
North Cook News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Park Ridge City Council met April 5.

Park Ridge City Council met April 5.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Council:

I. Call to order

Acting Mayor Maloney called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Deputy Clerk Peterson read the roll call and the following Elected Officials indicated their presence:

Ald. Moran, Van Roeyen, Shubert, Milissis, Mazzuca, Melidosian, and Acting Mayor/Ald. Maloney.

There was a quorum.

City Clerk Henneman was absent.

Staff present: A. Lamberg, J. Sorensen, D. Mellema, F. Kaminski, A. Simon, J. Gilmore, C. Peterson, J.

Brown, W. Zingsheim, M. Suppan, and K. Hodge

III. Pledge of Allegiance

Attendees of the meeting pledged their allegiance to the United States flag.

IV. Approval of Minutes

1. Committee of the Whole – March 20, 2017

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Motion carried; voice vote.

Ald. Milissis abstained.

V. Consent Agenda

*All items listed with an asterisk are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There

will be no separate discussion of those items unless an Alderman so requests, in which event the item will be

removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

VIII.A.2. Approve the final reading of Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Park

Ridge regarding Commercial District Purposes and Planned Developments

VIII.H.2. Approve the contract and purchase order for HVAC replacement at Fire Station 36 to The YMI

Group, Inc. of Elk Grove Village, IL

VIII.I.1. Approve FY17 warrants for period ending March 31, 2017 in the amount of $1,451,699.48

reviewed by Alderman Shubert

VIII.I.2. Approve a purchase order increase for Union Pacific

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

ROLL CALL AYES: Ald. Van Roeyen, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Maloney, Moran, and Milissis NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried, 7 – 0.

VI. Reports of City Officials

A. Mayor’s Report

1. Legislative report

Ald. Maloney reported that he will continue to work with Illinois Legislators and have them attend an upcoming


2. Presentation of badge of office to Ald. Charlie Melidosian, Fifth Ward

Acting Mayor Maloney presented Ald. Melidosian with his badge of office.

Ald. Melidosian indicated that he is honored to be able to serve the residents of the Fifth Ward and of the City

and hopes he can provide the same level of service as the late Alderman Daniel Knight.

3. Proclamation – Volunteer Appreciation Month, April 2017

Acting Mayor Maloney presented Deputy Chief Duane Mellema and City Volunteer Coordinator Thomas

Wilson with a Proclamation honoring the dedicated service provided by volunteers representing the City.

4. Proclamation – Healthy Living Month, April 2017

Acting Mayor Maloney read a Proclamation recognizing Health Living Month, and the various activities

planned in the community to promote healthy bodies, healthy minds, and a healthy lifestyle. The

Proclamation was presented to Amy Bartucci, a representative of Go-Green Park Ridge. Go-Green is a cosponsor

of the community-wide event.

5. Proclamation – Education & Sharing Day

Acting Mayor Marty Maloney read and presented the Education and Sharing Day Proclamation to Rabbi

Lazer Hershkovich. The Proclamation is in recognition of an annual national day that commemorates the

achievements of Rabbi Menachen Schneerson and the lessons and visions he set forth in learning and


6. Clay Cichowski – Recognition of accomplishment / 5th place finisher IL Kids State Wrestling

Federation Tournament

Acting Mayor Marty Maloney recognized Clay Cichowski, for his recent accomplishment of placing 5th in the IL

Kids State Wrestling Federation Tournament. Cichowski is in the eighth grade and attends Emerson Middle

School. His season record is 28 – 5.

B. City Council

Acting Mayor Maloney spoke about the results of the recent election which will cause a vacancy of the seat of

the Seventh Ward Alderman. According to State statute, he is allowed 60 days from the date he is sworn in

as Mayor to fill the vacancy. He announced that his plan was to follow the same process that was followed

when filling the Fifth Ward vacancy.

Ald. Mazzuca spoke about his intention to place the item on a future Procedures and Regulations agenda.

Due to the absence of a full representation of the City Council in March, he delayed mentioning the topic until

all Council members were present so that he could receive their input on the matter.

Attorney Simon explained that under State Law, the Mayor has complete discretion on how to select a person

that he nominates for a vacancy and present that person’s name to the Council for advice and consent. The

City Code does not provide any additional conditions or limitations on the Mayors exercise of discretion. If the Council wishes to make additional steps, the direction(s) shall only be perceived as directory

recommendations and not mandatory since state law vests discretion solely with the Mayor.

