
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Hanover Park Village Board met April 20.

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Village of Hanover Park Village Board met April 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order – Roll Call

Village President Craig called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Roll Call:

Present: Trustees: Porter, Shahjahan, Cannon, Roberts

Absent: Trustee(s): Kemper, Kunkel

Also Present: Village Manager Juliana Maller, Village Attorney Paul and Department Heads

Quorum established.

2. Pledge Of Allegiance

Recital of the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Acceptance of Agenda

Motion by Trustee Porter and seconded by Trustee Cannon to accept the agenda.

Trustee Shahjahan noted an error in the Board Meeting Minutes for March 16, 2017, stating that she participated in a three panel discussion at DePaul University, not Elmhurst University. Recommendation to the board from Clerk Corral Sepúlveda was to remove the minutes from the Consent Agenda and that the board introduce an Order to Amend in order to make the correction.

Motion by Motion by Trustee Shahjahan and seconded by Trustee to Amend the Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, Item 6-A.1, of March 16, 2017 to read that Trustee Shahjahan participated in a three panel discussion at DePaul University regarding Design of Public Spaces and Trends for Community Development.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Trustees: Porter, Shahjahan, Cannon, Roberts

Nays: Trustees: None

Absent: Trustee: Kemper, Kunkel

Abstain: Trustee: None

Motion to amend passes.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Trustees: Porter, Shahjahan, Cannon, Roberts

Nays: Trustees: None

Absent: Trustee: Kemper, Kunkel

Abstain: Trustee: None

Motion passes.

4. Presentations

a. Recognition – Part-Time Firefighters

b. Proclamation – Child Abuse Prevention Month

c. Proclamation – Autism Awareness Month

d. Proclamation – Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Village President Craig asked that all board members join him in acknowledging the eight years of dedicated service provided by Trustee Cannon.

Village President Craig spoke to how he first met Trustee Cannon, and reminisced about all the changes occurring in our community, the shared efforts for the betterment of our community as a whole. Village President Craig thanked Trustee Cannon wholeheartedly and ask that the meeting break for recess to allow everyone present to join in bidding farewell to Trustee Cannon as he retires from the board.

Board meeting is called back to order at 7:55 p.m.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Trustees: Porter, Shahjahan, Cannon, Roberts

Nays: Trustees: None

Absent: Trustee: Kemper, Kunkel

Abstain: Trustee: None

Quorum established. Board meeting reconvenes.

5. Town Hall Session

Persons wishing to address the public body must register prior to Call to Order. Please note that public comment is limited to 5 minutes.


6. Village President Report – Rodney S. Craig

Village President Craig noted that he will explore the concept of a citizenship initiative. The Mayor’s initiative may include a partnership concept for anyone seeking a pathway to citizenship.

Village President Craig spoke to his recent attendance of the Education and Work Center legislative breakfast. He noted the importance of finding alternative measures of sustainability through manufacturing and business sector support. He stated that the overall employment figures in the State of Illinois has shown a measurable increase and attributes the efforts from the Education and Work Center partnership to the growth in employment opportunities.

Hanover Park Village Board I Regular Meeting Minutes –April 20, 2017

Village President Craig spoke to the seventh consecutive year in which the crime rate has been reduced in the Village of Hanover Park and thanked Police Chief Menough and staff for their efforts.

Village President Craig invited all to attend the upcoming Kids at Hope event, on Saturday, April 22, 2017, and to the upcoming unveiling of the War Dog Memorial Event.

Village President Craig noted that he will be traveling to Springfield as part of the DuPage Mayor and Managers board to attend a conference meeting with the governor.

Village President Craig invited all to the kick off of the Cruise Night event in front of the Tony’s Finer Food parking lot on May 6, 2017, running through October every Saturday night.

Village President invited all to the Fire Department Health and Resource Fair on May 13, 2017. From 10:00 a.m., to 2:00 p.m., at Fire Station 1, on Barrington Road. And in closing, President Craig invited all to the upcoming River Sweep event on May 20, 2017.

Motion by Trustee Cannon and seconded by Trustee Porter to approve remaining items on the Consent Agenda by Omnibus vote.

Item 6-A.6 removed from Consent Agenda. No discussion.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Trustees: Porter, Shahjahan, Cannon, Roberts

Nays: Trustees: None

Absent: Trustee: Kemper, Kunkel

Abstain: Trustee: None

Motion passes.

