
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Glenview Board of Trustees met May 1.

Webp meet

Village of Glenview Board of Trustees met May 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1.Roll Call

2.Flag Ceremony


a.April 17, 2018 Board of Trustees meeting

4.Report of the Village President

5.Report of the Village Manager

6.Report of the Village Attorney

7.Reports of special committees

8.Public Hearings

9.Consent agenda and approval of bills

a.Old Business

i.Second consideration of an Ordinance prohibiting the use of coal tar sealants in the Village of Glenview

ii.Second consideration of an Ordinance granting a Zoning Variation for a ground sign for St. David’s Nursery School Sign at 2410 Glenview Road

iii.Second consideration of an Ordinance amending Chapter 98 Zoning of the Glenview Municipal Code

b.New Business

i.Consideration of a Resolution and recommendation authorizing the execution of a second addendum to the Employment Agreement of the Village Manager

ii.Consideration of Resolutions for the Paddock Drive/Willow Road water main project:

(1) Authorizing a bid award to Mauro Sewer Construction Inc., of Des Plaines, Illinois in the amount of $537,946.00, plus a six percent (6%) contingency, for a total budget of $570,222.00; and

(2) Authorizing execution of an Easement Agreement for construction of water main improvements at Paddock Drive

iii.Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing a Lease Agreement with the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority ("Metra") for the Lease of Parking Spaces near the Downtown Train Station

iv.Consideration of Resolutions regarding The Glen of North Glenview Metra Station Sidewalk Improvement Project authorizing:

(1) An amendment to contract with Schroeder & Schroeder Inc., of Skokie, IL, for concrete sidewalk replacement in the amount not-to-exceed $15,750.00;

(2) Waiver of the competitive bidding process and authorizing execution of a contract award to Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc., of Lake Zurich, IL, for asphalt sidewalk paving in the amount not-to-exceed $41,600.00;

(3) Waiver of the competitive bidding process and authorizing execution of a contract award to Gallagher Asphalt Corporation of Thornton, IL, for asphalt coloring and stamping in the amount not-to-exceed $97,000.00; and

(4) An amendment to the FY 2018 budget in the amount of $154,350.00 to the Commuter Parking Fund

v.Consideration of the approval of the voucher list for May 1, 2018

10.Old Business

a.Second consideration of Ordinances and a Resolution for the Kiddie Academy at 662 Waukegan (Request to continue until May 15, 2018):

i.Second consideration of an Ordinance granting Vacation of public Right-of-Way, Official Map Amendment, Rezoning, Final Site Plan Review, and Preliminary Subdivision; and

ii.Second consideration of an Ordinance granting a Zoning Variation for Side Yard Setback for the Kiddie Academy at 662 Waukegan Road

iii.Village Board direction on the potential consideration of a Resolution authorizing the execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement regarding the sale of vacated Village right-of-way known as Harmony Lane

11.New Business

a.Consideration of Resolutions for the purpose of opposing the Amtrak Hiawatha project:

i.Approving a Budget Amendment in the amount of $400,000.00; and

ii.Approving an agreement with Jasculca Terman Strategic Communications in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00

12.Matters to be Presented by the Public

