
North Cook News

Monday, February 24, 2025

City of Park Ridge Historic Preservation Commission met March 7.

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City of Park Ridge Historic Preservation Commission met March 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Chair Barclay called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

A. Roll Call


Judy Barclay, Chair

Paul Adlaf

Sharon Bollinger

Barbara Christopher

Mario Costanza (via phone)

Shel Newman

John Mackin (via phone)

Joan Mattingly

Julie Tiu


Jon Branham, Senior Planner

Josie Faraci, Administrative Assistant

City Council




B. Approval of Minutes - February 7, 2018

On a motion by Commissioner Mattingly seconded by Commissioner Tiu, the Commission agreed to approve the minutes from the February 7, 2018 meeting, as submitted.

This motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.

C. Citizens Wishing to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items - none

D. Designation Review Cases - none

E. Other Items - Discussion Items

1. Action Items

1. Clarify motion for landmark nomination of American Legion Monument

Mr. Branham explained for legal purposes of the Ordinance, the Commission needed to clarify the motion from the last meeting to indicate that the Monument designation would be applied regardless of location, and that the designation would run with the Monument and not the land.

On a motion by Commissioner Mattingly, seconded by Commissioner Bollinger, the Commission agreed to modify the motion to clarify the Monument designation would be applied regardless of location and would run with the Monument itself and not the land.

The motion was unanimously approved by roll call.

ii. Berry Parkway Gates - Landmark Application

Chair Barclay stated the residents from Berry Parkway had submitted additional information, which seemed adequate to move forward with a landmark application. She stated the item would need to proceed to the Committee of the Whole to acknowledge the application similar to the American Legion Monument since the City is the owner, and the Gates are located on public property. The Commissioners agreed the item should proceed to the Committee of the Whole.

1. Discussion Items

i, Poster Contest

Commissioner Tiu stated the Commission would be preparing for the 8th Annual Poster Contest and distributed information for the Commissioners to review. There was some discussion regarding clarification of outgoing information and participating schools. The Commission also discussed shifting the dates to May 2nd for the Commission review, and May 21st for the City Council presentation, which was accepted. Commissioner Adlaf requested the photo on the application be changed to one of the Solomon Cottage. This was also accepted,

ii. Ordinance Update

Chair Barclay stated she had requested City Council move forward with changing the 3% Floor Area Ratio bonus to be exclusive to landmarks, but there was no consensus.

Chair Barclay reviewed the items provided by Ms. Guzek at a recent meeting regarding other potential changes to the Ordinance. The Commissioners agreed that owner consent, landscape review, and fines should not change. Chair Barclay stated that all fees were currently being examined by the Community Preservation & Development and the item regarding the Certificate of Appropriateness fee would be included in that process.

F. New Business - none

G. Adjournment

On a motion by Commissioner Mattingly, seconded by Commissioner Tiu, the Commission agreed to adjourn the meeting.

This motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.

The meeting adjourned at 6:32 pm.