Acting Mayor Maloney reviewed the process used when filling the seat of the Fifth Ward Alderman. A

publication would be released allowing for any resident from the Seventh Ward who wants to serve on the

selection committee would contact Deputy Clerk Peterson. The committee members would not be

interviewed due to the time constraint. He will consider any change(s) based on consensus. All meetings

would be open to the public.

Ald. Milissis, Ald. Shubert, Ald. Moran, Ald. Van Roeyen, Ald. Melidosian all welcomed a conversation on the


Although Ald. Mazzuca was comfortable with the current process, he recognized the desire to discuss the

matter further. The agenda item would be Recommendations to the Mayor for changes of the process for

filling an Aldermanic vacancy.

On another topic, he mentioned that City Clerk Henneman plans to be in attendance at the April 17 City

Council meeting.

C. City Attorney

No report.

D. City Clerk

Deputy Clerk Peterson reported on the vote for the following elected municipal offices:

Marty Maloney, Mayor 68.83%

Betty Henneman, City Clerk – 98.92%, unopposed

Ald. Milissis, Second Ward – 97.73%, unopposed

Ald. Gail Wilkening – Third Ward 49.44%

Ald. Roger Shubert – Fourth Ward 57.46%

Ald. Marc Mazzuca – Sixth Ward – 98.47%, unopposed

Deputy Clerk Peterson also spoke to Clerk Henneman; they discussed the swear in date of May 15, 2017.

Attorney Simon indicated that he believes the votes would be certified before the first meeting in May. Acting

According to Acting Mayor Maloney, if the date should change, it would be publicized.

Ald. Mazzuca questioned when the budget would be adopted and if a 30 day period still remains allowing for

revisions to the budget. City Manager Gilmore indicated that the Budget Hearing is April 17, 2017. He would

confirm the deadline for any revisions.

E. City Manager

1. Approve a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Park Ridge and the Operating

Engineers Local 150 representing Public Works Employees for the period of May 1, 2015

through April 30, 2019

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Human Resource Manager Mike Suppan spoke about the last contract; after consulting with legal, it wasn’t

signed. There was a dispute over health insurance which advanced to an unfair labor practice hearing which

was later resolved. These negotiations are subsequent to that with the health insurance and wages being the

two greatest issues. HR Manager Suppan continued providing details of the contract which includes annual

wage increases averaging .175 percent per year with the higher wages being back loaded. The health

insurance premiums will be paid at 13% of the premium; any cap table was eliminated.

Ald. Melidosian questioned the retroactive nature of the increases.

Ald. Mazzuca referred to insurance premium costs. He sought the controlling language for premium costs

prior to the August 1 date. Human Resource Manager Suppan indicated that contract states August 1 to the

retroactivity. Prior to that, they will pay what is being paid now. Suppan said this was an assumption since they would continue to pay what they are paying now which was clear understanding with the union and

discussed at the table.

Ald. Moran questioned Director Zingsheim if there would be an influx of retirements after this contract is in

place. Director Zingsheim believes one person plans to retire.

Ald. Mazzuca questioned whether the beginning date year should be 2012. Attorney Simon indicated that the

agenda motion is fine if all changes made are after May 1, 2015.

Ald. Mazzuca will be voting in favor of the contract. He believed the increases were in line and the contract is

a very reasonable outcome for the City and its taxpayers.


AYES: Ald. Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Maloney, Moran, Milissis, and Van Roeyen

NAY: None



Motion carried, 7 – 0.

Attorney Simon read a portion of the Municipal Code indicating the regarding Elected Official taking office:

“The term of newly elected officials of the City shall commence, and such officials shall be inaugurated at the

first regular meeting of the City Council in the month of May, following election of such officials and said

inauguration shall be the first order of business of the Council at that meeting. Provided, if the Cook County

vote certification has not occurred prior to the first regular meeting of the City Council in the month of May, the

inauguration of the newly elected officials shall take place at the next regular meeting of the City Council.” The

Elected Officials could be sworn into office on May 1, 2017. “

VII. Citizens Who Wish to Address the City Council on a Non-Agenda Item

VIII. Reports of Boards, Commissions and Committees

A. Planning and Zoning Commission – Ald. Van Roeyen

1. Approve the final reading of Ordinance granting a Special Use for a Professional Office

(Ground Floor) at 110 South Prospect Avenue (17-02-SU)

Moved by Ald. Van Roeyen. Seconded by Ald. Moran.

The final reading on March 20 was tabled until April 5, according to Director Brown. It was tabled

due to a few concerns; parking and the issue of ground floor space occupied by office. He further explained

that Pusheen’s sales includes retail internet sales with a point of origin into Park Ridge. They occupy one

space already in downtown Park Ridge and seek to have another location, also in the City. The owner

resides in Park Ridge.

