The subcommittee discussed the need for a senior resource directory at its March 14 meeting.
The subcommittee discussed the need for a senior resource directory at its March 14 meeting.
The Village of Arlington Heights Senior Citizens' Commission Subcommittee met on March 14 to discuss a senior directory.
The subcommittee first reviewed several published directories and discussed the various aspects and benefits of compiling a senior directory focused on the village and its residents.
The subcommittee also discussed the need for a directory and its purpose. In general, a senior directory compiles information of interest to seniors in the community. By placing information -- ranging from adult day care to the Senior Center to volunteer opportunities -- in one volume, it assists seniors, their families and caregivers in locating appropriate services.
After determining that a senior directory would benefit the village's senior citizens, the subcommittee discussed the next steps in compiling the information and organizing it into an easy-to-read and effective tool for seniors. Among the considerations when designing a directory are the page size, type size and information included, such as the business name, address, phone number and a brief summary of the business' purpose.
Printing costs are also a consideration when planning any publication.