
North Cook News

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Village of Palatine Council and Committee of the Whole met March 19.

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Village of Palatine Council and Committee of the Whole met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Roll Call – Time: 7:00 pm

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Jim Schwantz Mayor Present

Tim Millar District 1 Councilman Present

Scott Lamerand District 2 Councilman Present

Doug Myslinski District 3 Councilman Present

Greg Solberg District 4 Councilman Present

Kollin Kozlowski District 5 Councilman Present

Brad Helms District 6 Councilman Present

Also Present:

Village Clerk Marg Duer, Village Manager Reid Ottesen, Deputy Village Manager Mike Jacobs, Village Attorney Patrick Brankin, Director of Planning & Zoning Ben Vyverberg, Director of Public Works Matt Barry, Fire Chief Scott Andersen, IT Director Larry Schroth, Director of Finance Paul Mehring, Director of Community Services Harry Spila, Director of Human Resources Pam Jackson and Police Chief Alan Stoeckel

II. Pledge To The Flag

Mayor Schwantz invited everyone to stand and join him in the Pledge to the Flag.

III. Approval Of Minutes

1. Village Council & Committee of the Whole - Special Meeting - March 12, 2018 - Accepted

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Seconder: Greg Solberg, District 4 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

2. Village Council & Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting - March 12, 2018 - Accepted

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Seconder: Greg Solberg, District 4 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

IV. Mayor's Report

1. As Submitted -

Mayor Schwantz announced upcoming events:

Saturday, March 31

Mega Egg Hunt & Family Event

Thrive Vineyard Church 11 am - 1 pm

Tuesday, March 20

Election Day

Political Signs must be removed 24 hours after the Election

Pick up signs by Wednesday March 21

V. Recess To The Committee Of The Whole – Time: 7:01 pm

Motion to Recess to Committee of the Whole - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brad Helms, District 6 Councilman

Seconder: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

VI. Committee Of The Whole

A. Infrastructure & Environment Committee – Time: 7:02 pm

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. Wilson Street Improvements Project:

A. Consider a Motion to Award a Contract for the Wilson Street Improvements Project - Approved by Voice Vote (Council District: Six)

Public Works Director Matt Barry reported that Wilson Street, from Brockway Street to Bothwell Street, is scheduled for streetscape improvements and pavement maintenance, to be completed by Memorial Day. Staff recommends awarding the contract for the Wilson Street Improvements Project to Schroeder Asphalt Services in an amount not to exceed $285,613.13.

Motion to approve items A. and B.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brad Helms, District 6 Councilman

Seconder: Jim Schwantz, Mayor

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

B. Consider a Motion Approving an Agreement with Bollinger, Lach & Associates for Construction Engineering Services for the Wilson Street Improvements Project - Approved by Voice Vote (Council District: Six)

Public Works Director Matt Barry explained Wilson Street improvements, from Brockway Street to Bothwell Street, using Tax Increment Financing funds. Estimated to begin in April, construction should be completed by Memorial Day. Staff recommends authorizing the Village Manager to execute the $34,675.80 proposal from Bollinger, Lach & Associates for Consulting Engineering Services for the Wilson Street Improvements Project.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brad Helms, District 6 Councilman

Seconder: Jim Schwantz, Mayor

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

2. South Supply Ground Storage Tank #2:

A. Consider a Motion to Approve a Multi-Year Maintenance Contract for the South Supply Ground Storage Tank #2 - Approved by Voice Vote (Council District: Two)

Public Works Director Matt Barry explained that to maximize water tank life, an outside water tank maintenance contractor makes annual inspections, periodically cleans the tank, makes necessary repairs, and repaints the tank every ten to twelve years.

Payments for the next 14 years on the South Supply #2 tank will range from a low of $25,000 (years 5-11) to a high of $172,544 (years 1-4). The Water Capital Fund has budgeted $377,000 in 2018 for the maintenance contract and any necessary steel repairs. The available balance available for steel repairs, if necessary, is $204,456. Staff recommends the Village Manager be authorized to execute the proposal from Utility Service Company the contract for the repair and long-term maintenance of the South Supply Ground Storage Tank #2.

Motion to approve items A. and B.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

B. Consider a Motion to Accept Change Order One with Utility Service Company, Incorporated for Steel Repairs at the South Supply Ground Storage Tank #2 - Approved by Voice Vote (Council District: Two)

Public Works Director Matt Barry recommended a long-term contract with Utility Service Company, Incorporated (now part of the Suez Company) for the painting and long-term maintenance of the South Supply Ground Storage Tank #2. The maintenance contract does not include structural steel repairs which may be needed with this year’s tank coating repairs.

