City of Elgin City Council met May 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
Call to Order
Invocation – Reverend Jeff Mikyska, Holy Trinity Lutheran
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Minutes of Previous Meetings – April 25, 2018
• Poppy Days Proclamation
• Police Peace Officers Memorial Day Proclamation
• Elgin Area Firefighters’ Memorial Day
• Kids to Parks Day Proclamation
Recognize Persons Present
1. 18-026 Festival Park Playground Renovation ($73,756)
Other Business (O):
1. Resolution Approving Annual Membership Renewal with Metro West Council of
Government for May, 2018 to April, 2019
2. Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use for a Physical Fitness Facility and an Other School and Educational Service (After School Program) in the AB Area Business District and ARC Arterial Road Corridor Overlay District (1164 North McLean Boulevard)
3. Ordinance Establishing a Pay Plan for the Public Services Employee Group of the City of Elgin
**Consent Agenda (C):
1. Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with Engineering Enterprises Inc. for Engineering Services in Connection with the Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR) Program Implementation Plan
2. Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with Engineering Enterprises Inc. for Engineering Services in Connection with the 2018 Residential Resurfacing (East) Program
3. Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with HR Green Inc. for Engineering Services in Connection with the 2018-2021 Bridge Inspection Program
4. Resolution Authorizing Execution of License Agreement with Cook's Ice Cream, LLC for the Operation of a Seasonal Ice Cream Truck and Concession Stand at Festival Park
5. Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Hanover Township Relating to the Transfer of Certain Real Property for Recreational and Other Public Purposes
6. Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use for Accessory Package Liquor Sales in the CI Commercial Industrial District and ARC Arterial Road Corridor Overlay District (811 East Chicago Street)
Miscellaneous Business (M):
1. Boards and Commissions Minutes
a. Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee, April 3, 2018
b. Heritage Commission Design Review, March 27, 2018
c. Human Relations Commission, April 3 and 16, 2018
d. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, March 20, 2018
e. Committee of the Whole, April 11, 2018
f. City Council Minutes, April 11, 2018
2. Various Reports
a. Electricity Tax Revenue
b. Natural Gas Tax Revenue
Next Committee of the Whole Meeting, Wednesday, May 23, 2018, at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers
Next Regular Meeting of the Elgin City Council, Wednesday, May 23, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
**All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by a Council member or citizen, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately immediately after approval of the Consent Agenda. Citizens desiring discussion on any item listed under the Consent Agenda should contact a Council member prior to the meeting and request that the item be removed for discussion.