
North Cook News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Prospect Heights City Council Met August 27

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City of Prospect Heights City Council met Aug. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:


A. July 23, 2018 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 

B. July 9, 2018 Executive Session Minutes (not for public release) – Alderman Rosenthal moved to for omnibus approval of the July 23, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes and the July 9, 2018 Executive Session Minutes (but not for public release), as presented; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 

VOICE VOTE - All ayes, no nays

Motion carried 4-0; Alderman Messer absent


A. Willow Road Presentation by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District – Engineer Cedric Robinson discussed the Willow Road flood control at McDonald Creek Tributary A and the participation of the MWRD in the project. Of the proposed $3,000,000 project, the City would be responsible for $475,000. While the MWRD would like to advance the project, it requires commitment from the City to move it forward to the CCDOTH Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways) to request a study. 

As the area experiences constant flooding, the MWRD and CCDOTH are proposing a capital project to address the situation and mitigate the street flooding. The proposal includes raising the grade of approximately 900 linear feet of Willow, 2-4 feet, Hillcrest and Owen 1-2 feet to improve storm water flow. The Hillcrest and Owen grade increases are to prevent water from dispersing to lower elevations. There will be no need to change the hydrology of the Slough and Hillcrest. There is no change to the outflow of Hillcrest Lake. 

There was discussion regarding the culverts, minimizing tree losses, raising driveways, restoring ditches, adding native vegetation, adding shoulders to the roads and guardrails. There was discussion of compensatory storage requirements. There will be a temporary disruption in access to residential areas due to the lack of alternative access paths. 

It was noted that the next step would be to get the City and County to agree on cost sharing and other funding sources. 

There was discussion regarding the guardrail that would be on Willow Road. It is planned to be 34 feet. There was a question as to the involvement of the Natural Resources Commission. It was noted that the Natural Resources Commission will get copies of the designs. The NRC will be able to make recommendations through the City or public meetings. 

There was discussion regarding possible sediment issues. Cedric Robinson said that the City could request a separate study to solve the sediment problem, and then MWRD would incorporate the finding into their plan., but it is not currently part of the design. 

The NRC spokesman, Dana Sievertson, expressed concerns about the Willow Road guardrail. He said that the NRC would work with the MWRD and the Army Corp of Engineers. There was a request to have a better definition of how the residents will be involved in this project, and if they will have any say. 

It was noted by Engineer Robinson that the MWRD would follow the City Code regarding the guardrails. 

He also noted that the project would take 1 – 12 years for the final design - shovels in ground would be expected for 2020. – No action was taken.

B. Presentation on Possible Identified City Storm Water Management Projects by Steve Berecz - City Engineer Berecz said that the City was not founded with the current engineering standards, and therefore, has a great deal of flooding issues. He said that a list of the areas most in need of a storm water solution were identified as: 

1. Eastside TIF Area (generally south of Apple Drive, east of Burning Bush, North of Seminole, West of River) 

2. Arlington Countryside Area (generally west of Rand, South of Olive, North of Oakton) 

3. Dorset Street Study Area (generally south of Willow, East of dale, North of Olive and west of Schoenbeck) 

4. Elm Street just south of Willow 

5. Flooding at Alton and Edward Roads near McDonald Creek) 6. 214 Wheeling Road/Tully Creek Flooding 

7. Lake Claire Area and Shawn Lane house 

8. Flooding at Patricia Lane near McDonald Creek 

9. Other areas identified from community open house meetings 

10. Note (Hillcrest Drive/Owen Court/Willow Road at Hillcrest Lake are currently being studied by MWRD project) otherwise would rank much higher

Engineer Berecz noted that the City is in the early planning phase, and studies will need to be done. City Administrator Wade said that the City will target two areas to run benchmark for cost and scope: 

1. Eastside TIF Area (generally south of Apple Drive, east of Burning Bush, North of Seminole, West of River 

2. Arlington Countryside Area (generally west of Rand, South of Olive, North of Oakton)

Mayor Helmer noted that this should be added to the September 12th Workshop Agenda.



Superintendent Roscoe said that he will have more input with MWRD during their 60 and 98% public meetings.

Director of Building and Development Peterson said that the McDonald permits have been issued, the Aldi permits are ready, and the Thorntons demolition of the site has been approved by Cook County. 

He noted that River Trails has hire d a national firm to rebuild the complex.

Treasurer Tibbits – announced that the A/V Department is seeking volunteers to help on a parttime basis. Experience in A/V work would be needed. The application will be posted in the Enews.

Mayor Helmer - announced that he will be seeking a third term in office.

A. Chicago Executive Airport Report Presented by Director Scott Saewert - Director Saewert said that the SIG (Shareholder Involvement Group) kickoff was a TBD - he noted that the Customs location has been narrowed down. One more meeting will be needed to finalized the configuration. 

He discussed the 1230 overlay 

CEA Director Saewert said that the final audit report will be ready on September 

There are two resolutions for surplus equipment 

He added that there are US Marine Aircraft flying around the CEA as part of training 

He concluded that there will be a Noise Commission Meeting on September 5.

