Police radios with GPS capabilities allow dispatchers to view officers' locations.
Police radios with GPS capabilities allow dispatchers to view officers' locations.
Adding software and equipment to provide GPS to public safety radios was discussed at the Nov. 19 Elgin Emergency Telephone System Board meeting.
The board heard and discussed the advantages of adding GPS to the dispatch system, which would allow dispatchers to locate the radios via GPS.
The police department submitted a quote from Motorola Solutions for $29,329. This would include software, equipment and service work. A real-time information console would be added to the dispatch room. The console would allow dispatchers to view and incorporate the GPS data provided by public safety radios into their computer aided dispatch (CAD) system.
The board moved, voted and approved the purchase of the equipment and service work to add GPS tracking capability to the public safety radio system.
The board also reviewed invoices from AT&T and the State of Illinois and approved them for payment. The board was updated on the status of the budget activity report of Fund 220, E9-1-1 Telephone System.
There were no other agenda items, so the meeting was adjourned.