Glencoe School District 35 Board met March 2.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
President Gary Ruben called the Regular Meeting of the Glencoe Board of Education to order at
7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 2, 2017, in Young Auditorium at Central School, Glencoe, Illinois.
Roll Call
Present: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Dr. Glucksman, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ruben
Absent: Mr. Bailey and Mr. Chez
Approval of Minutes
Dr. Glucksman made a motion to approve the minutes from the Regular and Closed session meetings
of February 2, 2017. Mrs. Hahn seconded the motion.
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Dr. Glucksman, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ruben
Nay: None
Absent: Mr. Bailey and Mr. Chez
Public Comments
There were no comments during the first opportunity for public comment.
Music in our Schools Presentation
The Board moved to Misner Auditorium to hear from student music groups in honor of Music in Our
Schools month. Members of the West School Chorus Club, Central School 7th and 8th Grade Chorus,
Central Jazz Band, and Central School Chamber Orchestra performed for the Board and visitors.
Water Quality and Lead Testing Update
During the information items, Mr. Edelheit shared an update on Water Quality & Lead Testing in the
schools. Earlier this year, District 35 conducted water testing for lead and took corrective actions
where needed. Follow up testing showed no detectable levels of lead in District 35 drinking sources.
Since this time, the State of Illinois has mandated lead testing of drinking water in schools. A
summary of Senate Bill 550 was shared:
For buildings constructed before January 1, 1987, water sampling must be completed by December 31,
2017. Samples must be taken from each drinking water source located at the building. If any of the
samples taken in the school exceed 5 parts per billion, the school district must notify district staff and
While the law includes a provision that would “grandfather” the testing conducted earlier in the fall,
District 35 will move forward with planned retesting this spring. Based on Senate Bill 550, water
testing will be done on an annual basis for drinking sources and results communicated to our school
West School Playground Update
Dr. Wang shared an update on the West School playground project to be completed in partnership
with the Glencoe Park District. The Park District approved the final design plans on February 28, 2017.
Bid documents will be developed and bid approval is scheduled for the May 2, 2017, Park District
meeting. Dr. Wang shared details of the new playground space to include a poured in place surface,
new playground equipment, a new blacktop to serve as a basketball court, four square courts, and a
map of the United States. The footprint of the new playground will increase from 3,310 ft2 to 5,600
ft2. A key component of the work will address the drainage and water retention which is a limiting
factor on the current site. In addition, there will be a natural "discovery space" with climbing areas and
play structures for the 2-5 year old child. This play area will be comprised of natural materials:
mounds, nooks, wooden steppers, seats/tables, boulders and logs to climb. The project remains on
schedule to begin construction on June 12, 2017, and be completed by August 10, 2017.
Freedom of Information Act Requests
Mr. Edelheit reported two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests were received since the last
Board meeting. The first request was received from from Ryan Nation representing LocalLabs Media
Services for the following information:
“A complete list of candidate filings for the 2017 consolidated elections” and “the most recently filed
annual Treasurer's and Budget Report(s) for your organization” in electronic format.
The second request was a commercial Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was received from
Michael Day. The request was for the following information:
“The name of the substitute teacher and the amount remitted to the Teacher Retirement System of
Illinois for January 2015 - December 2015 and January 2016 - December 2016.”
A response was made within the required timeframe for both requests.
Board Policy Revisions
Dr. Wang shared two policy revisions for the Board’s review based on the recommendations from the
Illinois School Board Association and review with legal counsel.
4:110 Operational Services: Transportation
7:60 Students: Residence
The revisions are recommended to keep the policy manual current with changes in legislation. The
Board will be asked to approve these revisions at the April 6, 2017, Board of Education meeting.
