
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met Aug. 23

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Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met Aug. 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. Changes to the Agenda

5. Citizen Concerns and Comments

*Municipal Code 2.03.060 Subjects of Orders of Business:

Citizen Concerns and Comments. Members of the public may address the Plan Commission with comments regarding only those issues that are relevant to the Plan Commission’s agenda or topics that the Plan Commission has the authority, pursuant to the Village Code, to address. The chairperson or his or her designee shall strictly restrain comments to matters that are relevant to the Plan Commission business and shall not permit repetitious comments or arguments. Members of the general public who wish to address the Plan Commission must sign the request to speak form prior to the commencement of the public meeting. The persons submitting a petition, concern or other comment shall be allocated five minutes to present their points.

6. Consent Items

A) Docket No. SCBA 18-35

Starbucks 351 W. Dundee Road

Appearance Approval of Wall and Drive-Through Signs

7. Items for Review

A) Docket No. 2018-21

Blooming Minds STEAM Academy 593 N. Wolf Road

Special Use-Site Plan Approval of a Recreational and Instructional Facility

B) Docket No. 2018-22

Coffeessions 820 Wheeling Road

Special Use-Site Plan Approval of a Sit-Down Restaurant

C) Docket Nos. PC 18-14 & SCBA 18-36

Old Munich Inn 582 N. Milwaukee Avenue

(PC 18-14) Minor Site Plan and Appearance Approval of Building and Site Modifications

(SCBA 18-36) Appearance Approval of Awning and Wall Signs

8. Approval of Minutes – August 9, 2018 (including Findings for Docket Nos. 2018-18, 2018-19, and 2018-20)

9. Other Business

10. Adjournment