All items marked with (C.A) are considered routine and thus are considered to be on the Consent Agenda.

6-A.1 (C.A.)

Move to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board meeting of March 2, 2017. Removed from Consent Agenda, Motion to Amend, Amendment passes. Added to Consent Agenda.

6-A.2 (C.A.)

Move to pass a Resolution authorizing an amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement between Community College District 509 (Elgin Community College), Community College District 512 (William Rainey Harper College), the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership and the Village of Hanover Park.

6-A.3 (C.A.)

Move to approve Mayor Craig’s Play Ball event to be held on July 26, 2017 at the Hanover Park Sports Complex.

6.A.4 (C.A.)

Move to award a contract for the 2017 Reconstruction Program to A-Lamp Concrete in an amount not to exceed $399,500.91 and authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents. Further, authorize the Village Manager to expend an amount of up to $20,000 for possible change orders for additional work.

6-A.5 (C.A.)

Move to pass a Resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the Village of Hanover Park for mowing along County Roads and rights-of-way, and authorize the Village President and Village Clerk to execute the documents.

6-A.7 (C.A.)

Move to establish a purchase order to Currie Motors for a 2017 Ford Escape in an amount not to exceed $22,314 and authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents.

6-A.6 Motion by Trustee Roberts, not seconded, to pass an ordinance increasing from $500 to $750 the annual Video Gaming Terminal Tax, eliminating the half-year reduction in the tax amount, and establishing an application fee for supplemental Class X license.

No discussion, motion lacked a second. 6-A.8 Motion by Trustee Cannon and seconded by Trustee Roberts to waive competitive bidding and authorize the Director of Public Works to negotiate the price and purchase of a new or used skid steer loader and accessories in an amount not-to-exceed $70,000, and authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents. A two-thirds vote of the Village Board is required.

Questions fielded and answered.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Trustees: Porter, Shahjahan, Cannon, Roberts, Mayor Craig

Nays: Trustees: None

Absent: Trustee: Kemper, Kunkel

Abstain: Trustee: None

Motion passes.

6-A.9 Motion by Trustee Roberts and seconded by Trustee Shahjahan to approve Warrant 4/20/2017 in the amount of $526,990.43 (526,779.49 + 210.94).

No questions.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Trustees: Porter, Shahjahan, Cannon, Roberts

Nays: Trustees: None

Absent: Trustee: Kemper, Kunkel

Abstain: Trustee: None

Motion passes.

6-A.10 Motion by Trustee Cannon, and seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve Warrant Paid in Advance (3/22/17- 4/12/17) in the amount of $772,614.09.

No questions.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Trustees: Porter, Shahjahan, Cannon, Roberts

Nays: Trustees: None

Absent: Trustee: Kemper, Kunkel

Abstain: Trustee: None

Motion passes.

6-A.11 Motion by Trustee Roberts and seconded by Trustee Cannon to approve February 2017 P-Cards in the amount of $17,231.23.

No questions.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Trustees: Porter, Shahjahan, Cannon, Roberts

Nays: Trustees: None

Absent: Trustee: Kemper, Kunkel

Abstain: Trustee: None

Motion passes.

7. Village Manager’s Report – Juliana Maller

a. Committee Liaison Responsibilities

Village Manager Maller introduced the Special Events administrative policy to the board. Mayor Craig spoke to notes provided by Special Events committee Member Sherry Craig, noting that the chair of each committee should receive training. It was confirmed that all committee members were required to take training on the Open Meetings Act. It was noted by Clerk Corral that the administrative policy previously established required that staff committee liaisons step away from illegal meetings, but that they were not responsible for members of the open body holding a public body. It was noted that it is the responsibility of the committee chair and members, not of the staff committee liaison, to not hold an illegal meeting. Trustee Porter noted that he appreciated the staff liaisons filed the required notices and minutes with the Clerk’s Office and did not see the need to make adjustments. VM Maller noted that she has not had this discussion with the staff liaisons, but that staff members are aware of the Open Meetings Act and they are to highlight them to the committee members.

Clerk Corral questioned why an administrative policy was presented instead of an ordinance as directed by the board, it was answered by Village Manager Maller that it was determined that the ordinance in place was correct and there was no modification needed, but that a policy be created with a checklist. Discussion in having an Ordinance to amend the section of the municipal code.