Staff recommends authorizing the Village Manager to execute Change Order #1 from Utility Service Company, establishing unit costs for potential repair work in an amount not-to-exceed $204,456. This cost would allow for the replacement of all rafters, connections, and portion of the steel roof sheet. Should additional repairs beyond the budget be necessary, the scope would be quantified and presented for Village Council consideration.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

3. Consider a Motion to Award a Contract for the 2018 Landscape Maintenance Program - Approved by Voice Vote

Public Works Director Matt Barry explained that landscape maintenance services in the downtown business area, the train station and Gateway Center, the Police Headquarters, and the Village Hall were combined for a single bid to include 3 waterings per week schedule and supplemental watering as needed.

Both Milieu Design and Brian Edward Landscaping agreed to return any realized savings in supplemental watering to the Village of Palatine. Brian Edward Landscaping further volunteered to return any watering savings incorporated in the base bid to the Village, as well as complimentary design services for planting beds that the Village may request. When factoring the costs for supplemental watering expected, the Brian Edward Landscaping proposal is expected to result in the lowest annual cost. Therefore, staff recommends the contract for the 2018 Landscape Maintenance Program be awarded to Brian Edward Landscaping.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brad Helms, District 6 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

4. Consider a Motion to Approve a Road Salt Purchase Through the State of Illinois - Approved by Voice Vote

Public Works Director Matt Barry estimated the Village rock salt averages 6,000 tons, with a high of 10,000 tons and a low of 3,000 tons, with 3,000 tons stored salt at the end of this year’s season. The State of Illinois Department of Central Management Systems (CMS) will be soliciting bids for bulk rock salt in April. Staff recommends the Village Manager be authorized to execute the CMS purchasing requisition to purchase 6,000 tons of road salt for the 2018/2019 winter season.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Schwantz, Mayor

Seconder: Greg Solberg, District 4 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

5. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

B. Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee – Time: 7:09 pm

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

C. Business Finance & Budget Committee – Time: 7:09 pm

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

D. Community & Economic Development Committee – Time: 7:09 pm

Brad Helms, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

E. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee – Time: 7:10 pm

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

F. Police Policy & Code Services Committee – Time: 7:10 pm

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

VII. Reconvene The Village Council Meeting – Time: 7:10 pm

1. Motion to Reconvene the Village Council Meeting - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brad Helms, District 6 Councilman

Seconder: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

VIII.Consent Agenda

All items are considered to be routine by the Village Council and will be enacted by one motion, with waiver of first reading. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.

Result: Adopted By Roll Call [Unanimous]

Mover: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Seconder: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms

1. Consider a Motion to Approve Warrant #6 - Approved

2. Consider a Motion to Award a Contract for the Wilson Street Improvements Project - Approved (Council District: Six)

3. Consider a Motion Approving an Agreement with Bollinger, Lach & Associates for Construction Engineering Services for the Wilson Street Improvements Project - Approved (Council District: Six)

4. Consider a Motion to Approve a Multi-Year Maintenance Contract for the South Supply Ground Storage Tank #2 - Approved (Council District: Two)

5. Consider a Motion to Accept Change Order One with Utility Service Company, Incorporated for Steel Repairs at the South Supply Ground Storage Tank #2 - Approved (Council District: Two)

6. Consider a Motion to Award a Contract for the 2018 Landscape Maintenance Program - Approved

7. Consider a Motion to Approve a Road Salt Purchase Through the State of Illinois - Approved

IX. Reports Of Standing Committee

A. Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

B. Business Finance & Budget Committee – Time: 7:11 pm

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

C. Community & Economic Development Committee – Time: 7:11 pm

Brad Helms, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

D. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee – Time: 7:11 pm

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

E. Infrastructure & Environment Committee – Time: 7:11 pm

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

F. Police Policy & Code Services Committee – Time: 7:11 pm

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

X. Reports Of The Village Officers

A. Village Manager – Time: 7:11 pm

1. As Submitted -

Village Manager Reid Ottesen announced a presentation on School SafetyShared Responsibility will be held on Thursday April 12, 7:00 pm at Palatine High School. The Village of Palatine is working with District 211 and District 15 to make our schools as safe as possible.

B. Village Clerk

1. As Submitted -

Clerk Duer reported that Suburban Cook County has over 1.5 million registered voters and well over 100,000 have voted early--a new record. Tomorrow is the official Election Day. Polls are open from 6 am to 7 pm. To find your polling place on line, go to cookcountyclerk.com.

C. Village Attorney

No Report

1. As Submitted -

No Report

XI. Closed Session As Required – Time: 7:13 pm

No Closed Session requested.

XII. Recognition Of Audience – Time: 7:13 pm

No one came forward.

XIII.Adjournment – Time: 7:13 pm

Motion to Adjourn the Village Council Meeting - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brad Helms, District 6 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski, Helms
