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Monday, March 3, 2025

Village of Roselle Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met April 10.

Webp meeting 06

Village of Roselle Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met April 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

Paul Toronyi called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Present: Chairman Paul Toronyi, Secretary Nadia Channa, Commissioner Bob Marino

Absent: None

Others Present: Police Chief Steve Herron, Deputy Police Chief Roman Tarchala, Fire Chief Dan Anderson, Attorney John Kelly, Jason Bielawski

3. Public Forum

No other people were present at the meeting.

4. Fire Department

Chief Anderson provided updates on a recent hire and a fire fighter coming off of probationary status.

5. Police Department

An update was provided on two recruits and laterals in the PD.

6 Review and Approval of Minutes

No minutes

7. Old Business

A. Review and discussion of Rules & Regulations, no action taken

8. New Business

9. Executive Session

Motion by Chairman Toronyi, second by Secretary Channa, to go into an Executive Session at 7:12 p.m. pursuant to the requirements of the Illinois Open Meetings Act under Exemptions 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) to discuss candidates for appointment to firefighter and police officer.

Roll Call: Chairman Toronyi, Secretary Channa, Commissioner Marino, Police Chief Steve Herron, Deputy Police Chief Roman Tarchala, Fire Chief Dan Anderson, Attorney John Kelly, Jason Bielawski

Ayes: Toronyi, Channa, Marino

Absent: None

Nays: None

Motion Carried.

Adjourn Executive Session

Motion by Chairman Toronyi, second by Secretary Channa, to adjourn the Executive Session at 7:26 p.m.

Voice Vote: All Ayes, Nays None. Motion Carried.

10. Motion by Secretary Channa, second by Commissioner Marino, to appoint firefighter Tim Dopita pending successful completion of a medical exam.

Ayes: Toronyi, Channa, Marino

Absent: None

Nays: None

Motion Carried.

11. Motion by Secretary Channa, second by Commissioner Marino, to reject police officer candidate Jessica Sexton.

Ayes: Toronyi, Channa, Marino

Absent: None

Nays: None

Motion Carried.

12. Motion by Chairman Toronyi, second by Secretary Channa, to reject police officer candidate Jose Centeno.

Ayes: Toronyi, Channa, Marino

Absent: None

Nays: None

Motion Carried.

13. Motion by Secretary Channa, second by Commissioner Marino, to appoint police officer candidate Kevin Twarog pending successful completion of a polygraph, psychological exam and medical exam.

Ayes: Toronyi, Channa, Marino

Absent: None

Nays: None

Motion Carried.

14. Adjournment

Motion by Chairman Toronyi, second by Secretary Channa, to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m.

Voice Vote: All Ayes, Nays None. Motion Carried.
