
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Winnetka Village Council met September 5.

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Winnetka Village Council met Sept. 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

1) Call to Order

2) Pledge of Allegiance

3) Quorum

a) September 12, 2017 Study Session

b) September 19, 2017 Regular Meeting

c) October 3, 2017 Regular Meeting

4) Public Comment

5) Reports

6) Approval of Agenda

7) Consent Agenda

a) Approval of Village Council Minutes

i) August 15, 2017 Regular Meeting ...................................................................................3

b) Approval of Warrant List dated August 11 – 31, 2017..........................................................6

c) Resolution No. R-61-2017; Approving A Purchase of Spare Circuit Breaker For The Plant Load Center From Eaton Corp. (Adoption) ..................................................................7

d) Resolution R-62-2017: Third Curb Cut for Driveway at 220 Birch Street (Adoption) .........10

8) Ordinances and Resolutions

a) Ordinance No. M-6-2017: 1121 Merrill Street, Variations (Introduction / Adoption) .........19

b) Resolution No. R-59-2017, Waiving Form Bidding and Approving Change Order No. 2 to the Agreement with ALamp Concrete Contractors (Adoption) ....................54

c) Resolution No. R-60-2017: Approving a Contract with Fairbanks Morse Engine for Repairs to Diesel Generator #9 (Adoption) ...........................................................................61

d) Resolution R-63-2017: Stormwater Management Preliminary Engineering (Adoption) ......87

9) Old Business: None.

10) New Business: None.

11) Appointments

12) Closed Session

13) Adjournment
