
North Cook News

Monday, January 6, 2025

City of Elgin Cultural Arts Commission met June 12.


City of Elgin Cultural Arts Commission met June 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

A. Call to Order:7:04pm 

B. Roll Call: Commissioners Rehberg, Erlandson, Richmond, Hulin, Miceli, and Thomas and Fox present. Chairman Vassallo present. Councilwoman Powell present. Student Representative Kaye present. Staff Harris and Wilhelmi present.   

C. Citizen’s Forum:     

D. Staff Report:    

a. Financial Report:    

i. The  ECAC is now officially a member of the Illinois Art Alliance and Americans for the Arts. Brochures, books, and info graphics from these organizations have been ordered.       

b. Art Showcase:    

i. June and into July is full with renters.     

ii. August will be dark for some improvements to the space   

iii. 2018 calendar request forms have gone out and will be due back at the end of June.

i. Motion to approve May Minutes by Commissioner Hulin. Seconded by Commissioner Rehberg. Approved by a vote of 7-­‐0-­‐2 with Commissioner Richmond and Councilwoman Powell abstaining.

c. Hemmens:    

i. Dance recitals are in house right now 

ii. August will be dark for improvements. 

d. Approval of May Minutes:

E. Old  Business    

a. Marketing Sub-­‐Committee:    

i. Daily Herald Marketing  plan:    

1. A total of 10 Time Out ads, 12 Neighbor ads, and several digital ads will be apportioned to the CAC events. That full schedule will be sent to folks this week. 

ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, July: Commissioner Erlandson will write the article about Summer Theater.

b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:  

i. Elgin Fringe Festival:  

1. July 11th, World Fringe Day, EFF will host a poster and button release party at Martini Room. 

2. The buttons have arrived and showcase artist Dave Metzger’s artwork. 

ii. Elgin Short Film Festival: 

1. A total of 11 films have been submitted so far. Celebrity judges are being selected now. 

iii. Jazzin’ on the 8th: 

1. Commissioner Thomas is working on this now. 

iv. Kwannza:

1. Councilwoman Powell is working with Kucha and Bobbatoni, an African storytelling and drumming group to perform. 

2. Early December or late November would be the date of the event. It would take place at the Gail Borden Library. 

c. Public Art Plan: 

i. General update: 

1. The Public Art Plan will be presented to City Council on Wednesday, June 14th. 

2. Voting on the New Works for 2017 will be done tonight, brought to Staff for feedback, and then brought back to the ECAC for a final vote in July. 

F. Other Old Business: None brought 

G. New Business: None brought a. Public Art Submission Scoring: 

i. Submission #1 discussion:

1. Commissioner Rehberg noted that it seems somewhat general and not incredibly original in that sculptures like these are often seen around. 

2. Chairman Vassallo noted that he liked the motion of it and that the material seems low maintenance.

3. Commissioner Erlandson noted that it seemed busy for the intended space, but depending on the direction that it would be placed, it would be noticeable. She also noted that it would be memorable. She also noted that the design of this is uplifting and seems to go in theme that this is the CAC’s first public art call. 

4. Staff Wilhelmi noted that the piece could be very reflective, which would play nicely with the lights above. He also noted a concern that people would attempt to climb it. 

ii. Submission #2 discussion:

1. Commissioner Fox noted that she like it, but was confused about the base noted on the application. She also wondered if the colors would be too busy in the location. She also noted that this would be memorable and create a location. 

2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the pedestal gets in the shade before the others, which is disappointing. 

iii. Submission #3 discussion: 

1. Commissioner Thomas noted that the piece brought him emotion. 

2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the view of this work would be noticeable from a distance. 

3. Commissioner Miceli noted that it seemed like it didn’t belong. 

4. Commissioners Richmond and Fox noted that the narrative wasn’t great and didn’t seem to tie into Elgin much. 

iv. Submission #4 discussion:

1. Commissioner Erlandson noted that not knowing the direction the piece was supposed to sit was frustrating. She also noted that this piece didn’t take the location into account when being created. 

2. Commissioner Richmond noted that the submitted images were not clear and seemed incomplete. 

v. Submission #5 discussion: 

1. Commissioner Fox noted that his work is interesting but isn’t sure how his work fits Elgin. Commissioner Erlandson noted that his proposal said he would be open to making the work more Elgin specific, but Commissioner Rehberg noted that while that was good, it also made it seem incomplete. 

2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that this work seemed to fit the location and was busy enough to create a location with its work, and seems a good contrast to the building. 

3. Commissioner Fox noted that the supplies list was comprehensive. 

4. Staff Wilhelmi noted that the work may be something that could grow to include the remaining walls along that side of the building, creating a bigger scene. 

vi. Submission #6 discussion:

1. Commissioner Fox noted that the way to acquire the materials was great. Commissioner Richmond agreed with that as a good way to work with the community. Commissioner Erlandson noted that there was no clear process on how to accomplish that, especially with the timeframe in mind. 

2. Staff Wilhelmi noted that the samples were great. 

vii. Submission #7 discussion: 

1. Chairman Vassallo noted that this one was difficult to see. 

2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the artist samples indicated that there seemed to be no history of the artist doing anything of a substantial size. 

viii. Submission #8 discussion: 

1. Commissioner Fox noted it didn’t seem clear why the sounds were so different and when/how they occurred; what is the main function? 

2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the sounds being powered by the rain was unclear, especially with the sound being increased and decreased by the velocity of the rain. 

3. Commissioner Thomas noted that using both art and science is interesting and creative. 

ix. Submission #9 discussion: 

1. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the piece has already been created, and wondered if it was appropriate to the location. 

x. Submission #10 discussion: 

1. Councilwoman Powell noted that the scale of the piece was clear. 

xi. Submission #11 discussion: 

1. Commissioner Miceli wondered if it would be appropriate during the full year.

Others noted that it felt cold.       

2. Commissioner Erlandson wondered how far back you have to stand to see the full image because of the  pixilation. Would you have to leave the location?     

3. Commissioner Rehberg noted that perhaps it makes too much sense in the space.


a Motion to adjourn by Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by Commissioner Hulin.  Approved by a vote of 9-­‐0.    
