
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

The city of Park Ridge task force builds community awareness

The city of Park Ridge Human Needs Task Force met Tuesday to build community awareness.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the city:

I. Invocation

II. Action Items

A. Approve Minutes – February 14, 2017

III. Discussion of Task Force Goals

A. Advisory Role to City Staff and Elected Officials

B. Building Community Awareness

1. 25 Years of Service

2. Effective Collaboration with Community Groups

C. Effective Intervention to Address Resident Needs

D. Review of Successes / Challenges

IV. Ongoing Business

A. Community Needs - Follow Up or New

B. Review of Funds - $709.99

V. Agencies/Church Reports

VI. New Business

VII. Adjournment