Trustee Shahjahan spoke to having the municipal code to require committee members to adhere to the policy as well. Special Events committee did not finish the discussion and she was not a part of approving it. Discussion as to whether the Special Events Committee had voted to approve the policy presented.

Attorney Paul confirmed that this is the Village Manager administrative policy and noted that part of it dealt with staff members, which the Village Manager could direct. He noted that another part of the policy dealt with Board liaisons, which the Village Manager does not control what board members do.

Trustee Shahjahan noted that concerns were not just about the board liaison, but also with the policy addressing the public body, which is composed of community volunteers. She also noted that new committee events are defined very broadly and that further clarity is needed. Additionally, she noted that she needed further clarity regarding the Village Manager’s Office reviewing new events and placing it on the board agenda for approval.

The board directed that the Special Events Committee continue the discussion on the issue and recommended that they come to an understanding of approving items via consensus versus voting on the item.

b. Treasures Report for the month of March

Questions fielded and answered.

Village Clerk’s Report – Eira L. Corral Sepúlveda

Clerk Corral Sepúlveda spoke to the retirement of Trustee Cannon and thanked him for his service to the board and our community.

Clerk Corral Sepúlveda invited the Mayor and all Trustee’s to attend the Market @ the Metra event on May 20, 2017.

Clerk Corral Sepúlveda spoke to the legislative breakfast event at the Work and Education Center and notes her concern regarding the sustainability of the Center as the funding from Harper College comes to an end. She emphasizes the need for greater engagement of current employers, staffing agencies, and residents.

Clerk Corral spoke to the Habitat for Humanity project. She noted the following major projects: five homes for acquisition, with the assistance from a grant from Home Fronts in the amount of $400, 000 dollars; with two of the homes located in the Tanglewood Court J area and one new home on Farnham being built. The CDBG grant was approved and design plans will be underway in the near future and construction being planned for next spring.

Village Clerk Corral Sepúlveda also noted that the Habitat for Humanity Organization is still committed to purchasing twenty-seven new townhomes. They have applied for several grants and are awaiting County approval. She stated that they are moving forward with the land purchase while also applying for a separate $500.000 dollar grant to fund the exterior improvements to several existing townhomes. Clerk Corral Sepúlveda stated that there are special grants available to veterans urges them to apply, through the Take Home Initiative, for the rehabbing housing projects, as they can take in to account for individual disability needs in the rebuilding design of their home.

9. Corporation Counsel’s Report

Attorney Paul wished Trustee Cannon well in his future endeavors.

10. Village Trustees Reports

10-A. herb porter

Trustee Porter also wished Trustee Cannon well on his future endeavors.

Trustee Porter spoke to the upcoming trip to Springfield where he hopes to have concrete discussions with our State legislators regarding CEDA block grants and the formulas for funding as it relates to public education.

10-B. James Kemper


10-C. Jon Kunkel


10-D. Sharmin Shahjahan

Trustee Shahjahan spoke to a suggestion made to her, by a business owner, regarding best practice sharing within small businesses and to a leadership support forum or method of communication for business women in all the various sectors.

Trustee Shahjahan also spoke to the Education and Work Center as it relates to the benefits to local businesses in our community and the lack of a return of investment on behalf of the corporate, industrial or retail sectors.

Trustee Shahjahan also invited all to the upcoming events; the MLK Build Up Day, on June 10, 2017, and the Habitat for Humanity and hopefully local business Participation.

Trustee Shahjahan thanked Trustee Cannon and wished him well in his future endeavors.

10-E. Bill Cannon

Trustee Cannon thanked Village Manager Maller, Deputy Village Manager Webb and Chief Haig on their leadership.

Trustee Cannon thanked the board and Mayor Craig for the opportunity to serve our community together.

10-F. Rick Roberts

Trustee Roberts spoke to the upcoming Memorial Day Ceremony and the unveiling of the War Dog Memorial.

Trustee Roberts thanked Trustee Cannon for his service on the board and wished him well in his future endeavors.

11. Adjournment

Motion by Trustee Porter and seconded by Trustee Roberts to adjourn.

Voice vote.

All Ayes

Motion carried: Meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.
