
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Hanover Park Village Board met May 4.

Village of Hanover Park Village Board met May 4.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order – Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Acceptance of Agenda

4. Presentations

a. Recognition – Larry Stahl (Operator of the Year) 

b. Proclamation – Public Works Week 

c. Proclamation – Peace Officers Memorial Week

5. TownHall Session

Persons wishing to address the public body must register prior to Call to Order. Please note that public comment is limited to 5 minutes.

6. Village President Report – Rodney S. Craig

a. Move to approve by omnibus vote items on the consent agenda.

Consent Agenda - Omnibus Vote 

Illinois law permits municipalities to adopt by one single unanimous roll-call vote of the Board of Trustees and the Village President a group of designated ordinances, orders resolutions, or motions placed together for voting purposes in a single group.

All items marked with (C.A.) are considered routine and thus are considered to be on the Consent Agenda. Following the motion’s second, a brief discussion may be held about any designated item. If lengthier discussion or debate is needed, any Trustee or the Village President may request any item to be removed from the motion and those items will be considered during the regular course of the meeting as they appear on the agenda.

All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed above. There will be no further discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

6-A.1 (C.A.)

Move to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board meeting of April 6, 2017.

6-A.2 (C.A.)

Motion to approve the use of the City of Naperville Joint Contract Purchasing Program to remodel Public Works and Fire Station #2 at a cost not-to-exceed $74,630.50, accept the proposals with F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Associates LLC, and authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents.

6-A.3 (C.A.)

Move to pass a Resolution approving an agreement between Filotto Construction Inc. and the Village of Hanover Park for an amount not to exceed $33,600 for the roof replacement at STP 1 and authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents.

6-A.4 (C.A.)

Move to pass an Ordinance granting a change in zoning from “L-I,” Limited Industrial District to “B-2,” Local Business District, and granting a special use for a social service facility with variances, for property located at 7458 Jensen Boulevard, Hanover Park, Illinois.

6-A.5 (C.A.)

Move to pass an Ordinance amending Chapter 58 of the Municipal Code of Hanover Park, as amended, by adding a new article XXXII, Conflicts with certain Home Rule County Ordinances.

6-A.6 (C.A.)

Motion to approve the proposal from HR Green for Engineering Construction Services for the 2017 Road Reconstruction Program in the amount of $28,362.41 and to authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents.

6-A.7 (C.A.)

Move to pass a Resolution causing notice to be given of contemplated annexation pursuant to 5 ILCS 5/7-1-13.

6-A.8 (C.A.)

Motion to Pass a Resolution Memorializing the Results of the Consolidated Election Held April 4, 2017.

6-A.9 (C.A.)

Move to pass a Permit Extension for the Hanover Park Boys Football Association Inc. for the continuation of youth football recreation at the Hanover Park Sports Complex until November 30, 2022 and authorize the Village President to execute the necessary documents.

6-A.10 Move to approve Warrant 5/04/2017 in the amount of $295,896.23 ($295,688.75+$207.48).

6-A.11 Move to approve Warrant Paid in Advance (4/12/17-4/27/17) in the amount of $877,145.64.

7. Village Manager’s Report – Juliana Maller

8. Village Clerk’s Report – Eira L. Corral Sepúlveda

9. Corporation Counsel’s Report – Bernard Z. Paul

10. Village Trustees Reports

10-A. Rick Roberts

10-B. Herb Porter

10-C. James Kemper

10-D. Jon Kunkel

10-E. Sharmin Shahjahan

10-F. Bob Prigge

11. Executive Session

a. Section 2(c)(21) – Discussion of Minutes of Meetings Lawfully Closed Under the Open Meetings Act 

b. Section 2(c)(23) – The Operation by a Municipality of a Municipal Utility

12. Adjournment
