Glencoe School District 35 Board met May 1.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
President Gary Ruben called the Regular Meeting of the Glencoe Board of Education to order at
7:05 p.m. on Monday, May 1, 2017, in Young Auditorium at Central School, Glencoe, Illinois.
Roll Call
Present: Mrs. Ackerman, Mr. Bailey, Mrs. Estes, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ruben
Absent: Mr. Chez, Dr. Glucksman
Approval of Minutes
Mrs. Ackerman made a motion to approve the minutes from the Regular and Closed session
meetings of April 6, 2017. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion.
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mr. Bailey, Mrs. Estes, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ruben
Nay: None
Absent: Mr. Chez, Dr. Glucksman
Public Comments
During the first opportunity for public comment, Mr. Ruben thanked Mr. Rob Bailey for his twelve
years of service on the Board of Education. Mr. Bailey has provided leadership, wisdom, and
unwavering support for the children and staff members of District 35. Dr. Wang shared special thanks
for Mr. Bailey’s commitment to the staff and positive guidance on decisions which have been
impactful across District 35.
Oath of Office - Newly Appointed Board Members
Mr. Ruben led the five newly elected Board members in the Oath of Office. Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs.
Estes. Mr. Gale, Mrs. Glauberman, Mrs. Kain Silver were sworn in to the Glencoe Board of Education.
Roll Call of the Newly Seated Board
Present: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Mr. Gale, Mrs. Glauberman, Mrs. Hahn, Mr. Ruben, and Mrs.
Kain Silver
Absent: None
Organization of Board
Reorganization of the Board of Education was conducted with a motion made by Mrs. Estes and
seconded by Mrs. Ackerman for the following slate of officers:
President: Gary Ruben
Vice President: Melissa Estes
Secretary: Catherine Wang
Secretary Pro-Tem: Jason Edelheit
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Mr. Gale, Mrs. Glauberman, Mrs. Hahn, Mr. Ruben, and Mrs. Kain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Designation of Regular Meeting Date, Time, and Place
Mr. Ruben made a motion to approve the regular meeting date, time and place. Mr. Gale seconded
the motion. The regular meeting date of the Board of Education of Glencoe Schools as the first
Thursday of the month. The exceptions to this are the July 27, 2017, meeting and the January 11, 2018,
meeting. The regular meeting time was set at 7:00 p.m. with the location identified as Young
Auditorium in Central School. The following Board meeting dates were established:
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Mr. Gale, Mrs. Glauberman, Mrs. Hahn, Mr. Ruben, and Mrs. Kain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Appointment of Committee Members
The following Board Committees were reviewed and Board members assignments identified:
Behavior Intervention – Melissa Estes and Kelly Glauberman
Finance – Marc Gale and Gary Ruben
Facilities – Julie Ackerman, Jean Hahn, and Gary Ruben
Technology – Julie Ackerman and Marc Gale
Communications - Julie Ackerman, Melissa Estes, Kelly Glauberman, and Jean Hahn
The following Board Representation was assigned for outside organizations:
NSSED (North Shore Special Education District) – Melissa Estes
Plan Commission/Intergovernmental Affairs – Gary Ruben
Sustainability Task Force - Jean Hahn
IASB Representative – Ashley Kain Silver
Information Items
Debate Team at Central School
Dr. Mollet introduced Mrs. Chelsea Alsberg as the teacher leader of the Central School Debate Team.
Representatives from the team presented a modified parliamentary debate to highlight the process
and procedures within debate. Mrs. Alsberg shared additional information about the history of the
team and the new opportunities to work with middle schools across our region.
Social Science Update
Mrs. Holaday provided an update on the Social Science requirements within District 35. On
December 16, 2015, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) adopted amendments to rules
governing Illinois Administrative Code, which included the new Social Science Standards. The
rulemaking became effective on January 27, 2016, and required all Illinois school districts to
implement the new standards by the 2017-18 school year.
The revised Illinois Social Science Standards are based on the research shared via the National Council
for the Social Studies (NCSS) and the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework. The new
standards are divided into two categories that must work in tandem: inquiry skills and disciplinary
concepts. Inquiry skills involve questioning, investigating, reasoning, and responsible action. The
disciplinary concepts make use of social science topics and include four categories: Civics, Geography,
Economics, and History.
Throughout the 2016-2017 school year, District 35 teachers and instructional specialists participated
in professional development to understand the C3 Framework, reviewed the IL Social Science
standards, and reflected upon the current Social Science curriculum. A needs assessment was
completed at each grade level to identify instructional shifts to align District 35 learning outcomes to
the revised Social Science standards in Illinois. While disciplinary content need not shift dramatically,
next steps will focus on shifts in instructional practice to ensure the new inquiry requirements are
included across our grade levels. To address this end, District 35 has planned summer professional
development days for grade level teams to build units of inquiry around the Social Science content.
