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Village of Palatine Village Council & Committee of the Whole met June 5.

Webp meetingroom04

Village of Palatine Village Council & Committee of the Whole met June 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

I. Roll Call

II. Pledge to the Flag

III. Approval of Minutes

1. Village Council & Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting - May 15, 2017

IV. Mayor's Report

1. As Submitted

V. Recess to the Committee of the Whole

VI. Committee of the Whole

A. Police Policy & Code Services Committee

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit a Fence in the Front Yard at 137 E. Palatine Road (Council District: Six)

2. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Variation to Permit Lot Coverage to Exceed the Maximum Permitted at 1342 E. Michele Drive (Council District: Five)

3. Consider a Motion Granting Approval of a Waiver of the Village's Sound Amplification Ordinance and Temporary Amendment to the Licensed Premises for American Legion Post 690's Movie Nights on June 16, July 14, and August 18, 2017 at 122 W. Palatine Road (Council District: Six)

4. Consider a Motion Granting a Waiver of the Village's Sound Amplification Ordinance and Temporary Amendment to the Licensed Premises to Permit a 'Church Picnic' Sponsored by the American Ukrainian Youth Association and the Immaculate Conception Church on June 10 - 11, 2017 at 745 S. Benton Street (Council District: Two)

5. As Submitted

B. Community & Economic Development Committee

Brad Helms, Chairman

1. Consider an Ordinance Granting Final Planned Development, Final Plat of Subdivision, and a Rezoning from R-1 Single-Family Residential to Planned Development to allow the 10-Unit Auburn Ridge Townhouse Development (Council District: Six)

2. As Submitted

C. Business Finance & Budget Committee

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1. Consider a Motion Authorizing the Village Manager to Sign the July 3, 2017 Warrant

2. As Submitted

D. Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. As Submitted

E. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. As Submitted

F. Infrastructure & Environment Committee

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. As Submitted

VII. Reconvene the Village Council Meeting

VIII. Consent Agenda

All items are considered to be routine by the Village Council and will be enacted by one motion, with waiver of first reading. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.

1. Consider a Motion to Approve Warrant #11

2. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit a Fence in the Front Yard at 137 E. Palatine Road (Council District: Six)

3. Consider an Ordinance Granting a Variation to Permit Lot Coverage to Exceed the Maximum Permitted at 1342 E. Michele Drive (Council District: Five)

4. Consider an Ordinance Granting Final Planned Development, Final Plat of Subdivision, and a Rezoning from R-1 to Planned Development to allow the 10- Unit Auburn Ridge Townhouse Development (Council District: Six)

5. Consider a Motion Authorizing the Village Manager to Sign the July 3, 2017 Warrant

6. Consider an Ordinance Authorizing the Village Manager to Grant Administrative Approval for Certain Items Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals

IX. Reports of Standing Committee

A. Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. As Submitted

B. Business Finance & Budget Committee

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1. As Submitted

C. Community & Economic Development Committee

Brad Helms, Chairman

1. As Submitted

D. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. As Submitted

E. Infrastructure & Environment Committee

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. As Submitted

F. Police Policy & Code Services Committee

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. Consider a Motion Granting Approval of a Waiver of the Village's Sound Amplification Ordinance and Temporary Amendment to the Licensed Premises for American Legion Post 690's Movie Nights on June 16, July 14, and August 18, 2017 at 122 W. Palatine Road (Council District: Six)

2. Consider a Motion Granting a Waiver of the Village's Sound Amplification Ordinance and Temporary Amendment to the Licensed Premises to Permit a 'Church Picnic' Sponsored by the American Ukrainian Youth Association and the Immaculate Conception Church on June 10 - 11, 2017 at 745 S. Benton Street (Council District: Two)

3. As Submitted

X. Reports of the Village Officers

A. Village Manager

1. As Submitted

B. Village Clerk

1. As Submitted

C. Village Attorney

1. As Submitted

XI. Closed Session as Required

XII. Recognition of Audience

XIII. Adjournment
