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Village of Palatine Village Council and Committee of the Whole met January 15.

Meeting 09

Village of Palatine Village Council and Committee of the Whole met January 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

I. Roll Call

II. Election Of Mayor Pro Tem

III. Pledge To The Flag

IV. Approval Of Minutes

1. Village Council & Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting - January 8, 2018

V. Mayor's Report

1. As Submitted

VI. Recess To The Committee Of The Whole

VII. Committee Of The Whole

A. Police Policy & Code Services Committee

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. Consider a Motion Requesting a Waiver of the Village's Sign Ordinance to Permit Temporary Signage for an Open House at St. Thomas of Villanova School, 1141 E. Anderson Drive (Council District: Four)

2. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit an Addition to Encroach Into the Required Rear Yard Setback at 108 N. Forest Avenue (Council District: Six)

3. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Variation to Permit a Canopy to Encroach into the Front Yard at 217 N. Benton Street (Council District: Six)

4. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit a Medical Office (Chiropractor) at 231 N. Northwest Highway (Council District: Six)

5. Consider a Motion Approving a New Automotive Use to Allow Auto Service and Repair Pursuant to Special Use Ordinance #O-184-99 at 1420 N. Rand Road (Council District: Four)

6. Consider an Ordinance Increasing the Number of Class G (Beer & Wine) Liquor Licenses by One for Mother Cluckers Kitchen at 220 N. Northwest Highway (Council District: Six)

7. As Submitted

B. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. Consider a Resolution Authorizing Relief from the Village's Code of Ordinances to Permit Clearbrook's 2018 Charitable Casino Night Events at 746 S. Vermont Street (Council District: Two)

2. Consider a Motion to Approve the Temporary Closure of Public Streets and the Waiver of Fees all Related to the Jaycees' Proposed 2018 Hometown Fest (Council District: Six)

3. Consider a Motion to Approve Items Related to the Village of Palatine's 2018 Downtown Street Fest (Council District: Six)

4. As Submitted

C. Infrastructure & Environment Committee

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Variation from Chapter 16 Rights-of-Way of the Village's Code of Ordinances to Allow the Installation of a Power Pole in the Rand Road Right-Of-Way (Council District: One)

2. As Submitted

D. Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. Consider a Motion Authorizing the Village Manager to Execute a Contract with Tyler Technologies Inc. for the EnerGov Permit & Licensing Software

2. As Submitted

E. Business Finance & Budget Committee

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1. As Submitted

F. Community & Economic Development Committee

Brad Helms, Chairman

1. As Submitted

VIII. Reconvene The Village Council Meeting

IX. Consent Agenda

All items are considered to be routine by the Village Council and will be enacted by one motion, with waiver of first reading. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.

1. Consider a Motion to approve Warrant #2

2. Consider a Motion Requesting a Waiver of the Village's Sign Ordinance to Permit Temporary Signage for an Open House at St. Thomas of Villanova School, 1141 E. Anderson Drive (Council District: Four)

3. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit an Addition to Encroach Into the Required Rear Yard Setback at 108 N. Forest Avenue (Council District: Six)

4. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Variation to Permit a Canopy to Encroach into the Front Yard at 217 N. Benton Street (Council District: Six)

5. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit a Medical Office (Chiropractor) at 231 N. Northwest Highway (Council District: Six)

6. Consider a Motion Approving a New Automotive Use to Allow Auto Service and Repair Pursuant to Special Use Ordinance #O-184-99 at 1420 N. Rand Road (Council District: Four)

7. Consider an Ordinance Increasing the Number of Class G (Beer & Wine) Liquor Licenses by One for Mother Cluckers Kitchen at 220 N. Northwest Highway (Council District: Six)

8. Consider a Resolution Authorizing Relief from the Village's Code of Ordinances to Permit Clearbrook's 2018 Charitable Casino Night Events at 746 S. Vermont Street (Council District: Two)

9. Consider a Motion to Approve the Temporary Closure of Public Streets and the Waiver of Fees all Related to the Jaycees' Proposed 2018 Hometown Fest (Council District: Six)

10. Consider a Motion to Approve Items Related to the Village of Palatine's 2018 Downtown Street Fest (Council District: Six)

11. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Variation from Chapter 16 Rights-of-Way of the Village's Code of Ordinances to Allow the Installation of a Power Pole in the Rand Road Right-Of-Way (Council District: One)

12. Consider a Motion Authorizing the Village Manager to Execute a Contract with Tyler Technologies Inc. for the EnerGov Permit & Licensing Software

13. Consider a Resolution Initiating the One Year Maintenance Period for Hays Subdivision3 (Council District: One)

X. Reports Of Standing Committee

A. Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. As Submitted

B. Business Finance & Budget Committee

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1. As Submitted

C. Community & Economic Development Committee

Brad Helms, Chairman

1. As Submitted

D. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. As Submitted

E. Infrastructure & Environment Committee

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. As Submitted

F. Police Policy & Code Services Committee

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. As Submitted

XI. Reports Of The Village Officers

A. Village Manager

1. As Submitted

B. Village Clerk

1. As Submitted

C. Village Attorney

1. As Submitted

XII. Closed Session As Required

XIII. Recognition Of Audience

XIV. Adjournment
