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Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Streamwood President and Board of Trustees met July 20

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Village of Streamwood President and Board of Trustees met July 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order:

President Roth called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Roll Call:

Trustee William Harper Present Trustee Mary Thon Present Trustee Larry Schmidt Present Trustee William Carlson Present Trustee Michael Baumer Present Trustee James Cecille Present President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.

Pledge Of Allegiance:

President’s Report:

P-17-001 Citizen’s Fire Academy Graduation / Recognition


Trustee Baumer moved for a recess to allow for photos and refreshments. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the motion. The Village Board recessed at 7:11 p.m.

Reconvene Meeting:

The Village Board reconvened the meeting at 7:35 p.m.

Roll Call:

Trustee William Harper Present Trustee Mary Thon Present Trustee Larry Schmidt Present Trustee William Carlson Present Trustee Michael Baumer Present Trustee James Cecille Present President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.

Village Manager’s Report:

Village Manager Sharon Caddigan reported that all departments are preparing for Summer Celebration.

Approval Of Agenda:

Request the Board approve the July 20, 2017 Agenda as presented. Trustee Cecille moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Agenda as presented.

Approval Of The Minutes:

Request the Board approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of Thursday, July 06, 2017 as presented. Trustee Cecille moved for approval. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Minutes as presented.

Community Development – Trustee Carlson/Trustee Schmidt

A-17-075 Ordinance – Approval of Special Use for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages / 43 S. Sutton Road / Kenkou Sushi Bar & Fusion

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Granting A Special Use Permit To Allow For The Operation Of A Restaurant With The Service Of Alcoholic Beverages In A C-2 Pud Commercial District, 43 S. Sutton Road.” This Ordinance approves a Special Use Permit to allow the operation of a restaurant with the service of alcoholic beverages, 43 S. Sutton Road, Kenkou Sushi Bar & Fusion.

Trustee Carlson presented the Ordinance for second reading and passage. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion.

Roll Call:

Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Schmidt Aye Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried. Ordinance 2017-18A-17-076 Ordinance – Approval of Variation to Village Code / 413 Cahill Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Granting A Variation To Title 11, Section 11-4-4(D)(3) Of The Village Code Permitting The Construction Of A 624 Square Foot Garage In An R-3 Residential District, 413 Cahill Road.” This Ordinance approves a Variance to Title 11, Section 11-4-4(D)(3) of the Village Code permitting the construction of a 624 square foot garage in an R-3 Residential District.

Trustee Carlson presented the Ordinance for second reading and passage. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion.

Roll Call:

Trustee Harper Nay Trustee Thon Nay Trustee Schmidt Nay Trustee Carlson Nay Trustee Baumer Nay Trustee Cecille Nay

Motion failed.

A-17-080 Ordinance - Approval of Special Use for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages / 1300 E.

Irving Park Road / Amor Banquet

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Granting A Special Use Permit To Allow For The Operation Of A Banquet Facility With The Service Of Alcoholic Beverages In A C-2 Commercial District 1300 E. Irving Park Road.” This Ordinance approves a Special Use Permit to allow the operation of a restaurant with the service of alcoholic beverages, 1300 E. Irving Park Road, Amor Banquet.

Trustee Carlson presented the Ordinance for first reading and posting.

Community Development Director John Peterson explained that the petitioner had planned to attend the Village Board meeting and make a presentation but he had been having some health issues and that might be why he wasn’t present. Mr. Peterson reminded the Board that the property was formerly a bank that closed in 2013. Mr. Peterson stated that the petitioner has made several renovations including enclosing the previous drive thru area for a full service kitchen and adding an entryway to the front of the building. The building’s large basement was formerly used for several businesses but the petitioner plans to use it only for storage. The petitioner has rearranged the parking lot and closed off one of the driveways from East Avenue. The second floor of the building will be used for ancillary uses for the banquet facility with one additional space for an attorney’s office. A landscaping plan has been submitted and landscaping items have been purchased.

Trustee Harper asked about the drive-thru areas and if a truck could get through. Mr. Peterson replied a truck could get through but not a large one. Trustee Cecille asked whether the parking was sufficient. Mr. Peterson replied that it was adequate, but if any floor plan changes are made, the parking spaces may need to be recalculated and the petitioner might have to go back before the Planning & Zoning Board. Trustee Harper asked if the trash area was sufficient for a banquet hall. Mr. Peterson replied that the petitioner could request garbage pickup more often if needed.

Public Safety - Trustee Cecille/Trustee Thon

I-17-001 Information Item - Summer Celebration Parade Route Road Closure

Our Summer Celebration Parade will be held on Saturday, July 29. Please be advised that there are some parking and travel restrictions during the parade. Parking is prohibited along the parade route. Participants will be lined up along Streamwood Boulevard from South Oltendorf to Bartlett Roads. Floats and marchers gather as early as 9:00 am. The parade begins at 10:30 am and continues west along Streamwood Boulevard to Madison Drive. Traffic turns south and is released at Irving Park Road. Bartlett Road will be closed from Irving Park to Schaumburg during the parade. Parking notices will be posted. Streamwood Boulevard will re- open following the parade and street cleaning.

Legislative – Trustee Schmidt/Trustee Carlson

A-17-081 Resolution – Termination of Participant Agreement with the Office of the Illinois State Treasurer and Global Payments Direct Inc.

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A Resolution Of The Village Of Streamwood Terminating A Participant Agreement By And Between The Village Of Streamwood, The Office Of The Illinois State Treasurer And Global Payments Direct, Inc.” This Resolution approves the termination of a participant agreement between the Village of Streamwood, the Office of the Illinois State Treasurer and Global Payments Direct Inc. for the processing of online Illinois Funds Electronic Payments.

Trustee Schmidt presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. Finance Director Josh Peacock explained that this Resolution will terminate the E-Pay agreement with the State of Illinois Treasure’s Office. E- Pay enabled residents to pay for their water bills online. With the Village’s implementation of the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, staff examined consolidating processing payments for Village services. Automated Merchant Services (AMS) has emerged as the best solution at the lowest cost.

Trustee Cecille asked if the “red flag” process will still work. Mr. Peacock explained that it would be a more efficient process and the Village will still be able to flag overdue payments. Trustee Baumer asked about the cost. Mr. Peacock stated that the current annual cost is $36,000 and it will be $28,000 with the new system. Trustee Baumer asked who was liable for fraudulent use. Mr. Peacock said the Village was liable but if a resident disputes a payment then they will still need to pay their bill some other way.

Roll Call:

Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Schmidt Aye Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried. Resolution 2017-41

FINANCE - Trustee Thon/Trustee Cecille

A-17-082 Motion – Approval of Semi-Monthly Expenditures

Request the Board approve the semi-monthly expenditures in the amount of $1,220,494.84 which represents the total of the schedule of bills dated July 20, 2017.

General Fund $ 390,945.96

Wetland Special Service Area 1,203.48

Street Improvement Fund 200,510.51

Facilities Replacement Fund 27,484.72

Water and Sewer Fund 588,905.48

Golf Fund 10,944.69

Firefighters Pension Fund 500.00

Total $ 1,220,494.84

Trustee Thon moved for approval of the semi-monthly expenditures as presented. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. Mr. Peacock stated that this may seem like a larger bill but that is because it includes the water and road construction costs.


Trustee Schmidt Aye Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Aye Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye

Motion carried.

A-17-083 Resolution – Agreement with Automated Merchant Services for Processing Online Transactions

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The Execution Of An Amended Agreement Between The Village And Automated Merchant Services.” This Resolution approves the execution of an amended agreement between Village of Streamwood and Automated Merchant Services for the processing of online transactions.

Trustee Thon presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. Mr. Peacock explained stated that we are looking to amend our existing agreement with AMS to include processing online transactions. The estimated cost of these services is $28,000. The total cost of services for both online and in-person services is estimated at $46,000. Staff estimates that the Village will save approximately $16,000 annually for both services by switching to AMS.

Roll Call:

Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Schmidt Aye Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried.


Public Works - Trustee Baumer/Trustee Harper

A-17-084 Resolution – Professional Services Agreement – Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Services

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A Resolution Accepting The Proposal And Authorizing The Village President To Execute On Behalf Of The Village And Authorizing The Village Clerk To Attest To A Certain Professional Services Agreement With Rjn Group, Inc.” This Resolution approves the execution of a Professional Services Agreement between the Village of Streamwood and RJN Group Inc. for Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Services at a cost not to exceed $29,890.00.

Trustee Baumer presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. Public Works Engineer Alex Riegler explained that Public Works evaluates the sanitary sewer on regular basis and has requested proposals to perform smoke testing, manhole inspection and dye testing to identify various defects and sources of Infiltration and Inflow in the collection system. RJN offered the best proposal utilizing experienced personnel in an economic and timely manner. Trustee Harper asked how many proposals were received. Mr. Riegler replied that three were received and that RJN did some projects last year and this year’s cost is less than last year’s cost.

Roll Call:

Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Schmidt Aye Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried.

Resolution 2017-43

Community Affairs - Trustee Harper/Trustee Baumer

I-17-002 Information Item – Summer Celebration

Summer Celebration will be held next weekend, Friday, July 28 through Sunday July 30 at Hoosier Grove Park. On Saturday, our annual parade begins at 10:30 am, stepping off from Streamwood Boulevard and Bartlett Road. Over 90 units will be in this year’s parade. Bring the kids Saturday to watch the movie “Sing”; show times are 5:30 pm and 8:15 pm. Sunday starts out with a golf outing at Streamwood Oaks Golf Club at 7:30 am. The festival ends on Sunday at 8:00 pm. Parking is restricted at Hoosier Grove, but free shuttle buses are available from Village Hall, Park Place and Hanover-Countryside Elementary School. Volunteers are always welcome; this is a great way to show your community spirit. Please contact the Mayor’s Office for volunteer opportunities.

Public Comments:


Trustee Baumer moved that the Board Meeting be adjourned. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the adjournment. The Village Board adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
