
North Cook News

Monday, February 24, 2025

Park Ridge preservation commissioners discuss award ideas

Webp chairs

The city of Park Ridge Historic Preservation Commission met Feb. 1 to discuss preservation award ideas.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the commission:

"Consists of nine citizen members, with a range of expertise in law, real estate, architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, city planning, anthropology, history, art, building construction or finance. The Commission serves to preserve, enhance and restore for use those properties and areas that have special historical, architectural, community or aesthetic significance in the community, in the interest of promoting the public health, safety and general welfare of Park Ridge."






Chair Barclay called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.

A. Roll Call


Judy Barclay, Chair

Paul Adlaf

Sharon Bollinger

Joan Mattingly

Julie Tiu


Barb Christopher

John Mackin

Shel Newman

Eileen Sergo

City Council

Alderman Shubert


Jon Branham, Senior Planner

Mary Beth Golden, Administrative Assistant

Others Present

1 audience member

B. Approval of Minutes – January 4, 2017

On a motion by Commissioner Mattingly, seconded by Commissioner Bollinger, the

Commission approved the minutes from the January 4, 2017 meeting, as submitted.

This motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.

C. Citizens Wishing to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items

D. Designation Review Cases

E. Other Items

1. Action Items - none

2. Discussion Items

i. Poster Contest

Commissioner Tiu stated there were 11 schools currently on the roster list.

There was discussion regarding including all schools in Park Ridge as well as all

Minutes for the Historic Preservation Commission (Cont.)


residents in Park Ridge. It was decided that all children living in and/or attending

school in Park Ridge are eligible to participate in the contest.

Important Poster Contest dates include:

Thursday, February 23, 2017: Notice to all schools will be sent via the

District 64 news release and to the local papers

Wednesday, March 1 - Friday, March 3, 2017: Contest rules and entry

forms will be available on the City’s website, at the Park Ridge Public

Library and City Hall, and Park Ridge schools

Thursday, March 30, 2017: Reminder to schools and teachers

Monday, April 2, 2017: All entries must be submitted

Wednesday, April 5, 2017: Historic Preservation Meeting (judging to

take place at this meeting)

Monday, May 5, 2017: Winners presentation at City Council Meeting

Prizes were also discussed. Commissioners Mattingly and Adlaf offered to

collect possible prizes and Chair Barclay added she would contact local

establishments for possible donations.

ii. Preservation Award Ideas

The Commission discussed the Preservations Awards that could mimic the

program initiated in Winnetka. It was decided that a certificate rather than a

medallion would be an appropriate prize. Staff provided criteria in a similar

program in Wilmette, which included awards for Stewardship, Restoration,

Sympathetic Addition, and Streetscape Compatibility. The Commission

discussed how applications would be reviewed, and that photos should be

submitted. It was noted that owner consent should be required and that interior

of homes would likely not be reviewed.

Chair Barclay suggested a voluntary homework assignment to research other

communities to further assemble criteria for the awards.

F. New Business

Commissioner Tiu brought forward a promotional idea to the Commission. She

presented a program from a Manhattan, NY neighborhood entitled “My Preservation

Journal”. The booklet highlights historic districts, landmarks, and architectural terms,

which help children understand historic preservation. The Commission decided this

would be an ideal program aimed at middle school students. Commissioner Barclay

suggested sending the link to the booklet to staff.

Alderman Shubert raised the point that the City Council was approaching their budget

meetings in late March / early April and reiterated that any additional Commission items

should be acknowledged as soon as possible. Chair Barclay suggested that the

Commission budget remain as it has been in previous years.

G. Adjournment

On a motion by Commissioner Mattingly, seconded by Commissioner Bollinger the

Commission agreed to adjourn the meeting.

This motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.

The meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM.