain. Absent: Councilmember Powell.

Lead Water Service Line Replacement Presentation and Discussion

City Manager Kozal provided an overview of the topics to be discussed. He stated that the city’s water supply was safe. There were municipalities that had projects halted over concerns of lead service lines. This presentation and discussion would include recommendations at how to address these concerns.

Eric Weiss, Water Director, presented information on water service lines. A copy of the presentation is on file in the City Clerk’s office. Mr. Weiss provided a lead service line regulatory history, and a graphic of water service lines and who is responsible for the different sections of the line. He outlined the typical disruptions to the line service: unstable water, galvanic corrosion and physical disruption. Mr. Weiss provided the results of Lead Service Line inventory and noted properties potentially impacted and how many were residential properties.

Jeffery Freeman, Engineering Enterprises Inc., provided an overview of current and proposed regulatory changes. He outlined surrounding communities proposed replacement programs including possible funding sources.

Eric Weiss outlined the impacts of the regulatory changes including private property considerations and costs, non-responsive residents and future capital improvement projects. He outlined policy proposals to address the lead service line issues. He stated that currently the city replaces about 150 public lead water mains annually. The policy proposals included: homeowners replacing the line with their own plumbers; homeowners using city approved plumbers to do the work and pay for the work over a period of time; or signing a waiver to use a filter or bottled water order for a two year period.

There was discussion regarding residential property costs, impact on future homeowners, and loan options.

Public Comment

Tod Martin stated he was glad this issue was being addressed. He liked the suggestion of possibly using CDBG funds to help with homeowner cost and would like to see different requirements for this project for landlords.

Sue Webb suggested that testing could be done with those that have already experienced the service line replacement. Also, she would like to see these options given to homeowners that have already had the service line replaced.


Councilmember Gavin made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Steffen, to adjourn. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Gavin, Martinez, Rauschenberger, Shaw, Steffen and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

The meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