Andrew Duff, an owner of Pusheen, introduced himself and showed the City Council various products from

His company. He explained more about the company, who they are and what they do. He thanked the City

Council for deferring the matter until tonight. He explained that there is no longer the need for a parking

variance. He grew up and Park Ridge and returned to start his business here. Most employees reside here.

He obtained additional spaces by the building owner which were included in the lease. They conducted an

extensive search to find this space. He walks two blocks to work and would like to stay in Park Ridge.

In response to a question from Ald. Moran, Attorney Simon indicated that the Special Use could be personal

to the business simply but adding a motion.

Leasing Agent Owen Hayes of McLennan Commercial Properties introduced himself. He indicated that the

space has been vacant and for lease since June 2016; there have been no retail interest until now. In

response to a question from Ald. Melidosian, Mr. Hayes spoke about the allowable space available to


Jeannine Meyer (219 S. Fairview) is a resident of the City and a very happy employee of Pusheen. She

spoke highly of the company and would hate to see the company leave Park Ridge.

Move to strike Section 4, Parking exception from the ordinance.

Motion by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Moran.

Motion carried; voice vote.

Move to make a condition for the Special Use so that it is for the benefit of Pusheen Corp. only,

terminating upon Pusheen Corporation’s departure from 110 South Prospect Avenue.

Motion by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Motion carried; voice vote


AYES: Ald. Melidosian, Mazzuca, Maloney, Moran, Milissis, Van Roeyen and Shubert (7)

NAY: None (0)

ABSENT: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

2. Approve the final reading of Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Park

Ridge Regarding Commercial District purposes and Planned Developments / Approved by

omnibus vote

3. Approve the first reading of Ordinance granting a Map Amendment for Property at 465 South

Northwest Highway from R-2 Single Family District to R-3 Two-Family District (17-06-MA)

Moved by Ald. Van Roeyen. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Ald. Van Roeyen indicated that the case was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission with a vote

of 5 -2.

Director Brown provided background information on the case which was explained in his cover memorandum.

Approved minutes were also provided to the elected officials which were not available at the last meeting.

In response to a question from Ald. Melidosian, Director Brown indicated that he believed the comprehensive

plan does support in general, multi-family housing land uses along Northwest Highway. The parcel is zoned


Ald. Mazzuca questions items struck from the Findings of Fact. According to Director Brown, the property is

not vacant, which was determined during the Public Hearing.

In Ald. Mazzuca’s opinion, the property is not diminished; it is worth more if zoned at a higher level. In

reviewing the Findings of Fact, he sees no hardship and no public benefit. The benefits would accrue to the

property owner in his opinion. He believes the zoning should not be changed.

Ald. Moran drove past the house. He believes the change would improve the neighborhood. Therefore, he

intends to vote for the recommended change.


AYES: Ald. Maloney, Moran, Milissis, Van Roeyen, and Shubert (5)

NAY: Ald. Mazzuca and Melidosian (2)

ABSENT: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

Motion carried, 5 – 2.

4. Approve the first reading of Ordinance granting a Special Use for a Motor Vehicle Service

Station at 1220 Touhy Avenue (17-07-SU)

Moved by Ald. Van Roeyen. Seconded by Ald. Milissis.

Ald. Van Roeyen indicated that the case was approved at the Planning and Zoning Commission and

recommended with a vote of 7 – 0.

Director Brown provided a brief summary of the process regarding the property. The property was rezoned in

November 2016. There is a desire to greatly transform and improve the site, including an accessory store.

The applicant team was present.

Based on an inquiry from Ald. Moran, Deputy Clerk Peterson indicated she has not received any Liquor

License application for this property.

The curb cuts of the property were questioned by Ald. Melidosian. Director Brown indicated that a traffic

study was done to support the curb cuts as proposed. There is no evidence in the City’s records to

demonstrate an improvement by closing a curb cut on Delphia, as suggested by a neighbor.

Ald. Mazzuca questioned the 20 foot sign pole marked on the plans. Director Brown indicated that the sign,

as proposed, would not be allowed and would require variances which would be addressed during its building

plan review.

Chris Kalischefski of Corporate Design and Development Group LLC indicated the property was approved to

be rezoned to B-2 last November. The intention of the applicant is to make the property more appealing

esthetically and to serve the needs of the community. He reviewed the proposed plans and indicated that the

applicant would be coming back with a variance for the sign, similar in nature to the neighboring competitors.

He claimed to have proof of a hardship.

