
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Wheeling Senior Commission met July 12.

Webp meeting 06

Village of Wheeling Senior Commission met July 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

1-Call to Order. The rescheduled July meeting was called to order on July 12, 2018, at 10:05 a.m., by chairman Gerry Malin.

2-Roll Call. Pat Miller took the roll call and Jackie Portnoy, Joanie Purvin, and Corky Weber were absent. [For future reference, Alysia Miller-Goldstein is no longer associated with the Village of Wheeling, and Corky Weber has resigned from the Commission).

3-Approval of Minutes. Upon motion duly made by Michael Kohen and seconded by MaryAnn. Marabella, the minutes of the June 2018 meeting were approved as submitted.

4-Chairman's Report. Gerry Malin introduced Isabella Licciardello (Bella), Recreation Services Director at the Wheeling Park District, who will be joining our Commission as a liaison member. Welcome! After the introduction, Bella Licciardello stated that at the moment there will be no changes made in the programs already in place, Monday through Friday. She encouraged the Commission to forward any suggestions to her to possibly be added to the present schedules. Gerry Malin stated that the Commission still needs to set up a table in the CRC lobby, perhaps twice a month, to keep the seniors informed as to the construction/remodeling of the CRC and the services which are now available to Wheeling seniors. This information should also be included in the newsletters. It is common knowledge that some seniors are not attending their programs due to the status of the CRC and the parking problems; we don't want to lose them due to lack of information.

5(A) Senior Services Report. Shari Huizar reported that the lunch program is holding its own. There will be a reception at Village Hall with the Police Department, the Park District, and the Commission on hand to answer questions. Pat Miller questioned why the Village did not exercise the option under the lease agreement for the sale of the Pavilion building to stay there another year. Shari Huizar did not know; the members at Pavilion might have had the opportunity to stay there until more of the reconstruction was further along. Bruce Sembach asked where the money from the sale of the Pavilion had gone; that amount ($1.4 M) has been put into the general fund/TIF accounts. There also seems to be some confusion in the use of the name tags at the lunch program. It has always been suggested that at least one seat at a lunch table be left open for new attendees Sometimes those who have made a reservation do not show up; perhaps a sign could be posted reminding older adults about “manners". The newsletter will be handled by Senior Services until the end of 2018, and then it will be handled by the Park District. 5(B) Program Update, Bella Licciardello again stated that any suggestions for programs be sent along to her. The pre-school program starts up on August 19, 2018, so the program room assignments will have to be changed again,

6-Old Business. There was no old business.

7-New Business. Shari Huizar mentioned that 2018 was the 125th anniversary of the Village of Wheeling. This party will not be handled by the Village but by an independent group. Several Commission members volunteered to help. The village clerk will be at the August meeting to swear in those commissioners who were not sworn in at the June Village board meeting.
