
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Park Ridge Committee of the Whole met April 10.

City of Park Ridge Committee of the Whole met April 10.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Committee:

I. Roll Call

Acting Mayor Maloney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll call was read and the following Elected Officials indicated their presence at the meeting:

Aldermen Moran, Milissis, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca and Acting Mayor Maloney. There was a


II. Citizens Who Wish to be Heard on a Non-Agenda Item


III. Public Safety

A. Action Items – Police

1. Award the purchase order for the purchase of one (1) 2017 Ford Utility Police

Interceptor AWD to Currie Motors Frankfort Inc., 9423 W. Lincoln Hwy, Frankfort, IL

60423 in the amount of $28,745.00.

Motion by Alderman Milissis, seconded by Alderman Moran

Chief Kaminski stated that one of the Police Department squad cars, the P41 2013 Ford Explorer

Interceptor was totaled in an accident on 3/2/2017. The officer was not in the vehicle at the time.

The other driver’s insurance company is accepting full liability. As full settlement, the City is

receiving $15,215.00 for the totaled out squad car and approximately $2,700.00 for switching the

equipment from the totaled vehicle to a new 2017 Ford Utility Police Interceptor AWD.

The Northwest Municipal Conference Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC), through its

competitive bid process, selected Currie Motors Frankfort Inc. of Frankfort, IL as being the lowest

responsive and responsible bidder for 2017 Ford Utility Interceptor (Explorer).

Motion Carried, 6/0 by roll call vote.

B. Discussion Items – Police


C. Department Head Report – Police

1. Monthly Report – March 2017

Chief Kaminski highlighted that the Police Department maintained its accredited status from the

Illinois Commission on Law Enforcement in March.

2. Complimentary Letters – March 2017

Alderman Milissis thanked the Officers who received the letters and the citizens for submitting


3. Red Speed Monthly Report – March 2017

Alderman Milissis noted there was a 63% approval rating in March.

4. Citizen Corp Volunteer Report – March 2017

Alderman Milissis summarized volunteer hours for CERT, Citizen Patrol, Parent Patrol and

Police Explorers at 215 for March and 762 hours year to date.

5. Community Advisory Board – March 10, 2017 Minutes

Chief Kaminski stated the meetings are going well. The 21th Century Policing Pillar- Building Trust

& Legitimacy and the Uptown teen issue were discussed at the March meeting. Alderman

Mazzuca noted the minutes, and referenced a comment related to surveillance cameras. He

asked if some of the issues are appropriate for Committee of the Whole (COW) discussions or

standing items for the agenda. Alderman Milissis and Moran added to the discussion and felt that

providing the minutes and updates of meetings are adequate at this time.

Chief Kaminski highlighted the upcoming Police Testing, scheduled for June 10, 2017 and

the Service of Remembrance, scheduled for May 8, 2017.

D. Action Items – Fire


E. Discussion Items – Fire


F. Department Head Report – Fire

1. Quarterly Report – First Quarter 2017

Chief Sorensen highlighted that the current pace of emergency call volume remains

consistent. He explained concurrent incidents and noted that they continue to be a concern. This

is addressed by placing the Rescue vehicle in service whenever staffing allows. Chief Sorensen

also highlighted the first quarter training, certifications and participation in the “2017 Hustle Up the


IV. Public Works

The Public Works discussion item was moved to be the first item on the agenda for Public Works.

B. Discussion Items

1. AT&T Gigapower Presentation

AT&T representatives, Elayne Granger, Director of Corporate External Affairs, and Keith Harn,

Area Manager Design Engineering, presented information on their proposal to install high-speed

internet cable throughout the city. This discussion and process had been started in the past but

never completed due to limitations on the AT&T side. Mr. Harn distributed a handout highlighting

the AT&T fiber architecture, fiber optic cable design, ground/pad mount and pole mount service,

physical descriptions, photos and information on ultra-fast speed and reliability of connectivity.

Discussion ensued. There was a consensus move to the next step with AT&T. Ms. Granger will

work with AT&T marketing to provide additional information and provide a timeline.

Gareth Kennedy, 300 S. Cumberland, stated that as a community we need to have this option

available. He had to move to another vendor for faster internet speed.

A. Action Items

1. Approve the Contract for the 2017 Street Resurfacing Program, 18-00000-1-GM, with

Arrow Road Construction Co., in the amount of $987,981.24

Motion by Alderman Shubert, seconded by Alderman Moran

Director Zingsheim stated staff issued an Invitation to Bid for 2017 Street Resurfacing Program,

18-00000-01-GM, on March 16, 2017 in the Pioneer Press. The project was also advertised in

the IDOT Notice to Contractors Bulletin on March 16 and 23,2017. An email Invitation to Bid

was sent to all contractors on the IDOT List of Prequalified Firms. Twenty-four (24) firms

registered via the City web site. The bid package was available on the website and at City Hall.

At the public bid opening on April 4, 2017, seven (7) bids were opened and read aloud. This

contract is for the rehabilitation of approximately 4.5 miles of roadway. Bids were received

ranging from a low of $987,981.24 to a high of $1,150,888.00. Staff recommends that the

contract be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder: Arrow Road

Construction Co., of Mt. Prospect, Illinois.

Motion carried 6/0, by roll call vote.