Ald. Moran made an inquiry about the sign that was there previously and knocked down.

Ald. Mazzuca addressed the sign issue. Attorney Simon confirmed that when you build something new, you

must adhere to the current code. But the matter before the Council now is for a Special Use.

Acting Mayor Maloney confirmed with Mr. Kalischefski that his client also wants to make his business better,

along with improving its appearance; Mr. Kalischefski agreed.

Ald. Mazzuca has no concerns about the Special Use but hopes the applicant follows the code if returning

with a sign plan.

Ald. Milissis indicated the whole conversation regarding the sign illustrates the City’s affliction and disorder

with “anti-sign-i-tis.” He looks forward to revisiting the sign ordinance at a later date. He hopes that the

applicant wants to improve the property and make money, just as any successful business plan would



AYES: Ald. Maloney, Moran, Milissis, Van Roeyen, Shubert, Mazzuca, and Melidosian (7)

NAY: None (0)

ABSENT: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

B. Zoning Board of Appeals – Ald. Moran

No report.

C. Liquor License Review Board – Acting Mayor Maloney

No report.

D. O’Hare Airport Commission – Ald. Mazzuca

No report.

E. Historic Preservation – Ald. Shubert

Ald. Shubert indicated that the Historic Preservation Commission met earlier this evening to select the

winners of its poster contest. The winners will be present at the May 1 City Council meeting. He also

announced that the official Landmark Application for Prospect Park will be presented at the Commissions next

meeting in May.

F. Procedures and Regulations Committee – Ald. Mazzuca

1. Approve the final reading of Ordinance amending Article 12, Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code

and Regulations applicable to Package Liquor Licenses (Class P) and the Gourmet Beverage


Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Attorney Simon provided a summary of the process for this matter. The regulations regarding the volume in a

flight were eliminated at the Procedures and Regulations Committee meeting. The changes in the Ordinance

allow for a Class “P” license holder with a Gourmet endorsement to sell single containers of chilled beer for off

premise consumption; and changes the volume of beer and wine daily consumption per day on the premises

from 12 to 24 ounces of wine and from 24 to 48 ounces of beer.

Ald. Moran recognized the great amount of feedback personally and on social media regarding the matter.

He is willing to revisit the discussion with an amendment based on the volume of consumption per day.

Move to amend the consumption per customer, per day to 18 ounces of wine and 36 ounces of beer.

Motion by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Ryan Tracey (106 Main Street) owner of Beer on the Wall thanked the Elected Officials for taking calls and

comments from residents. He indicated it was a resident driven change for the liquor code change.

According to Mr. Tracey, there was an 89.8% approval rate from the Facebook post. He believes the 36

ounce limit is a good change and great stepping stone.

Acting Mayor Maloney had a concern and questioned Mr. Tracey about whether children are allowed into the

establishment without parental supervision. Mr. Tracey indicated they do not card at the door; children are

normally accompanied by an adult. Some high-schoolers have entered but have been asked to leave.

Acting Mayor Maloney indicated he has received word that middle school and high school kids have been

allowed to purchase root beers and play games. Mr. Trecey indicated that he does not want his

establishment to be a hang-out for teenagers. If they are with a parent that is fine; they will make appropriate


Tricia Williams (922 Forestview) believes 12 or 24 ounces is enough to try a beer and take it home. She

asked if the establishment would be back in four more months to increase the amount. She sees no

difference between this, a bar or a tavern; she is not against them. A Gourmet License was created for

Winestyles; Beer on the Wall has the same type license and opened recently.

Tom Sotos loves Beer on the Wall. If a business is asking for more than just a tasting, the businesses should

morph to the City’s existing code, not the other way around. The City cannot continue to change the code

just because a business wants the change. Because there are no food sales at the establishment, he

compared it to a tavern. For this reason, he believes that children under the age of 21 should not be allowed

inside unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Lynn Cosley (311 S. Northwest Highway) supports the proposal calling the place a gem. She hopes the City

supports the change enabling the business to be more successful. It’s a great meeting place for clubs.

Ald. Milissis understood and agreed with most arguments indicated by Mr. Sotos and Ms. Williams. Beer on

the Wall came to the City knowing their business model; now they are changing it. He supports the 36 ounce

daily limit and would not support an increase in amounts in the future.


AYES: Ald. Moran, Milissis, Van Roeyen, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, and Maloney (7)

NAY: None (0)

ABSENT: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

Ald. Mazzuca will not support the motion. He believes Mr. Sotos’ comments were on the mark. He received

positive comments from many residents. If someone wants a larger business model, there is a license

available but you must serve food. In his opinion it is not setting a good precedent for the business in the

future and inviting other operators who may not be as diligent and not create the same type of enjoyable

atmosphere as beer on the wall.

