The Schaumburg Engineering and Public Works Committee plans to discuss a variety of contracts at its meeting tonight.
The Schaumburg Engineering and Public Works Committee plans to discuss a variety of contracts at its meeting tonight.
The Schaumburg Engineering and Public Works Committee will discuss a variety of contracts at its 7 p.m. meeting today, Jan. 21.
The meeting will be in Conference Room B at the Robert O. Atcher Municipal Center, 101 Schaumburg Court.
The Golf Road bike path is moving forward to Phase II. Staff reviewed five consultants for the Phase II Design proposals. Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd received the staff's recommendation for the $99,332.16 contract. Federal funding will pay $80,000 of the contract.
The 2016 street improvement program will be discussed and, once approved by the village board, will be put out to bid. Included in the program are resurfacing streets and bike paths, preventative maintenance, curb and sidewalk replacements and parking lot rehabilitation. The estimated cost of street improvements is approximately $7.7 million.
Also to be reviewed and possibly approved are the water meter and transmission unit replacement program contract for $4.7 million, Phase I drainage improvements at Weathersfield Way and Braintree Drive and a one-year extension to the lease agreement with Easy Street LLC for the Morse Ave. storage facility.
The committee will also hear a presentation from Michael Hall regarding the utility system analysis and water and sewer rate study. The recommendation is to use bonds to fund improvements and raise water rates by six percent every year.
After hearing comments from the audience, the meeting will adjourn.