One Book, One District
Dr. Wang shared an update on the One Book, One District initiative in District 35. All staff and parents
are invited to participate in reading Mindset, by Dr. Carol Dweck. This initiative serves to build a
common understanding of the principles of growth versus fixed mindset. In addition, District 35 will
continue to build an awareness of brain development and neuroplasticity with opportunities to link to
learning across our classrooms. All Board of Education members received a copy of the book to join in
our learning. Additional parent engagement options will be shared for the 2017-2018 school year.
Copier Lease Update
Mr. Edelheit presented an update on the copier lease within District 35. Due to a reduction in overall
paper and printer usage, a comprehensive print management program would not be logistically and
financially prudent due to our low volume. As such, Mr. Edelheit recommends the District enter into a
new copier lease to refresh our fleet and meet our copying needs. The administration will solicit and
analyze proposals in order to bring a recommendation to the Board this summer. Vendor selection
will be based on service, cost, and functionality to meet the District’s requirements. An action item
will be shared at a future meeting to proceed with a new copier lease.
Graduation - June 7, 2017
Dr. Wang reminded the Board members of graduation ceremonies scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on
Thursday, June 7th. The following Board members will attend and participate in the ceremony: Julie
Ackerman, Melissa Estes, Marc Gale, Kelly Glauberman, Jean Hahn, and Gary Ruben.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests
Two Freedom of Information Act requests were received since the April 2017 Board of Education
meeting. The first was from Shirquita Sharrock, a representative of SmartProcure. The request was for
the following information:
“… an electronic record (without scanning or printing) of purchase orders dated 2016-10-07 to current.
The information requested is:
1. Purchase order number or equivalent
2. Purchase order date
3. Line item details
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and email address”
The second Freedom of Information Act request was received from Laura Knittle of Franczek Radelet
Attorneys & Counselors. The request was for the following information:
“please provide copies of settlement agreements with District parents regarding special education
programming and services from 2011-2013.”
Responses were provided within the required timeframe for the two requests.
Monthly Financial Summary - 2017
Mr. Edelheit identified the March 2017 revenues as $9,430,918 and the March 2017 expenditures as
$1,766,670. Mr. Edelheit reported a March End Fund Balance of $43,806,186. Mr. Edelheit reported
that the ending fund balance includes the end of year tax collection. Mr. Edelheit also reminded the
Board of the six payroll checks which are processed in June.
Action Items
Approval of Payment of Bills – May 2017
Mrs. Hahn made a motion to authorize payment of the May 2017 bill list. Mrs. Ackerman seconded
the motion.
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Mr. Gale, Mrs. Glauberman, Mrs. Hahn, Mr. Ruben, and Mrs.
Kain Silver
Nay: None
The Board approved the Bill List for May 2017.
Approval of Personnel Report May 2017
Mrs. Ackerman made a motion to approve the May 2017 personnel report. Mr. Ruben seconded the
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Mr. Gale, Mrs. Glauberman, Mrs. Hahn, Mr. Ruben, and Mrs.
Kain Silver
Nay: None
The Board approved the Personnel Report for May 2017.
Public Comments
During the second opportunity for public comments, Dr. Wang thanked the Glencoe School District
staff in recognition of Staff Appreciation Week in the schools. The daily work is only accomplished
with the teamwork and dedication of all staff members. Comments of support were shared from the
Committee Reports
During Committee Reports, Mr. Edelheit reported that the Glencoe Park District had received the bids
for the West playground renovation. The Park District Board would review and take action at an
upcoming meeting.
Adjournment to Closed Session
Mrs. Hahn made a motion to adjourn the regular session meeting to closed session for the purpose of
discussing matters related to the security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to
respond to a potential danger to the school district, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8. Mrs. Ackerman seconded the
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Mr. Gale, Mrs. Glauberman, Mrs. Hahn, Mr. Ruben, and Mrs.
Kain Silver
Nay: None
The meeting was adjourned to closed session at 8:05 p.m. The Board convened in closed session at
8:15 p.m. Mr. Ruben made the motion to return to open session and Mrs. Ackerman seconded the
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Mr. Gale, Mrs. Glauberman, Mrs. Hahn, Mr. Ruben, and Mrs.
Kain Silver
Nay: None
Mrs. Hahn made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Ruben seconded the motion.
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Mr. Gale, Mrs. Glauberman, Mrs. Hahn, Mr. Ruben, and Mrs.
Kain Silver
Nay: None
The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m.