Ald. Moran does not disagree with Ald. Mazzuca’s point. He acknowledged that the Liquor Code has been

changed a few times since it was rewritten a few years ago. It has changed, both by need and by the request

of businesses; there have been no issues with the changes. He believes this is a deserved amendment.

Ald. Shubert believed when the code was rewritten a few years ago, everything had been considered. This is

a good test case based in terms of the ounce limit. He concurred with comments made by Ald. Milissis

regarding that this would be end of the ounce limit. He is comfortable with this decision and believes it is a

responsible step forward.

Ald. Melidosian had an opportunity to read over his packet at the establishment recently. He is happy to see

more downtown establishments coming to Park Ridge that serve food and believes the City and Fifth Ward is

striking a good balance. However, the limit of 36 ounces may be pushing the line. He believed most

residents would be against this but based on the recent Facebook post, there were 253 comments, most in

favor of the change. He is in favor of the 36 ounce rule.

Ald. Van Roeyen believes this is in line since a standard pour is about 12 ounces for beer and the

complementary Ordinance has a limit of three drinks per day. It makes sense to support the request.

Ald. Mazzuca spoke about salons being allowed to serve with a complementary license; there was a

competitive concern. Other businesses offered something but utilized other parts of the code to make it work.

His concern was of this business morphing the code so they did not have all the other responsibilities.

Ald. Moran questioned whether the code specifies the amount of seats that are required or the size of display

that is required to call it a package goods store. Director Brown was uncertain. Ald. Moran requested to have

a future discussion to close any loopholes in the code.

Acting Mayor Maloney offered his guarded support. He likes their investment and commitment to Park Ridge.

However, he worries that the Council is back-stepping into a tavern license. They are getting more revenue

From the tap than from package goods. Although 18 / 36 limits are a compromise, he believes the numbers

are squishy. He supports the approval, but cautiously.


AYES: Ald. Milissis, Van Roeyen, Shubert, Melidosian, Maloney, and Moran (6)

NAY: Ald. Mazzuca (1)

ABSENT: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

Motion carried, 6 – 1.

G. Public Works Committee – Ald. Shubert

No report.

H. Public Safety Committee – Ald. Milissis

1. Authorize the City to approve an Ordinance approving an Intergovernmental Agreement to

establish a Joint Emergency Telephone System Board

Moved by Ald. Milissis. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Chief Kaminski provided brief information about the matter and the correct forms have been provided. The

City will be in compliance. According to Attorney Simon, the bylaws indicate that the Police Chief and City

Manager be representatives of the City on the ETSB and requested that the naming of the individuals be

included in the motion.

Move Police Chief Frank Kaminski and Acting City Manager Joe Gilmore be representatives of the

City on the ETSB.

Motion by Ald. Melidosian. Seconded by Ald. Ald. Shubert.

Motion carried; voice vote.

Ald. Melidosian questioned Chief Kaminski about the location of where 911 calls are directed. Chief Kaminski

explained the change that occurred with the relocation of the centers; it was cost effective for the City to go to

West Suburban. It is the technology and dispatch capabilities that matter the most. Dispatching is computer

assisted relying on satellites according to Ald. Milissis. Chief Kaminski added that the Illinois State Police

works the entire state from three dispatch centers located within the state.


AYES: Ald. Van Roeyen, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Maloney, Moran, and Milissis (7)

NAY: None (0)

ABSENT: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

2. Approve the contract and purchase order for HVAC replacement at Fire Station 36 to The YMI

Group, Inc. of Elk Grove Village, IL / Approved by omnibus vote

I. Finance and Budget Committee – Ald. Moran

1. Approve FY17 warrants for period ending March 31, 2017 in the amount of $1,451,699.48

reviewed by Alderman Shubert / Approved by omnibus vote

2. Approve a purchase order increase for Union Pacific / Approved by omnibus vote

IX. New Business – For announcement, deliberation, and/or discussion only; no official

action will be taken.

Ald. Melidosian commented on a Special Event Flyer for the Vine Street BBQ competition. Deputy Clerk

Peterson offered a bit of information regarding this Special Event Permit that has been delivered to the City.

Acting Mayor Maloney explained that the City will need to make an appointment to the Solid Waste Agency of

Northern Cook County (SWANCC) for a Director and an Alternation Director which will be placed on the May

1, 2017 City Council Agenda. The City Council will approve the Resolution by consent.

X. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.


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