
North Cook News

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Door-to-door Moylan campaign leads to police call and allegations


State Rep. Martin J. Moylan, state House District 55

State Rep. Martin J. Moylan, state House District 55

Police responded to a report of an altercation on Sept. 13 between District 55 State Rep. Martin J. Moylan (D-Des Plaines) and a neighbor that allegedly involved the politician's stance on the NRA.

According to a Des Plaines Police Department report obtained by the North Cook News, dispatchers sent two officers to 1405 Oakwood Ave. on Sept. 13 in response to a call from Steve Bargiel.

Bargiel, who resides at 731 S. Third Ave., told officers that two weeks before the incident, Moylan came to his house and allegedly looked in his windows. On the date of the call to police, Bargiel said he was walking his dog and encountered Moylan, who lives nearby.

Marilyn Smolenski and family

Bargiel told officers he refused to talk to Moylan because he disagrees with his stance on the NRA and told Moylan not to come back to his home on South Third Avenue.

“Bargiel went on to say that Moylan became irate and began yelling profanities at Bargiel, saying he had bigger guns that Bargiel, but that he didn’t need guns,” the police report states. “He would beat him up with his fists.”

Officers say Moylan’s response was that he had been going door-to-door and only approached Bargiel’s home “for political reasons.” At the time of the incident when Bargiel called police, Moylan says he was in his yard operating a leaf blower, and approached Bargiel only after Bargiel shouted at him and he had to turn off the leaf blower to hear.

“Moylan advised (officers that) Bargiel began talking about the NRA and then proceeded to call the police and walk away,” the report stated.

The responding officers told Moylan and Bargiel to avoid each other and to call police if further incidents occur.

Moylan’s opponent in the November general election is Republican Marilyn Smolenski. The 55th District, represented by Moylan since 2013, includes the cities of Chicago, Des Plaines, Park Ridge and Rolling Meadows, and the townships of Elk Grove, Leyden, Maine and Norwood Park.