
North Cook News

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Evanston High School announces inaugural 'LGBTQ Student Summit'

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Evanston Township High School (ETHS) will hold its inaugural all-school "LGBTQ Student Summit" on Friday, April 7.

The event, which will run from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., is titled "Pride, Not Prejudice" and is part of ETHS' "Social Consciousness Series." Principal and Assistant Superintendent Marcus Campbell announced the event in a letter addressed jointly to ETHS students and their parents and guardians, in English and Spanish.

Student attendance isn't mandatory, but students who choose to attend will be excused from classes that day.

Topics to be discussed include representation and inclusive education as well as bullying and discrimination. 

To participate, students are asked to pre-register by completing and submitting an "LGBTQ Student Summit Registration Form" by Thursday, March 23. Campbell asked that, once registered, students meet at the South Study Cafe between 8 and 8:15 a.m. to check in. Lunch will be provided.

Campbell encouraged students to submit questions or request more details by emailing principal@eths.k12.il.us or calling 847-424-7043.

Pat Savage-Williams, a New Trier employee and one of two organizers of New Trier's recent "White Privilege" day, is chairman of the ETHS District 202 board. She is running for re-election on April 4.

The announcement letter is reprinted in full below:

Dear ETHS Student and Parent/Guardian,

Evanston Township High School is pleased to host the first-ever LGBTQ Student Summit on Friday, April 7, 2017, from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. as part of our continued commitment to supporting the academic success and well-being of all students. This summit is hosted as part of our school’s ongoing “Social Consciousness Series” and will focus on the unique yet diverse lived experiences of students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ) and their allies.

The summit will consist of workshops, speakers and performances that contribute to a greater understanding of gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation within the school community. Through a theme of “Pride, Not Prejudice,” participants will address topics that affect LGBTQ students, such as representation, inclusive education, bullying and discrimination, and being a supportive ally. Participants will identify ways to help affect change to positively impact the experiences of LGBTQ students in school and in the local community.

While all students are invited to attend any of the Social Consciousness Series events, an affinity group model will be used at each event to engage participants in a deeper conversation to help facilitate positive identity exploration and provide people with similar lived experiences a space to pose questions and process topics. Our continued goal is to provide space for reflection, communication, mentorship and growth while creating a culturally responsive learning environment where everyone feels inspired, valued and respected.

Students who wish to participate in the LGBTQ Student Summit must pre-register by completing and submitting this form no later than March 23, 2017:

LGBTQ Student Summit Registration Form

Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged. Students who participate in the Summit will receive an administrative excused absence from their classes (periods 1-9) on April 7, 2017. These absences will not count toward NC. Summit participants should report to the South Study Cafe between 8-8:15 a.m. on the day of the Summit to check in. Lunch will be provided.

If you have questions or would like more information about the LGBTQ Summit, or our Social Consciousness Series, please email me at principal@eths.k12.il.us, or call me at 847-424-7043.



Marcus Campbell, Ed.D.

Assistant Superintendent/Principal


ASUNTO: Cumbre de Estudiantes LGBTQ: 7 de abril

Estimado Estudiante y Padre de Familia/Tutor de ETHS:

La Escuela Preparatoria del Municipio de Evanston se complace en llevar a cabo la primera Cumbre de Estudiantes LGBTQ, el 7 de abril del 2017, de 8 a.m. a 3:30 p.m. Como parte de nuestro continuo compromiso de apoyar el éxito académico y bienestar de todos nuestros estudiantes. Esta cumbre es organizada como parte de las “Series de Conciencia Social” en curso, y se enfocará en las únicas y diversas experiencias vividas por los estudiantes quienes se identifican como lesbianas, gay, bisexuales, transgender, queer/ questioning (LGBTQ) y sus aliados.

Esta cumbre constará de talleres, oradores y presentaciones que contribuirán a crear un amplio entendimiento de la identidad de género, expresión de género y orientación sexual dentro de la comunidad escolar. Mediante la temática de “Orgullo, No Prejuicio” los participantes abordarán tópicos que afectan a los estudiantes LGBTQ, como representación, educación inclusiva, acoso escolar y discriminación, y cómo ser un aliado de apoyo. Los participantes identificarán formas de ayudar a un cambio que impacte positivamente las experiencias de los estudiantes LGBTQ en la escuela y en la comunidad local.

Mientras los estudiantes son invitados a asistir a cualquier de los eventos de las Series de Conciencia Social, un modelo de grupo de afinidad será empleado en cada evento para involucrar a los participantes en una conversación más profunda para ayudar a facilitar una exploración de identidad positiva y brindar a las personas con similares experiencias con un espacio para formular preguntas y procesar tópicos. Nuestra meta contínua es la de brindar un espacio para la reflexión, comunicación, mentoría y crecimiento mientras se crea un ambiente de aprendizaje culturalmente sensible donde cada uno se sienta inspirado, valorado y respetado.

Los estudiantes que deseen participar en la Cumbre de Estudiantes LGBTQ deben pre-inscribirse llenando y presentando este formulario a más tardar el 23 de marzo del 2017:

Formulario de Inscripción a la Cumbre

El espacio es limitado, de tal modo que se anima a inscribirse temprano. Los estudiantes que participen en la Cumbre recibirán un excusa de ausencia administrativa de sus clases (períodos 1-9) el 7 de abril del 2017. Estas ausencias no contarán para el NC. Los participantes a la Cumbre deberán reportarse en el South Study Café entre las 8 a.m. y las 8:15 a.m. el día de la inscripción a la Cumbre. Se brindará almuerzo.

Si usted tiene preguntas o quisiera más información acerca de la Cumbre LGBTQ, o nuestras Series de Conciencia Social, por favor enviarme un email a principal@eths.k12.il.us, o llámenme a 847-424-7043.




Marcus Campbell, Ed.D.

Superintendente Adjunto/Director