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Du Page County Transportation Committee met June 20.

Webp meeting 06

Du Page County Transportation Committee met June 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order

10:00 am meeting was called to order by Chair Donald Puchalski at 10:00 am.

2. Roll Call

Present: Elliott (10:01 am), Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay (10:01 am)


3. Public Comment

Public Comment was made by Thomas Graham expressing conerns related to the speed limit along Geneva Road

Member Zay and Member Elliott entered the room at 10:01 a.m.

4. Approval of Minutes

A. Transportation Committee - Regular Meeting - May 16, 2017 10:00 am

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Brian J Krajewski, District 3

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

5. Consent Items (9)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, Vice Chair

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

A. Consent Item -- AECOM Technical Services - 1737 SERV - Contract Extension

B. Consent Item -- ESI Consultants, Ltd - 1528 SERV - Contract Extension

C. Consent Item -- HW Lochner, Inc. - 318 SERV - Contract Extension

D. Consent Item -- JA Watts, Inc. - 171 SERV - Contract Extension

E. Consent Item -- K-Plus Engineering, LLC - 1114 SERV - Contract Extension

F. Consent Item -- Marchese & Sons, Inc. - 1291 SERV - Contract Extension

G. Consent Item -- Parsons Transportation Group - 1331 SERV - Contract Extension

H. Consent Item -- Cotter Consulting, Inc. - 1527 SERV - Decrease/Close

I. Consent Item -- Huff & Huff, Inc. - 1321 SERV - Decrease/Close

6. Action Items

A. 2017-171 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Chicago Parts and Sound, LLC, to provide automotive upholstery repair services, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, for a contract total not to exceed $5,000.00; Per low quote 17-106-LG

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tim Elliott, District 4

Seconder: James Healy, Vice Chair

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

B. DT-P-0185-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Freeway Ford-Sterling Truck Sales, Inc., to furnish and deliver Sterling Truck repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, for a contract total not to exceed $70,000.00; Per Lowest Responsible bid 17-093-JM

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, Vice Chair

Seconder: James Zay, District 6

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

C. DT-P-0192-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Patson, Inc., d/b/a TransChicago Truck Group, to furnish and deliver four (4) Freightliner tandem axle six-wheelers with Monroe snow and ice equipment for the Division of Transportation, for a contract total not to exceed $751,852.00; Per lowest responsible bid 17-087-LG

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, Vice Chair

Seconder: James Zay, District 6

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

D. DT-P-0193-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Genuine Auto Parts (Napa Auto Parts) to furnish and deliver automotive repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period July 21, 2017 through July 20, 2018, for a contract total not to exceed $125,000.00; Per Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and National Association of State Procurement Officers (NASPO)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, Vice Chair

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

E. DT-P-0195-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Clark Hill PLC, for Professional Legal Services to negotiate Highway Authority applications, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019, for a contract total not to exceed $40,000.00 (100% to be reimbursed); Professional Services not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a); appointed as a Special Assistant States Attorney by the States Attorney’s Office pursuant to DuPage County Code 2-300.4-111

Discussion held

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, Vice Chair

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

F. DT-P-0196-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Clark Hill PLC, for Professional Legal Services to assist in environmental issues, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, for a contract total not to exceed $40,000.00; Professional Services not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a); appointed as a Special Assistant States Attorney by the States Attorney’s Office pursuant to DuPage County Code 2-300.4-111

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, Vice Chair

Seconder: Brian J Krajewski, District 3

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

G. Action Item -- DT-P-0287A-14 – Amendment to Resolution DT-P-0287-14, issued to Knight E/A, Inc., for Professional Preliminary (Phase I) Engineering Services for improvements to the bridge carrying CH 3/Warrenville Road over the East Branch of the DuPage River, Section 14-00124-04-BR, to extend the contract term through November 30, 2018 and to increase the funding in the amount of $29,889.72, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $224,549.46, an increase of 15.35% (County to be reimbursed 80% or approximately $23,911.78)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, Vice Chair

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

H. Action Item -- DT-R-0009B-13 – Amendment to Resolution DT-0009A-13, Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the Illinois Department of Transportation for traffic signal upgrades at various County/State intersections, Section 13-TSLED-02-TL, to decrease the funding in the amount of $7,780.61, resulting in a final County cost of $14,552.39, a decrease of 34.84%

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Zay, District 6

Seconder: James Healy, Vice Chair

Ayes: Elliott, Healy, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Zay

7. DOT Mobile Trails Application Presentation

Representatives from IT/GIS presented to the Committee a mobile app that assists bicyclists and pedestrians with navigating the County trail system as well as reporting trail concerns. The app is expected to go live late June/early July.

8. Report from State's Attorney's Office

9. Old Business

10. New Business

Director Snyder updated the Committee on the status of motor fuel tax distributions by the State to Local Governments. Without a state budget/appropriation, local MFT distributions will be withheld. The temporary deferral of MFT allotments and impact on current/on-going projects and debt service payments will continue to be assessed and the Committee updated as needed.

11. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings act 5 ILCS 120/2(C)(6),the Setting of a Price for Sale of Property

12. Adjournment
