
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Northbrook Plan Commission met July 17.

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Village of Northbrook Plan Commission met July 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

1. Call To Order

Attendee Name -Title Status - Arrived

Steven Elisco, Commissioner, Present

Norm Jacobs, Commissioner, Present

Jeff Sandler, Commissioner, Present

Dan Pepoon, Commissioner, Present

Jeremy Melnick, Commissioner, Present

Mark DeBartolo, Commissioner, Present

Johannah Hebl, Commissioner, Present

Jennifer Lawrence, Commissioner, Present

Marcia Franklin, Chairman, Present

2. Minutes Approval - June 19, 2018

Commissioner Elisco moved and Commissioner Pepoon seconded a motion to approve the minutes for June 19, 2018 as presented. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.

3. Community Planning Report

Director of Development and Planning Services Tom Poupard reported that at the last Board of Trustees meeting, the Board reviewed two preliminary applications; the first involved Hi-Five Sports which is a sports camp with an interest in locating in a space at Northbrook Court Mall. The Board liked the idea, but the main concern was that every child would have to be walked into the facility, checked in and picked up. The second application was for a freestanding Bank of America building with an accessory drive-through located at 1200 Shermer Road where there is currently a bank inside the multi-tenant multi-story structure. They would like to vacate the existing building and have a freestanding building in the paved area where the current drive-through lanes are located. The new facility would be much smaller and have fewer drive through lanes. The main concern the Board had was the preservation of the existing trees and the access on to Shermer Road.

4. Hear From The Audience


5. Continued Review Of Applications

A. Docket No. Pcd-18-06: 4201 Lake Cook Road - Eating Recovery Center (Third Public Hearing). An application filed by Eating Recovery Center, LLC and Crossroads Northbrook, LLC as lessee of the property commonly known as 4201 Lake Cook Road which is owned by Crossroads Northbrook, LLC, for the purposes of: A. Rezoning of the Subject Property from R-1 Single Family Residential to the O-2 Limited Office District; B. Zoning Code Text Amendment to allow SIC No. 8059.01 “Inpatient Eating Recovery Treatment Center” by special permit in the O-2 District; C. Zoning Code Text Amendment to allow Building Height in excess of 35’ in the O-2 District, but not to Exceed 45’ by special permit; D. Special permit approvals to allow an Inpatient Eating Recovery Treatment Center, and a building height of 45’ and 3-stories to accommodate the existing building; E. Variation to reduce the required front yard from 30’ to 0’ to accommodate the existing parking lot; F. Variation to reduce the required corner side yard from 30’ to 0’ to accommodate the existing parking lot; G. Variation to reduce the required transitional setback from 100’ to 39.3’ along the eastern property line to accommodate the existing building; H. Variation to reduce the required drive aisle width from 24’ to 20’ and to reduce the required parking stall dimensions from 9’ x 20’ to 8.5’ x 18’ to accommodate some of the existing parking stalls and drive aisles; I. Variation to reduce loading space requirement from 1 to 0; J. Amendment or repeal of the declaration of covenants, easements and restrictions for the property at 4201 Lake Cook Road; and K. Approval of any such variations, waivers, and zoning relief as may be necessary.

Senior Planner Swati Pandey stated that the applicant is requesting several zoning approvals to allow the Eating Recovery Center to be located at 4201 Lake Cook Road, at the south east corner of Lake Cook and Sanders Road. The applicant is returning since its second Public Hearing on June 19th with additional information, addressing several questions and comments that were received at the previous meeting. The proposed site plan remains unchanged. One of the comments received related to the screening at 50 Constance Lane. This comment was regarding the location of the fence at the property line. It was noted that locating the fence at the property line would lead to removal of a lot of landscaping, and it was recommended that the fence be moved further east onto the property itself. A slide was presented to the Commission showing the new location of the fence. The other comment received was related to the floor plan and more specifically to the number of beds per room and the standards for triple occupancy for this facility. The proposed floor plan remains unchanged. The applicant has responded with data regarding occupancy from its existing adolescent facilities and an explanation of its facility design process.

Staff has investigated the Building Code requirements, which do not show any direct correlation between the minimum area requirements for a room with the number of beds that could be permitted in a facility of this kind.

Other concerns raised by the Plan Commission related to security, for which the applicant has contacted the Police Department and has provided their security plan and have responded to the Police concerns. The Police Department has since provided a response to Staff stating that they are satisfied with the response provided so far and have approved the plan as presented. Another question raised was related to staffing levels, specifically to the night staffing levels. To this, the applicant has responded by stating that the patient/staff ratio, which shall be 6:1 and that there shall be a minimum of three staff members present at night. The outside breaks which was a concern for the Plan Commission has been responded with a similar staff ratio of 6:1. The supervised break time would be limited to fifteen minutes and the applicant has stated that the patients would be going out in small groups.

Another question that the Commission had for the applicant was related to Regulatory Agency or any oversight that would be needed for this type of facility. The applicant has responded that there will be multiple agencies that would be licensing or reviewing the Eating Recovery Center, i.e., the Department of Children and Family Services, Illinois Department of Public Health and the Illinois State Fire Marshall. The facility will also be accredited by the Joint Commission which is a not-for-profit organization that accredits and certifies health care organizations and programs including behavioral health.

Commissioner Elisco and the rest of the Commissioners stated that every concern that was raised in the past has been satisfied with the recent submittal. They are all in favor of this petition.

Motion and second to close the Public Hearing. All in favor.

Commissioner Pepoon questioned if the loading space was addressed in the application.

Chairman Franklin stated it was part of the application and would be addressed in this resolution.

Deputy Director Kohlstedt asked about the number of reviews after year one. Commissioner Elisco responded it will be annual. The term is concurrent with the lease. Motion made by Commissioner Elisco and Second by Commissioner Jacobs to instruct Staff to prepare a Resolution approving Docket No. PCD-18-06, 4201 Lake Cook Road, Eating Recovery Center subject to the following: 1. Building height text amendment shall only be available for existing buildings. 2. There shall be a 6:1 patient/staff ratio with a minimum of three staff overnight. The 6:1 patient/staff ratio shall also be maintained for residents outside breaks. 3. In addition to the State agency reviews and licensure, the facility must maintain accreditation by the Joint Commission at all times. 4. Periodic staff reviews shall be conducted every six months up to the first year, if there are no issues, periodic staff reviews shall continue at the conclusion of years two and three and at the conclusion of year three if there are no issues, and the Joint Commission's accreditation is renewed, periodic staff reviews shall cease. 5. The landlord shall provide the wood fence screening as proposed at 50 Constance Road in the location agreed to with the property owner. Motion approved on a roll call vote.

Result: No Action Required

6. Old Business


7. New Business

8. Adjourn

On voice vote, a motion to adjourn passed unanimously.

Adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
