
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Mount Prospect invites more public hydrant painting

Painted hydrant limegreen

Mount Prospect invites more public hydrant painting

Mount Prospect invites more public hydrant painting

Fire hydrants in Mount Prospect are slated to make a splashy statement in 2017 with the community’s second annual “Fired Up!” decorating event, a noncompetitive project open to all residents celebrating the village centennial.

Following last year’s successful introduction, village leaders elected to continue the program. In 2016, local denizens decorated nearly 70 fire hydrants, with photographs featured online.

“We knew this would be a fun project when we planned it, but we were floored by the amount of support received once the hydrants started coming to life,” Project Chairman Christy Watychowicz said of last year’s results.

This year, anyone can “choose” a hydrant to paint by submitting an application -- with the design concept and a $50 fee -- to the Centennial Commission located at Village Hall, 50 S. Emerson St., Mount Prospect, IL, 60056. Hydrants will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Applicants must remit forms and fees by March 31 to be eligible. The painting will be scheduled for a date in June, with participants using pre-approved special paints.

Designs must meet criteria for appropriateness: all instructions can be found at www.mountprospect100.com. For more information, email hydrants@mountprospect.org.

“We hope with this second round (that) anyone who missed out has the opportunity to make their mark,” Watychowicz said. “We are encouraging all residents and businesses throughout the village to consider participating.”