Village of Northbrook Plan Commission met April 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
1. Call To Order
Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:
Steven Elisco; Commissioner; Present;
Norm Jacobs; Commissioner; Present;
Jeff Sandler; Commissioner; Present;
Dan Pepoon; Commissioner; Present;
Jeremy Melnick; Commissioner; Present;
Mark DeBartolo; Commissioner; Present;
Johannah Hebl; Commissioner; Present;
Jennifer Lawrence; Commissioner; Present;
Marcia Franklin; Chairman; Present;
2. Minutes Approval - March 6, 2018
Commissioner Pepoon moved and Commissioner Melnick seconded a motion to approve the minutes for March 6, 2018. On a voice vote, the motion passed with Commissioner Jacobs abstaining.
3. Community Planning Report
Director Tom Poupard reported that at the last Board of Trustees Meeting, the Board heard a preliminary application for 330 Pfingsten, which the Commission will be holding a hearing on tonight. The Board had favorable comments regarding this request. There has been a recent interest in new Plan Commission applications, so things should be picking up with new dockets in the next month or so.
4. Hear From The Audience
5. Review Of New Applications
Minutes Plan Commission April 3, 2018
A. Docket No. PCD-18-02: 1875 Techny Road - Northshore Car Center, LLC. (First Public Hearing.) An application filed byNorthshore Car Center, LLC as lessee of 1875-1881 Techny Road which is owned by Allen B. Frake Trust, for the purpose of authorizing the following zoning relief: A) Special Permit Approval to Allow Automotive Detailing (SIC No. 7542.01) in the I-1 Restricted Industrial District; B) Special Permit Approval to Allow Automotive Repair with Outdoor Automobile Storage (SIC No. 7530.00) in the I-1 Restricted Industrial District; C) Rear Setback Variation to reduce the required setback from 15’ to 10’ to accommodate the existing building; D) Interior Side Yard Variations to reduce the required yards from 5’ to 0’ on both the east and west sides to accommodate existing parking; E) Rear Yard Variation to reduce the required yard from 5’ to 0’ to accommodate existing parking; and F) Approval of such other zoning relief as may be necessary.
Deputy Director Kohlstedt reported that the subject property, 1875-1881 Techny Road contains one single story structure and one two-story structure. Both have been vacant for a while until recently, when the applicant moved into one of the facilities. Previously, the subject property had contained an automotive repair facility and was annexed into the Village in 2010, with the allowance of multiple buildings on a single zoning lot. After it had been annexed into the Village, the previous automotive repair business that had been on the property left, and now with a new one coming in, it is necessary that the new applicant seek the necessary relief; that being a Special Permit for automotive repairs that will park cars outside as well as the Special Permit for the automotive detailing business. The subject property is zoned I1 Restricted Industrial; to the north is also I1 Restricted Industrial. To the east, south and west is also all I1 Zoning with various industrial, commercial uses, such as landscapers, contractors, general contractors, etc. The Comprehensive Plan designates the property as appropriate for industrial and commercial services. A rezoning is not being requested at this time. The applicant is requesting the Special Permit for the automotive repair business that will have cars parked outside. That use will have eight service bays and twelve employees. The outdoor parking for cars to be serviced will be screened by an existing chain link fence which the applicant has agreed to install privacy slats in. In addition to the automotive repair business, the applicant will have an automotive detailing business in the 1881 building. For this use, there will be two service bays and two employees. There are no site improvements to this subject property other than the enclosure of the outdoor refuse containers on the south side of the subject property. The applicant is also proposing parking indoors for automotive storage in the vacant portion of the 1881 building. The proposed hours of operation for the automotive repair and the automotive detailing business are Tuesday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. There is an error in the Staff Report; the automotive detailing is not only on Sundays, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., it will operate the Tuesday - Saturday hours as well, but on Sundays, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. only the automotive detailing would be available; the automotive repair business would not be operating at that time.
