City of Park Ridge City Council met April 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
I. Call to Order
Mayor Maloney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
City Clerk Henneman read the roll call and the following Elected Officials indicated their presence: Ald. Moran, Wilkening, Milissis, Shubert, Mazzuca, Melidosian, Joyce and Mayor Maloney. There was a quorum.
Staff present: A. Lamberg, P. Lisowski, F. Kaminski, J. Tappendorf, J. Gilmore, C. Peterson, J. Brown, W. Zingsheim, B. Naser, and M. Suppan
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Attendees of the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance honoring the United States flag.
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. Committee of the Whole - March 26, 2018
Moved by Ald. Milissis. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.
Motion carried; voice vote.
B. Regular Meeting of the City Council - April 2, 2018
Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Joyce.
Motion carried; voice vote.
Ald. Mazzuca abstained.
C. Budget Workshop - April 11, 2018
Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.
Motion carried; voice vote.
V. Reports of City Officials
A. Mayor’s report
1. Proclamation – Arbor Day
Mayor Maloney read a Proclamation in recognition of Arbor Day and presented it to City Forester, Brandon Naser. The Proclamation recognizes the importance of trees in our society since its adoption in 1872.
2. Proclamation – 115th Anniversary of Goudy’s Village Press
Mayor Maloney read a Proclamation recognizing the 115th Anniversary of Goudy’s Village Press which was established by Frederic W. Goudy in Park Ridge in 1903. Goudy was the creator of many type fonts. Former Ald. Rex Parker accepted the Proclamation and presented two framed prints to Mayor Maloney.
3. Approve the appointment of Greg Bartoshuk to the Animal Commission for an unexpired term ending September 30, 2019 and full term ending September 30, 2022
Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.
Motion carried; voice vote.
Mr. Bartoshuk was recognized for his spirit of volunteerism.
Ald. Melidosian was pleased to report that on March 20, the Library Board concluded their interviews for a Library Director and hired its new director, Heidi Smith. Patrick Lamb, the president of the Library Board was present at the meeting with Director Smith who completed her first full day working for the Park Ridge Library. According to Mr. Lamb, Heidi’s credentials are superb and that she will be an asset to the Library. Ms. Smith was excited to be on board. She was impressed by the dedication and investment of the Library Board and by the employees that have shown passion for their work.
B. City Council
No report.
C. City Attorney
No report.
D. City Clerk
City Clerk Henneman reported on the recent dinner event held by the Sister Cities Commission. Mayor Maloney explained the reason for the British flag in the Council Chambers to the students that were present at the meeting. City Clerk Henneman explained how the City found Kinver, England as its Sister City.
E. City Manager
No report.
F. Finance Director
1. Warrant report for the period ending April 15, 2018 in the amount of $5,686,757.24 reviewed by Ald. Moran
VI. Consent Agenda
*All items listed with an asterisk are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of those items unless an Alderman so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.
VIII.I.1. Approve a purchase order for the repair to Ladder Truck (F45) with Fire Service Inc. in the amount of $17,505.75
VIII.I.2. Approve an Illinois Department of Transportation Supplemental Resolution to use Motor Fuel Tax Funds in the amount of $200,000 for the 2018/2019 Street Resurfacing Program
VIII.I.3. Approve an Ordinance amending Municipal Code 13-16-8 and 13-13-1 for permit parking on Garden Street
VIII.I.4. Approve the Grant Agreement between the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, and the City of Park Ridge
VIII.I.5. Approve the Resolution for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Northwest Highway Streetscape Project
Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Ald. Moran, Wilkening, Milissis, Shubert, Mazzuca, Melidosian, And Joyce (7)
Nays: None (0)
Absent: None (0)
Abstain: None (0)
Motion carried, 7 – 0.
VII. Citizens Who Wish to Address the City Council on a Non-Agenda Item
No comments.
VIII. Reports of Boards, Commissions and Committees
A. Community Health Commission – Ald. Joyce
No report.
B. Historic Preservation Commission – Ald. Joyce
Ald. Joyce reported that the Commission plans to move ahead to make the Berry Parkway gates a potential Historic landmark.
