
North Cook News

Monday, September 30, 2024

City of Prospect Heights City Council met June 12.

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City of Prospect Heights City Council met June 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Call To Order

Roll Call For Quorum

Pledge Of Allegiance - Led by Peter Falcone

Approval Of Minutes

A. May 22, 2017 Special Council Meeting Minutes

B. May 22, 2017 Regular Council Meeting Minutes


A. City Center Planning Presentation, by Jim Tinaglia, Tinaglia and Associates

B. Presentation of State of Illinois Resolution Honoring Former Council Member Darlene Ahlstedt, by State Representative Elaine Nekritz

Appointments/Confirmations And Proclamations

A. Proclamation Honoring Retiring Police Corporal Scott Minniear

B. Proclamation Honoring Retiring Police Detective Joe Vertone

C. Proclamation Regarding General Aviation

Citizen Concerns And Comments (agenda matters)

Staff, Elected Officials, and Commission Reports

Consent Agenda - All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered after all other Agenda items.

Old Business

A. O-17-14 Ordinance Amending Title 3, "Business and License Regulations” of the Prospect Heights City Code (2nd Reading)

New Business

A. R-17-06 Resolution and Agreement for City Center Planning Services with Tinaglia and Associates

B. O-17-16 Staff Memo and Ordinance Amending the Number of Class C Liquor Licenses, Providing Class C Beer and Wine Liquor License (8am-2am M-Thurs, 8am-3am Fri-Sat, Noon-2am Sun) for Elsie's Place Café, 1300 N. Rand Road (1st Reading)

C. O-17-15 Staff Memo and Ordinance Establishing a Capital Improvement Program for the City of Prospect Heights (1st Reading)

Discussion/Selection Of Topics For Upcoming Workshop Meeting, Items Listed Previously:

A. Review of City Liquor Code

B. Discussion of Sanitary Sewer Rate Study

C. Discussion of City Code Involving Home Use Occupations and Zoning Variance Applications

Approval Of Warrants

A. Approval of Expenditures

General Fund $166,311.13

MFT Fund $1,980.00

Palatine/Milwaukee TIF S67.00

Tourism District $34,657.25

Development Fund S0.00

DEA Fund $0.00

Solid Waste Fund $25,985.62

SS Area #1 $0.00

SS Area #2 S0.00

SS Area #3 S0.00

SS Area #4 S0.00

SS Area #5 $6,231.61

SS Area #8 – Levee Wall #37 S115.92

SS Area-Constr +6 (Water Main) S0.00

SS Area- Debt #6 $59,251.25

Road Construction S0.00

Road Construction Debt $150,867.50

Water Fund $40,683.97

Parking Fund S659.48

Sanitary Sewer Fund $1,241.00

Road/Building Bond Escrow $1,070.00

Police Pension S0.00

Total $489,121.73

Wire Payments

5/26/2017 Payroll Posting $145,692.90

6/2/2017 Payroll Posting $2,422.16

Total Warrant $637,236.79 14.

Resident Comments (Non-agenda matters)

15. Executive Session

16. Action On Executive Session Items, If Required

17. Adjournment