B. July Treasurer's Report Presented by Assistant Finance Director Cheri Graefen - Finance Director DuCharme discussed the Treasurers Report. – No action was taken.


A. Staff Memo and Request for Council Approval of Contract with Dixon Inspection Services for IEPA Underground Water Tank Inspections at a cost of $5,630 

B. R-18-20 Staff Memo and Resolution Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funds for Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2019 for Salt Purchases of $50,000 

C. R-18-21 Staff Memo and Resolution Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funds for Fiscal Years May 1, 2012 to April 30, 2016 for 2014 Road Repairs of $1,300,000

D. Staff Memo and Request for Council Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Prospect Heights and Cook County for $75,000 to be used for Phase 1 Engineering for the City's Wolf Road Sidewalk Connectivity Project 

E. Staff Memo and Request for Councii Approval to Hire Soils & Material Consultants for Field Testing of Concrete and Hot-mix Asphalt for the City's 2018 Road Program at a cost of $4,370.00 

G. R-18-23 Staff Memo and Resolution Requesting Council Approval of Bid Award for the 2018 Road Program to Builders Paving LLC at the unit prices bid and an estimated total cost of $1,459,459.00 

H. Staff Memo and Request for Council Approval of Proposal by Construction & Geotechnical Material Testing Inc. (CGMT) to Provide Construction Materials Engineering Quality Assurance Services for the 2018 Road Program for an Estimated $5,195

I. Staff Memo and Request for Council Approval for Proposal by Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc. for a Construction Observation Services Agreement for the 2018 Road Program in the Amount of $78,500 plus $1,300 for Reimbursable Expenses 

J. R-18-24 Resolution Establishing an Ad Hoc Prospect Heights City Redevelopment Committee - Alderman Rosenthal moved to Remove Item R-18-22 from the omnibus motion and move for omnibus approval of Contract with Dixon Inspection Services for IEPA Underground Water Tank Inspections at a cost of $5,630; R-18-20 Resolution Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funds for Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2019 for Salt Purchases of $50,000; R-18-21 Resolution Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funds for Fiscal Years May 1, 2012 to April 30, 2016 for 2014 Road Repairs of $1,300,000; Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Prospect Heights and Cook County for $75,000 to be used for Phase I Engineering for the City's Wolf Road Sidewalk Connectivity Project; Approval to Hire Soils & Material Consultants for Field Testing of Concrete and Hot-mix Asphalt for the City's 2018 Road Program at a cost of $4,370.00; R-18-23 Resolution Requesting Council Approval of Bid Award for the 2018 Road Program to Builders Paving LLC at the unit prices bid and an estimated total cost of $1,459,459.00 and Approval of Proposal by Construction & Geotechnical Material Testing Inc. (CGMT) to Provide Construction Materials Engineering Quality Assurance Services for the 2018 Road Program for an Estimated $5,195; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

PUBLIC COMMENT (agenda matters) - 

Arlene Behnke – 404 Owen Court – said that her home has always flooded. She is not excited about the project, and did not think that the City should spend any money on this. Sandy Siok - 1412 Hillcrest Drive – said that she is impacted the most by the new changes proposed. She wants more citizen input. She said that she will lose pine trees if a temporary road in put in. She has concerns about her driveway and the length of the project. She is also worried about the traffic cutting through her home

F. R-18-22 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing Participation in Flood Control Project on Willow Road with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and Cook County Department of Transportation - Alderman Dolick moved to approve Resolution Authorizing Participation in Flood Control Project on Willow Road with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and Cook County Department of Transportation; seconded by Alderman Ludvigsen. ROLL CALL VOTE:

AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal NAYS - None Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent



Mayor Helmer requested the IG Transportation be invited into the executive session meeting. - Aldermen expressed 

At 8:15 PM, Alderman Rosenthal moved to go into executive session to set a price for the sale of property owned by the City with only elected officials and Staff; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None 

Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

ACTION ON EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS, IF REQUIRED - At 8:35 PM, Open Session resumed and Roll Call was taken. A quorum was established.


A. R-18-14 Resolution Authorizing the sale of City Property, 25 and 35 Piper Lane, to Connor Commercial Real Estate LLC for $2,730,000 (Related documents: Listing Agreement, Purchase and Sales Contract, and Property Appraisal (Tabled at June 25, 2018 City Council Workshop Meeting and July 16, 2018 Special City Council Meeting) - Alderman Williamson moved to approve R-18-14 Resolution Authorizing the Sale of City Property, 25 and 35 Piper Lane, to Connor Commercial Real Estate LLC for $2,730,000; seconded by Alderman Rosenthal. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - Mayor Helmer Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4 – 1, one absent

Mayor Helmer participated in the vote

B. Request for Waiver of 1st Reading 0-18-28 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Daycare Center at 11 S. Wolf Road, Happy Moomins Daycare (1st Reading) - Director of Building and Development Peterson noted that the PZBA had unanimously approved this project. Alderman Ludvigsen moved to waive first reading; seconded by Alderman Rosenthal. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