C. Library Board of Trustees – Ald. Melidosian
Ald. Melidosian reported on the Library construction planned for this summer that will be a major renovation. The intergovernmental agreement has been red-lined by the Library Board and will be presented to City Manager Gilmore and the City Attorney. Ald. Melidosian explained the purpose of the IGA which spells out the responsibilities of the City and the Library as it relates to the operation of the Library.
D. Liquor License Review Board – Liquor Commissioner/Mayor Maloney
No report.
E. O’Hare Airport Commission – Ald. Mazzuca
No report.
F. Planning and Zoning Commission – Ald. Wilkening
No report.
G. Zoning Board of Appeals – Ald. Moran
No report.
H. Procedures and Regulations Committee – Ald. Wilkening
No report.
I. Public Works Committee – Ald. Moran
1. Approve a purchase order for the repair to Ladder Truck (F45) with Fire Service Inc. in the amount of $17,505.75 / Approved by omnibus vote
2. Approve an Illinois Department of Transportation Supplemental Resolution to use Motor Fuel Tax Funds in the amount of $200,000 for the 2018/2019 Street Resurfacing Program / Approved by omnibus vote
3. Approve an Ordinance amending Municipal Code 13-16-8 and 13-13-1 for permit parking on Garden Street / Approved by omnibus vote
4. Approve the Grant Agreement between the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, and the City of Park Ridge / Approved by omnibus vote
5. Approve the Resolution for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Northwest Highway Streetscape Project / Approved by omnibus vote
J. Public Safety Committee – Ald. Melidosian
1. Approve a design build contract for the City Hall office remodel, PD 18-02 to Efraim Carlson & Sons, Libertyville, Illinois in the amount of $46,800
Moved by Ald. Melidosian. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.
Police Chief Kaminski provided the details of the office remodel. Ald. Melidosian added that interviews conducted by the detectives in the new office space would be non-custodial.
Ald. Mazzuca, who previously voted against the motion, plans to support the motion. He misunderstood an expense on the bid tabulation regarding desks. He proceeded to speak about the bid tabs and costs being considered. He believes special care needs to be taken and points tallied differently when the bids are finalized and the lowest cost option is not one that will work.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Ald. Milissis, Wilkening, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Joyce And Moran (7)
Nays: None (0)
Absent: None (0)
Abstain: None (0)
Motion carried, 7 – 0.
Finance and Budget Committee – Ald. Mazzuca
1. Approve a budget ordinance fir fiscal year 2019 Budget beginning May 1, 2018 and ending April 30, 2019
Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Moran.
Ald. Mazzuca provided a few brief comments. He pointed out that this year’s budget showed significant organizational improvements. It demonstrated rebuilding in Human Resource and Police functions; addressing employee recruitment and retention; and embraced technology to provide better service. He spoke about improved and accountability to the taxpayers, providing many examples. He believes it is important to put extra project management resources on all of the initiatives to ensure successful results. He spoke about a few placeholders in the budget including the automated water meter reading project and the holiday lights. The Stormwater management plan is still a work in progress that will require amendments to budget going forward. He indicated that staff and the Council did a nice job addressing the budget strategic level with the taxpayers in mind.
Ald. Moran spoke about the holiday lights. Based on various questions over the last few weeks, the Lights Committee does not want the money held as a placeholder.
Amendment: Approve to remove $30,000 in Public Works for the installation and takedown of holiday lights.
Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded Ald. Mazzuca.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Ald. Wilkening, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Joyce, Moran, And Milissis (7)
Nays: None (0)
Absent: None (0)
Abstain: None (0)
Motion carried, 7 – 0.
Motion to open public hearing for fiscal year 2018-19, as amended.
Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Moran.
Motion carried; voice vote.
Motion to close public hearing for the 2018-19 fiscal year budget.
Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.
Motion carried; voice vote.
Ald. Moran recognized Ald. Mazzuca and staff for the hard work putting together and a smooth budget process.
Mayor Maloney concurred.
Roll Call (Main motion, as amended)
Ayes: Ald. Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Joyce, Moran, Milissis And Wilkening (7)
Nays: None (0)
Absent: None (0)
Abstain: None (0)
Motion carried, 7 – 0.
The Mayor asked students present at the meeting to go home to tell their parents that the City Council and staff has lowered the City portion of their taxes.
IX. New business
X. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Note: The minutes are a summary of business transacted at the meeting. They are not a verbatim copy of the recording.