Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock
President, Village of South Barrington
Registered Voters: 5,023 Vote For 1
Ballots Cast: 248 Total Votes: 205
Turnout: 4.94%
Paula McCombie (Independent) 100% 205
Clerk, Village of South Barrington
Registered Voters: 5,023 Vote For 1
Ballots Cast: 248 Total Votes: 206
Turnout: 4.94%
Donna Wood (Independent) 100% 206
Trustee, Village of South Barrington
Registered Voters: 5,023 Vote For 3
Ballots Cast: 248 Total Votes: 574
Turnout: 4.94%
Bernard D. Kerman (Independent) 33.28% 191
Anthony C. Stagno (Independent) 32.58% 187
Joseph Abbate (Independent) 34.15% 196
Trustee, Village of South Barrington, 2yr
Registered Voters: 5,023 Vote For 1
Ballots Cast: 248 Total Votes: 190
Turnout: 4.94%
Therese DeSerto-Cohen (Independent) 100.00% 190