2. Approve the Contract for the 2017 and 2018 Sidewalk Replacement Program, PW-FY18-

02, with Schroeder & Schroeder Inc., in the amount of $274,140.00

Motion by Alderman Shubert, seconded by Alderman Moran

Director Zingsheim stated staff issued an Invitation to Bid for 2017 and 2018 Sidewalk

Replacement Program, PW-FY18-02, on March 16, 2017 in the Pioneer Press. Twenty-six (26)

firms registered via the City web site. At the public bid opening on April 4, 2017, seven (7) bids

were opened and read aloud. This contract is for removing and replacing approximately 900

sidewalk squares and 50 ADA detectible warning tiles. Any voluntary squares will be done at

100% resident cost. The FY17 budget for this program is $180,000. The contract is a two-year

term period agreement with an option to renew for a third year (2019) at $142,300. The total

contract length is not-to-exceed three years. Staff recommends that the contract be awarded to

the lowest responsive and responsible bidder: Schroeder & Schroeder Inc., of Skokie, Illinois.

Motion carried 6/0, by voice vote.

3. Approve the contract for the for 2016/17 Watermain Replacement Program, PW-FY17-

21, to J. Congdon Sewer Service, Inc., in the amount of $295,000.00

Motion by Alderman Shubert, seconded by Alderman Moran

Director Zingsheim stated staff issued an Invitation to Bid for the 2016-2017 Watermain

Replacement Program, PW-FY17-21, on March 15, 2017 in the Pioneer Press. Thirty-four (34)

firms registered via the City web site. At the public bid opening on April 4, 2017, eleven (11) bids

were opened and read aloud. This project is for the construction of 640 feet of new watermain,

including water service connections, curb and gutter, street pavement removal and replacement,

abandonment of a 6’ watermain on Touhy Avenue and all necessary cuts and caps, and all other

related work. The Watermain Program is part of an annual program to replace and

rehabilitate aged and deteriorating watermains throughout the City. This is part 2 of this project.

Staff has checked references and found them to be satisfactory. Staff recommends that the

contract be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder: J. Congdon Sewer Service,

Inc. in the amount of $295,000

Acting Mayor Maloney asked if this was additional watermain work. Director Zingsheim

responded yes, total spend is within the initial budget of the original project.

Motion carried 6/0 by voice vote.

4. Approve a one (1) year extension to the contract for Traffic Signal and Street Light

Maintenance, PW-FY17-03, to Meade Inc., in the amount of $83,382.00

Motion by Alderman Shubert, seconded by Alderman Moran.

In May 2016, the City Council approved a Traffic Signal & Street Light Maintenance contract, PWFY16-21,

with Meade Inc. This contract is for the maintenance of city owned traffic signals, streetlights, parking lot lights, emergency pre-emption devices, pedestrian signals, and costs for

extra work. Any extra work that is required is based on time and material with set hourly prices

included in the Maintenance Agreement. The contract term was for one (1) year and allows for up

to two (2) one (1) year extensions; the overall term period is not to exceed three (3) years. Annual

increases to unit prices, separate billing items and other city charges as necessary, shall not

exceed the annual percentage increase in the CPI for the previous twelve month period (April

through March), with a maximum increase of three percent (3%). Staff has received

correspondence from Meade regarding a one (1) year contract extension, with a rate increase of

2.2% to the contract unit prices per the CPI. Staff recommends that the City avail itself of this


Director Zingsheim noted the good service that Meade has provided for the City.

Motion carried 6/0 by voice vote.

5. Approve a purchase order authority for the Spring 2017 tree purchases to Goodmark

Nurseries, LLC in an amount not to exceed $57,560.00

Motion by Alderman Shubert, seconded by Alderman Moran

City Forester Naser recapped, in December 2016, the Council approved a five-year

Agreement/Contract with Goodmark Nurseries, LLC for tree purchases, beginning with the Spring

2017 planting. At this time staff is requesting purchase order authority for $57,560.00 to supply

approximately 300 trees for the Spring 2017 planting. Approximately $53,000 remains in the

FY17 budget for this purchase. In order to meet the new multi-year tree contract commitment, a

corresponding Budget Transfer of $8,500 will be done from Forestry, Emergency T&M to

Forestry, Reforestation to cover this expenditure as well as the purchase of Treegator bags.

Alderman Mazzuca inquired about the price per tree and if these trees are larger. City Forester

Naser responded that it depends on the species of the tree. Alderman Mazzuca also asked if

the trees being planted near Touhy and Dee will interfere with the power lines. City Forester

Naser responded they should not as they are ornamental trees.

Motion carried by voice vote 6/0.

B. Department Head Report

1. Stormwater Master Plan Update

Director Zingsheim stated Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd will be at the April 24 Committee

meeting to discuss the storm level protection presentation.

2. Bike Task Force Update

Director Zingsheim recapped that the Task Force and consultants met and are currently working

on a plan. Alderman Shubert added there was a special meeting on April 6 where a route study

and possible survey were discussed. The next meeting is scheduled for April 12, 2017.

Additional questions - Alderman Moran inquired about the parking study. Acting City Manager

Gilmore responded the City has received a draft and provided updates, changes and additions to

the final study. These should be completed by the end of April.

Alderman Milissis stated he has received questions from residents related to Patriot Acres, the

proposed Des Plaines composting facility, as to if the smell would impact Park Ridge. Director

Zingsheim responded it should not.

Director Zingsheim provided an update on the Talcott resurfacing project. The project started on

Monday and will take about 90 days. Much needed curb work is also currently being done.

Alderman Milissis received a question from a resident regarding easement paperwork on property

easement by the NWRD, is it a precursor to work starting. Director Zingsheim responded this is

a good sign that the project is moving forward.

Alderman Melidosian asked a question regarding the placement of wires related to cabling for

AT&T. Mr. Harn, of AT&T, addressed this placement question.

V. Other City Business


VI. New Business


VII. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.