R-Code targets specific negative behaviors in students and promotes a positive school environment.
R-Code targets specific negative behaviors in students and promotes a positive school environment.
Five R-Code student leaders gave a presentation on the R-Code and its positive aspects to the Park Ridge Human Needs Task Force on Dec. 8.
The R-Code is a universal response to intervention (RIT) that is available to all students. R-Code stands for responsible, respectful and ready. The student leaders explained their role in administering and promoting the R-Code at Maine East.
Among the student leaders' duties is presenting lessons to their peers. These have included presentations on bullying, responsible use of social media and the importance of arriving to class prepared and ready to learn. Fundraisers put on by the group allow it to reward positive behavior with incentives and rewards. The R-Code is credited with reducing the number of incidents requiring disciplinary actions at the school.
The task force also heard a variety of reports, including the Healthy Community Collation brochure on mental health needs, the ongoing food drive at schools and agency and church reports. Year-end giving, holiday food baskets and plans for the new year were among the updates presented to the task force.
After hearing reports, the meeting adjourned.