Deputy Director Kohlstedt continued stating that in addition to the Special Permits being requested, the site requires several variations for the existing conditions; one being to reduce the rear setback from fifteen feet to ten feet, as well as two interior side yard variations to reduce the interior side yard from five feet to zero feet on both the east and west side of the property, in order to accommodate existing parking that has already been located on the subject property which the applicant is just going to maintain, as well as a rear yard variation to reduce the rear yard from five feet to zero feet, also to accommodate existing parking that has already been on the subject property. When the application went under preliminary review by the Board of Trustees in November of 2017, the Board found the request to be generally appropriate. The Trustees asked that the Police and Fire Departments review the subject property for adequate access, especially since there is the proposal of outdoor vehicle storage. Both the Police and Fire Departments have signed off without any concerns. Another concern raised by the Board of Trustees was that the Plan Commission review the proposed screening for the outdoor vehicle storage. At the time that this went under preliminary review, there was no specific screening. Today the applicant is proposing to use the existing chain link fence with privacy slats.
One Member raised the question as to how many cars will be held in storage. Michaela Kohlstedt responded that approximately six cars will fit in the storage area.
Larry Berg, 5215 Old Orchard Road Suite 220, Skokie, IL, representing the applicant spoke on behalf of his client stating that there is an error is the operating hours. Instead of Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., it should be Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Daniel Lukachevish, owner of Northshore Car Center would like to request a change in the hours to stay open until 8:00 p.m. Monday - Friday and Saturday open until 2:00 p.m. to be more accessible to the public.
Member DeBartolo asked about the security for the outdoor storage area and the type of fencing for this area, which is visible from Techny Road. He continued to state that there is a concern regarding the security of the outdoor vehicle storage area. Member DeBartolo questioned if there is a need for a taller more secure fence as well as security cameras to protect the cars that will be parked outdoors overnight.
The attorney representing the applicant responded on behalf of his client that the area will be secure with the existing measures in place.
Commissioner DeBartolo responded that the concern for security still remains. The Commission required the previous applicant for MacArthur to install a taller fence constructed from a more secure material for their outdoor vehicle screening, and believed there is a need to be consistent.
Member Melnick responded that the previous applicant had offered to install a taller fence constructed of a different material.
Chairman Franklin also responded that the previous applicant on MacArthur was installing a brand new fence, which is different than the current situation where the current applicant already has an existing fence.
A motion was made and seconded to close the Public Hearing. On voice vote, the motion passed.
Commissioner Elisco had concerns with the storage screening and whether it should be kept consistent with other applicants. Consensus with majority of the Commission was that since there is existing fencing, chain link, not wood, they would allow the applicant to keep this screening and not have him change it.
Motion by Commissioner Elisco to direct staff to prepare a resolution recommending approval of the application as presented with the change in operating times, Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The motion was seconded and following a roll call where 7 members present voted aye and Commissioner DeBartolo voted against the direction stating a concern that the screening did not provide sufficient security measures.
B. Docket No. PCD-18-03: 330 Pfingsten - WJE (First Public Hearing) An application filed by Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates as owner of 330 Pfingsten Road, for the purpose of authorizing the following zoning relief: A) Approval of a special permit to allow two wall signs in excess of 20 feet in height, the tops of which signs are no more than 32’ above grade; and B) Approval of any other such variations, waivers, and zoning relief as may be necessary.
Motion by Commissioner Elisco to waive the necessary Staff presentation. The motion was seconded by Member Hebl and approved on a voice vote. Chairman Franklin asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on this matter. Seeing none, Member Elisco made a motion to close the Public Hearing. The motion was seconded by Member Jacobs and approved on a voice vote.
Motion by Commissioner Elisco to approve Resolution 18-PC-03 Village of Northbrook Plan Commission, Docket No. PCD-18-03, 330 Pfingsten Road, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates as presented by staff. The motion was seconded by Member DeBartolo. On roll call vote the motion passed unanimously 8-0.
6. Old Business
Member Elisco stated that he has spoken with the Village Attorney and suggests that going forward, the minutes of the Plan Commission meeting should clearly indicate when a voice vote and a roll call vote takes place
7. New Business
8. Adjourn
On voice vote, a motion to adjourn passed unanimously. Adjourned at 7:56 p.m.