Additionally, Dr. Wang shared recommendations for edits to the residency documentation required
when a parent completes student registration. Revisions recommended to Category II documentation
o Driver's License
o Vehicle Registration
o Voter Registration Card
o Most recent cable television bill and/or credit card bill
o Current public aid card
o Most recent gas, electric, and/or water bill
o Receipt for moving van rental
o Homeowners or Renter Insurance Policy or Premium Documentation
Board Meeting Dates for 2017 - 2018
Dr. Wang shared a draft of 2017-2018 Board of Education meeting dates. Board members requested
consideration be given to Monday night meetings. Dr. Wang will further examine the calendar with
administration, share a more detailed comparison of meeting dates, and bring options to a future
Board meeting.
Board Reorganization Meeting
Dr. Wang shared an update on the May reorganization requirements. Pursuant to law, every school
board must hold its organizational meeting no later than 28 days after the consolidated election.
Based on the 2017 calendar, the effective period to hold all school board organizational meetings
begins no earlier than Tuesday, April 25, 2017, and ends no later than Tuesday, May 2, 2017. Dr. Wang
recommended the Board hold the reorganization meeting and the regular Board of Education
meeting on Monday, May 1, 2017.
Monthly Financial Summary - January 2017
Mr. Edelheit identified the January 2017 revenues as $17,355 and the January 2017 expenditures as
$1,481,783. He reported the Ending Fund Balance for January 2017 as $31,895,176. Additionally, Mr.
Edelheit shared clarifying comments on the decrease in the Operations and Maintenance fund. This
fund will continue to be monitored and transfers may occur before the end of the fiscal year.
Approval of Payment of Bills – March 2017
Mr. Ruben made a motion to authorize payment of the March 2017 bill list. Dr. Glucksman seconded
the motion.
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Dr. Glucksman, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ruben
Nay: None
Absent: Mr. Bailey and Mr. Chez
The Board approved the Bill List.
Approval of Personnel Report March 2017
Mrs. Hahn made a motion to approve the March 2017 personnel report. Mrs. Ackerman seconded the
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Dr. Glucksman, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ruben
Nay: None
Absent: Mr. Bailey and Mr. Chez
The Board approved the Personnel Report for March 2017.
Approval of Board Expense Resolution
Mrs. Hahn made a motion to approve the Board Expense Resolution. Mrs. Ackerman seconded the
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Dr. Glucksman, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ruben
Nay: None
Absent: Mr. Bailey and Mr. Chez
The Board approved the updated expense resolution as required by the Local Government Travel
Expense Act (HB4379) detailing the type of business for which expenses are allowed and the
maximum allowable reimbursement.
Approval of Board Policy Revisions
Mrs. Hahn made a motion to approve the board policy revisions. Dr. Glucksman seconded the
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Dr. Glucksman, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ruben
Nay: None
Absent: Mr. Bailey and Mr. Chez
The Board approved three policy revisions as reviewed at the February 2017 meeting to ensure
policies reflect updated information related to children in foster care:
6:140 Instruction: Education of Homeless Children
7:50 Students: School Admissions and Transfers to Non-District Schools
7:250 Students: Student Support Services
Public Comments
During the second opportunity for public comments Dr. Wang shared two upcoming events in the
Glencoe community:
- Dr. Wendy Mogel will present on March 14, 2017, at 7:00 pm at Am Shalom.
- Glencoe will host the CUBS Trophy Tour on March 21, 2017.
Dr. Rongey also shared details of the recent West School visits to Cradles to Crayons in Chicago.
Students and parents enjoyed a civic engagement opportunity to assist in the Giving Factory and
participate in meaningful learning to support children in Chicago.
Committee Reports
During Committee Reports Mrs. Hahn indicated that Mr. Hall Healy would be joining the April 2017
Board of Education meeting to share updates on the Village of Glencoe Sustainability task force.
Adjournment to Closed Session
Mrs. Ackerman made a motion to adjourn to closed session. Mrs. Hahn seconded the motion.
Aye: Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Estes, Dr. Glucksman, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ruben
Nay: None
Absent: Mr. Bailey and Mr. Chez
The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session for the purpose of discussing matters related to the
appointment, employment, compensation,discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees
of the school district, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) and to discuss collective negotiating matters between the
District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for
one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) at 8:07 p.m.