Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met April 24.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Roll Call
Attendee Name; Title; Status Arrived:
Sandra Frum; Village President; Absent
James Karagianis; Trustee; Absent
A.C. Buehler; Trustee; Absent
Kathryn Ciesla; Trustee; Present
Bob Israel; Trustee; Present
Muriel Collison; Trustee; Present
Jason Han Trustee Present
Motion and second to approve Kathryn Ciesla President Pro Temp. On voice vote, all were in favor.
2. Pledge Of Allegiance 3. Minutes Approval
A. Board of Trustees - Special Meeting - Apr 10, 2018 6:30 pm
Result: Accepted [Unanimous]
Mover: Muriel Collison, Trustee
Seconder: Bob Israel, Trustee
Ayes: Ciesla, Israel, Collison, Han
Absent: Frum, Karagianis, Buehler
4. Hear From Audience
5. Manager's Report
Richard Nahrstadt thanked Staff for planning a successful Earth Day Event and thanked Public Works for refurbishing the Village sign that is located in front of the Village Hall. At the last meeting, the Board directed that Staff do some research and present Ordinances with respect to weapon regulations, those items will not be on the Board Agenda until the May 22nd Meeting. Richard Nahrstadt thanked Staff for planning a successful Earth Day Event and thanked Public Works for refurbishing the Village sign that is located in front of the Village Hall. At the last meeting, the Board directed that Staff do some research and present Ordinances with respect to weapon regulations, those items will not be on the Board Agenda until the May 22nd Meeting.
6. Warrant List
A. Review and Approval of Payments to be Made
Motion to approve Class A and B Warrants for the period of April 1, 2018 - April 15, 2018 totaling $2,890,345.90.
Result: Adopted [Unanimous]
Mover: Bob Israel, Trustee
Seconder: Muriel Collison, Trustee
Ayes: Ciesla, Israel, Collison, Han
Absent: Frum, Karagianis, Buehler
B. Review of Frontage Deposit List Dated April 14, 2018
Motion to approve the Frontage Deposit Refunds for April 14, 2018 totaling $28,400.00.
Result: Adopted [Unanimous]
Mover: Bob Israel, Trustee
Seconder: Muriel Collison, Trustee
Ayes: Ciesla, Israel, Collison, Han
Absent: Frum, Karagianis, Buehler
7. President's Report
A. A Resolution Recognizing Exact Blade as the 2018 Green Business Award Winner
Resolution No. 18-41 recognizing Exact Blade as the recipient of the 2018 Green Business Award Winner.
Exact Blade Representative, thanked the Board for the recognition and explained some of the things they do as a green company.
Result: Adopted [Unanimous]
Mover: Muriel Collison, Trustee
Seconder: Jason Han, Trustee
Ayes: Ciesla, Israel, Collison, Han
Absent: Frum, Karagianis, Buehler
8. Consent Agenda
Result: Adopted [Unanimous]
Mover: Bob Israel, Trustee
Seconder: Jason Han, Trustee
Ayes: Ciesla, Israel, Collison, Han
Absent: Frum, Karagianis, Buehler
A. Resolution No. 2018-42
A Resolution Authorizing Renewal of Contracts for Cemetery Landscape Maintenance with Brightview Landscape, LLC of Wheeling, Illinois and Burial Related Services with 4 Everything Green of Glenview, Illinois.
B. Resolution No. 2018-43
A Resolution Authorizing a Contract with Menoni & Mecogni Inc. of Highland Park, Illinois For Concrete Materials Purchasing
C. Resolution No. 2018-44
A Resolution Approving an Agreement with Peter Baker & Son Inc. of Lake Bluff, Illinois for the Purchase of High Performance Cold Mix Patching Materials
D. Resolution No. 2018-45
A Resolution Approving an Agreement with Arrow Road Construction Company of Mount Prospect, Illinois for the Purchase of Asphalt Materials
E. Resolution No. 2018-46
A Resolution Authorizing a Renewal of the Contract with Menoni & Mecogni Inc. of Highland Park, Illinois For Material Hauling and Debris Disposal
F. Resolution No. 2018-47
A Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Northbrook Park District for the Parking Lot Repaving at 3323 Walters and the Village West Side Water Reservoir
G. Resolution No. 2018-48
A Resolution Authorizing Renewal of an Agreement with Emerald Tree Care, LLC of Carol Stream, Illinois for the Treatment of 84 Parkway Elm Trees
H. Resolution No. 2018-49
A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of 170 Parkway Trees for the Spring Planting Program through the Suburban Tree Consortium
I. Resolution No. 2018-50
A Resolution Authorizing a Contract with Chemical Process Inc. of Joliet, Illinois for Purchase of Fluoride Tanks for the Water Treatment Plant
J. Resolution No. 2018-51
A Resolution Authorizing a Contract with Sherman Mechanical Inc. of Cary, Illinois for HVAC System Replacement at the Water Treatment Plant and a Budget Transfer to Provide Sufficient Funds for the Project
K. Resolution No. 2018-52
A Resolution for the Renewal of Virtual Server Software Annual Maintenance from SHI International
L. Resolution No. 2018-53
A Resolution Approving an Agreement For Food Inspection Services with Health Inspection Professionals Inc.