C. 0-18-28 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Daycare Center at 11 S. Wolf Road, Happy Moomins Daycare (2nd Reading) - Alderman Rosenthal moved to approve Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Daycare Center at 11 S. Wolf Road, Happy Moomins Daycare; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

D. 0-18-30 Staff Memo and Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wage Rate for the City of Prospect Heights as Designated by State of Illinois (1st Reading) – Alderman Ludvigsen moved to waive first reading; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

Alderman Ludvigsen moved to Approve Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wage Rate for the City of Prospect Heights as Designated by State of Illinois; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

E. Request for Waiver of 1st Reading 0-18-29 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Text Amendments to Title 9: Signs (1st Reading) Alderman Dolick moved to waive first reading; seconded by Alderman Rosenthal. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

F. 0-18-29 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Text Amendments to Title 9: Signs (2nd Reading) - Alderman Dolick moved to Approve an ordinance Granting text Amendments to Title 9: Signs; seconded by Alderman Rosenthal. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

G. Request for Waiver of 1st Reading 0-18-31 Staff Memo and Ordinance for Special Use at 708 N Elmhurst Road, Greenbrier Assisted Living LLC (1st Reading) - Alderman Rosenthal move to waive first reading; seconded by Alderman Williamson. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4 – 0, one absent

H. 0-18-31 Staff Memo and Ordinance for Special Use at 708 N Elmhurst Road, Greenbrier Assisted Living LLC (2nd Reading) - Alderman Dolick moved to Approve Ordinance for Special Use at 708 N Elmhurst Road, Greenbrier Assisted Living LLC; seconded by Alderman Rosenthal.


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal

NAYS - None

Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

I. Request for Waiver of 1st Reading 0-18-32 Staff Memo and Ordinance providing for the issue of not to exceed $1,975,000 Special Service Area Number 6 Refunding Bonds, Series 2018, of the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding special service area bonds of the City, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax against all of the taxable property in that part of said City known as Special Service Area Number 6 to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof and authorizing the execution of an escrow letter agreement in connection with the issuance of said bonds. (1st Reading) - Alderman Rosenthal moved to waive first reading; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None 

Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4 - 0, one absent

J. 0-18-32 Staff Memo and Ordinance providing for the issue of not to exceed $1,975,000 Special Service Area Number 6 Refunding Bonds, Series 2018, of the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding special service area bonds of the City, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax against all of the taxable property in that part of said City known as Special Service Area Number 6 to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof and authorizing the execution of an escrow letter agreement in connection with the issuance of said bonds. (2nd Reading - Alderman Rosenthal moved to approve 0-18-32 Ordinance providing for the issue of not to exceed $1,975,000 Special Service Area Number 6 Refunding Bords, Series 2018, of the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Ilinois, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding special service area bonds of the City, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax against all of the taxable property in that part of said City known as Special Service Area Number 6 to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof and authorizing the execution of an escrow letter agreement in connection with the issuance of said bonds as amended; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None 

Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent


A. Discussion of Home Rule Status

B. Organization and Operation of City Council

C. City Investments

D. Discussion of Sidewalk/Safe Routes to School -

Action Item -To be added to the Workshop - Disposition and Allocation of Proceeds from the Piper Lane Sale and Storm water selection prioritization

APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A. Approval of Expenditures

General Fund $152,663.64

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00

Palatine/Milwaukee Tax Increment Financing District $0.00

Tourism District $1,305.72

Development Fund $0.00

Drug Enforcement Agency Fund $3,765.40

Solid Waste Fund $27,590.86

Special Service Area #1 $0.00

Special Service Area #2 $0.00

Special Service Area #3 $0.00

Special Service Area #4 $0.00

Special Service Area #5 $184.74

Special Service Area #8 - Levee Wall #37 $0.00

Special Service Area-Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00

Special Service Area- Debt #6 $0.00

Capital Improvements $24,000.25

Road Construction $0.00

Road Construction Debt $0.00

Water Fund $29,732.05

Parking Fund $332.83

Sanitary Sewer Fund $3,504.98

Road/Building Bond Escrow $6,338.00

TOTAL $249,418.47

Wire Payments 

8/17/2018 PAYROLL POSTING $140,523.91



TOTAL WARRANT $475,447.86

City Clerk Morgan-Adams read the Warrants 

Alderman Dolick moved to approve the warrants as read; seconded by Alderman Rosenthal to include TOTAL of $249,418.47; 8/17/2018 Payroll Posting of $140,523.91; July Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund of $17,365.26; POLICE PENSION PAYMENTS of $68,140.22 and a TOTAL WARRANT of $475,447.86. 


AYES - Dolick, Williamson, Ludvigsen, Rosenthal 

NAYS - None 

Absent - Messer

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

PUBLIC COMMENT (Non-agenda matters) - None





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