
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Candidate calls hotline, inspector general good steps to righting unethical General Assembly


Katie Miller sees Minority Leader Jim Durkin’s (R-Western Springs) proposal for a sexual harassment hotline as the beginning to better government in Springfield.

“The hotline is not a bad start, and I think it is a good idea to connect the victims with support and counseling,” Miller, a Republican running to replace retiring Rep. David Harris (R-Arlington Heights) in the 53rd District, told the North Cook News.

In the wake of activist Denise Rotheimer’s accusations that Senate Majority Caucus Whip Ira Silverstein (D-Chicago) sexually harassed her and Chicago-based political fundraiser Katelynd Duncan’s 300-signature letter describing longtime sexual harassment in Illinois politics, Miller said citizens deserve to know who exactly is being accused ahead of the 2018 primary and general elections.

Katie Miller and family

“We need to make sure that allegations are properly investigated and not ignored as they have been in the past,” Miller said of 27 ethics complaints reportedly left unattended for more than two years. She argued that the hotline and newly appointed Legislative Inspector General Julie Porter will help reveal the truth.

“Too long have legislators in Illinois felt that they are above the law and rules don’t apply to them,” Miller said. “We know of 27 complaints, but there are most likely others.”

An investigation should begin as soon as possible, she said.

“We need to give Ms. Porter time to review the complaints that have been sitting on a desk for years, and we need to call on her to release copies of the complaints” Miller said.

Miller dismissed House Speaker Michael Madigan's (D-Chicago) proposal to require sexual harassment training for lawmakers, state employees and lobbyists.

“I don’t believe that having sexual harassment classes for legislators would change the culture,” Miller said. “Lawmakers in Springfield have to be held accountable. We need to have leaders who hold our legislators accountable for their actions.

"We as voters in Illinois need to hold our legislators accountable and vote out the ones that committed and covered up the harassment. We need legislators who have morals that they live by.”

The 53rd District covers Prospect Heights and Mt. Prospect.