M. Ordinance No. 2018-19
An Ordinance Granting a Level III Design Review Permit for a Ground Sign at 1300 Shermer Road (Northbrook Community Nursery School)
Committee Reports:
9. Planning/Zoning
A. An Ordinance Granting Approval of Special Permits and Variations for an Automotive Repair Facility with Outdoor Automobile Storage and an Automotive Detailing Facility (1875-1881 Techny Road – Northshore Car Center, LLC) (Plan Commission Docket No. PCD-18-02)
Result: Tabled [Unanimous] Next: 5/8/2018 7:30 pm
Mover: Bob Israel, Trustee
Seconder: Muriel Collison, Trustee
Ayes: Ciesla, Israel, Collison, Han
Absent: Frum, Karagianis, Buehler
B. Preliminary Review - Zoning & Development Applications
1. Preliminary Review of a Request to Renew an Expired Special Permit to Allow Cell Panels on the Roof of an Existing Building at 500 Skokie Boulevard
The subject property is located on the west side of Skokie Blvd. south of the Eden's Spur. The property is Zone O-4 Office Boulevard District as well as the properties to the north, south and west. The property to the east is Zoned C-5 Commercial Boulevard and O3 General Office. The subject property currently has a six-story office structure occupied by various offices and several wireless cellular antennas on the roof. The original Special Permit for the Personal Wireless Telecommunications Antennas was granted to Nextel Communications through an Ordinance 00-36 in the year 2000. The special permit was renewed in 2012 by Ordinance 2012-32, and extended the special permit approval an additional five years to 2017. Because the applicant did not file for a renewal prior to the special permit expiring, this matter requires a Public Hearing before the Plan Commission and Village Board approval. The applicant is not proposing any changes or addition to the equipment on the property at this time.
Trustee Israel would like to leave this at a five-year term.
Trustees Han, Collison and Ciesla agree.
2. Preliminary Review of a Request for a Special Permit to Allow a Dental Office and Parking Variation for a Tenant at 105 Revere Drive
The subject property is located east of Revere Drive and south of Lake Cook Road. It is Zoned I1 Restricted Industrial and has an improved single-story office building. The properties to the north, south and west are also improved with single-story office buildings. The property to the east is a railroad right-of-way, which is Zoned Commercial. The building is a multi-unit condominium office building with a surface parking lot to the north of the building. The applicant is Advanced Family Dental Care, Ltd. which is proposing a dental office in a vacant space which is approximately 1,600 sq. ft. located almost centrally in the building. Most of the offices in the building are legal, financial or architectural firm with one exception of a chiropractic office, which is the other medical use in the building. A dental office with one licensed practitioner serving more than two patients in one hour requires a Special Permit. Based on the proposal from the applicant, there is going to be one dentist and about two - three full-time staff members, serving a maximum of three patients at any given time, which requires a Special Permit. The proposed hours of operation are Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. The floor plan provided by the applicant shows a general layout and confirms that there will be three stations for patient care. The Plat of Survey shows sixty-nine parking spaces. The change of use for this unit from a general office to a medical use increases the parking requirement by one space. The property does not have any more room for any expansion of the parking lot so therefore, the applicant is requesting a variation for the one parking space. Staff is not aware of any existing parking problems on this property.
Trustee Israel feels that a dental office would be a good use for this property.
Trustees Han, Collison and Ciesla also agree.
10. Public Safety
11. Administration/Finance
12. Public Works
Trustee Israel stated that he attended a bee seminar at the Library last week and it was very informative and brought to mind the use of pesticides, specifically one called Neonicotinoids. This pesticide is causing problems for bees with colony collapse disorder. This pesticide is being banned all over Europe. Trustee Israel would to like to consider having something done locally.
All Trustees agree this something that should be explored. As a consensus, the Trustees would like to have the EQC work with Staff and have them bring recommendations back to the Board.
Trustee Israel would like to see an end to the single use plastic bag and see if there is a viable substitute.
Trustee Collison would like to see some more information on this but is not interested in a bag tax.
Trustee Han would also like to explore this.
Trustee Ciesla also suggested that this be sent to the Environmental Quality Commission and have them come back to the Board.
Bike Plan update will be coming out next month. The Ad Hoc Facilities report will also be coming out next month.
13. Communications And Legislation
14. Community And Sustainability
15. Remarks For The Good Of The Order
16. Closed Session
Trustee Israel moved, seconded by Trustee Collison to go into Closed Session to discuss Acquisition of Property. On voice vote, all were in favor.
17. Adjourn
Trustee Israel moved, seconded by Trustee Collision to adjourn the meeting. On voice vote all were in favor.