Village of Arlington Heights President and Board of Trustees met April 2.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I.Call To Order
II.Pledge Of Allegiance
III.Roll Call Of Members
IV.Approval Of Minutes
A.Village Board 03/05/2018 - Amended
B.Village Board 03/19/2018
V.Approval Of Accounts Payable
A.Warrant Register 03/30/2018
VI.Recognitions And Presentations
VII.Public Hearings
VIII.Citizens To Be Heard
Anyone wishing to speak on a subject not on the Agenda should fill out a card, located in the back of the room, and hand it to the Village Clerk. Please limit your comments to three minutes.
IX.Old Business
A. Report of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of April 2, 2018
Consideration of recommending to the Liquor Commissioner the issuance of a Class "AA" Liquor License to Harmony Hospitality, LLC, dba Hey Nonny, located at 10 S. Vail Avenue. Liquor License will be issued upon verification that the layout is consistent with the submitted floor plan.
B. Report of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of April 2, 2018
Consideration of recommending to the Liquor Commissioner the issuance of a Class "A" Liquor License to Sky Daily Bread Inc., dba Nikko Jusarang, located at 282 E. Algonquin Road upon surrender of the current liquor license issued to this address
C.Continued Discussion on Proposed New Liquor Classifications - Breweries
X.Consent Agenda
This Agenda consists of proposals and recommendations that, in the opinion of the Village Manager, will be acceptable to all members of the Board of Trustees. The purpose of this Agenda is to save time by taking only one roll call vote instead of separate votes on each item. Consideration of this Consent Agenda will be governed by the following rules and procedures prior to roll call vote:
1.Any Trustee who wishes to vote "no" or "pass" on any Consent Agenda items should so indicate.
2.Upon the request of any one Trustee, any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately after adoption of the Consent Agenda.
3.Citizens in the audience may ask to remove any item on this Consent Agenda.
4.One roll call vote will be taken and will cover all remaining Consent Agenda items.
Consent Approval Of Bids
A.Asphalt Spray Patch Contract Extension 2018
B.Cured In Place Sewer Lining 2018
C.Water System Improvements 2018
D.Arlington Heights Police Station Bradford Lockers
Consent Legal
A. An Ordinance Amending Planned Unit Development Ordinance Number 17-028 and Granting Variations from Chapter 28 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code
(Heart's Place, 120-122 E. Boeger Dr.)
XI.Approval Of Bids
XII.New Business
A.Chapter 28 Text Amendments - Phase 2 - PC#17-005
B. Olympic Park Swim Center - 660 N. Ridge Ave. - PC#18-002
PUD Amendment, Parking Variation
XIV.Report Of The Village Manager
XVI.Petitions And Communications
A. Request for Closed Session per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21): Discussion of minutes lawfully closed, whether for purposes of approval of the minutes or the semi-annual review of the minutes
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5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11): Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the Village has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the Board finds that an action is probable or imminent