
North Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dold seeks nominees for Tenth District Leadership Awards

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Residents of the 10th Congressional District have the opportunity to honor their hometown heroes by nominating their picks for the Tenth District Leadership Awards.

U.S. Rep. Robert Dold (R-Dist. 10) officially put out the call recently for nominations, which are being accepted in six categories: Community Service, Entrepreneurial Excellence, Exceptional Educator, Friend of the Environment, Helping Heroes and Young Leader.

"The 10th Congressional District has many advantages, but undoubtedly our greatest resource is the people," Dold said. "That’s what the Tenth District Leadership Awards is all about – recognizing the everyday heroes that make our community an amazing place to live, work and raise children.”

This is an opportunity for the region to honor the unsung heroes that contribute to the community. Anyone who lives or works in the 10th District can self-nominate or nominate a worthy candidate in each category. Nominations are due by Oct. 28, and online voting begins on Oct. 30. Voters may vote once in each category by going to the 10th Congressional District website, Facebook or Twitter. The awards ceremony will be held on Nov. 9.

For more information or to submit a nomination, please go to Dold's website: http://dold.house.gov/leadership.