
North Cook News

Monday, March 3, 2025

School spending grows, home values shrink in northwest suburbs

Webp property tax 4

Last year, Roslyn Sternfeld appealed the property tax bill for her white brick split-level at 7636 Kildare Avenue in Skokie.

The Cook County Assessor said he believed it was now worth $320,924, up from $248,881 a year earlier, a 30 percent increase. Her property taxes-- $6,223 in 2015-- would be rising.

The assessor gave a little, settling at a value of $316,696, a 27 percent hike. All things remaining equal, Sternfeld was looking at a new bill of around $8,000-- or 2.5 percent of her home’s supposed value.

With no mortgage, that would mean a bill of $667 per month to keep a home in which she had lived since the 1960’s, when Roslyn moved there with her late husband, pediatrician Dr. Jack Sternfeld.

Last month, Sternfeld, age 90, sold for $100,000.

(see editor's note at the end of this story)

Whose home equity?

Over her previous decade living on Kildare alone, Sternfeld had paid $64,602 in property taxes-- more than two thirds of what, it turned out, her home was actually worth.

Over her estimated 50 years in the home, she no doubt bought it back several times.

According to a Chicago Tribune study, Skokie has the second highest effective property tax rate in the northwest suburbs-- 3.58 percent. To be sure, Roslyn Sternfeld was actually getting off easy.

A Local Government Information Services (LGIS) analysis of 20 suburbs in northwest Cook County found that real estate values have universally fallen- between 20 and 46 percent-- over the past decade. And median tax bills have skyrocketed, now ranging from $4,866 (Streamwood) to $29,511 (Barrington Hills) per year.

The median home price in Skokie fell 39 percent from 2007 to 2015-- from $412,659  to $253,000, according to Zillow.com

Morton Grove (-40 percent), Niles (-41 percent), Des Plaines (-42 percent), Streamwood (-42 percent) and Wheeling (-46 percent) were the only northwest suburban real estate markets faring worse.

Home prices in Arlington Heights fared badly-- but the best of all communities analyzed. In 2007, its median price was $370,364 and in 2015, it was $298,000, down 20 percent.

In Barrington Hills, where the effective property tax rate was 3.94 percent, a home worth $1.017 million in 2007 is worth just $750,000 today-- down 26 percent.

School spending keeps rising

LGIS  found that from 1997 through 2015, spending at 34 of 37 school districts serving the northwest Cook County suburbs rose in real dollars.

At Skokie School District 69, they rose 72 percent during a span when enrollment grew just 25 percent.

District 69 had the second-largest spending increase in northwest Cook County, behind Maine Township High School District 207. That district, serving Park Ridge and Des Plaines with three high schools-- Maine South, Maine East, and Maine West-- hiked its spending by 76 percent, more than triple the rate of its enrollment (23 percent).

Niles Township High School District 219, which serves Skokie, Niles, Lincolnwood, and Morton Grove, raised its spending 70 percent, ranking third. Its enrollment grew 14 percent over the same period.

Morton Grove School District 70 raised its spending 54 percent over the period, with enrollment growing a little less than half as much, 21 percent.

Rosemont School District 78 and Community Consolidated District 62 in Des Plaines both raised spending 45 percent. Their enrollments fell ten percent and grew five percent, respectively.

In Schaumburg CCSD 54, enrollment was down 14 percent from 1997 to 2015. But spending still rose-- four percent, to $167 million.

2023 projected

If these local government spending trends continue, Roslyn Sternfeld’s predicament will become all too common.

If the next eight years are like the last eight years for the real estate market, Skokie’s median sale price in 2023 will be $177,310. And the median homeowner will have paid $144,918 in property taxes from 2007 to 2023, a total of 81 percent of its worth.

In Wheeling, where the median home price was $284,632 in Jan. 2007, LGIS projects home vaues will fall to $94,012. And the median homeowner will have paid $79,070 over the previous 16 year period, or 84 percent of the home’s value. 

In Streamwood (77 percent of taxes paid), Barrington Hills (75 percent) and Morton Grove (75 percent), taxes will equal more than three-quarters of their home’s market value. In 15 of 20 northwest Cook suburbs, property taxpayers will have paid more than 50 percent of their 2023 home value over the same period.  

Editor's note: In response to this story, Cook County Assessor Spokesman Tom Shaer told North Cook News that he contacted Ms. Sternfeld who told him that she sold her home at a lower price purposely, to a family member.

Shaer takes issue with the suggestion that the Cook County Assessor incorrectly assesses properties, including Ms. Sternfeld's.

Recent sales in her immediate Skokie neighborhood, excluding Sternfeld's, have ranged from $160,000 to $270,000.


Northwest Cook County Median Home Prices, 2007 to 2015


CommunityJan 2007Jan 2015CHG
1Wheeling $284,632 $153,000 -46.2% 
2Streamwood $266,342 $154,000 -42.2% 
3Des Plaines $365,792 $214,000 -41.5% 
4Niles $424,090 $249,000 -41.3% 
5Morton Grove $433,235 $262,000 -39.5% 
6Skokie $412,659 $253,000 -38.7% 
7Rolling Meadows $302,922 $186,000 -38.6% 
8Lincolnwood $546,402 $344,000-37.0% 
9Elk Grove Village $355,504 $225,000 -36.7% 
10Schaumburg $315,496 $200,000 -36.6% 
11Prospect Heights $313,209 $200,000 -36.1% 
12Palatine $353,218 $228,000 -35.5% 
13Mt. Prospect $406,944 $268,000 -34.1% 
14Park Ridge $539,543 $361,000 -33.1% 
15Bartlett $358,933 $250,000 -30.3% 
16Hoffman Estates $347,502 $243,000 -30.1% 
17Inverness $825,318 $585,000 -29.1% 
18Glenview $654,996 $465,000 -29.0% 
19South Barrington $1,200,255 $857,000 -28.6% 
20Northbrook $658,426 $471,000 -28.5% 
21Barrington Hills $1,017,359 $749,000 -26.4% 
22Arlington Heights $370,364 $298,000 -19.5% 
Source: Zillow

Northwest Cook County, Projected 2023


Community 2023 Projected Median Sale Prop Taxes Paid 2015-2023 Taxes Paid % 
1Wheeling $94,012 $79,070 84.1% 
2Skokie $177,310 $144,918 81.7% 
3Streamwood $101,785 $77,862 76.5% 
4Barrington Hills $630,338 $472,170 74.9% 
5Morton Grove $181,119 $134,982 74.5% 
6Des Plaines $143,113 $96,557 67.5% 
7Prospect Heights $145,985 $96,960 66.4% 
8Rolling Meadows $130,551 $85,114 65.2% 
9Bartlett $199,045 $123,200 61.9% 
10Palatine $168,233 $103,968 61.8% 
11Mt. Prospect $201,753 $122,637 60.8% 
12Park Ridge $276,104 $165,771 60.0% 
13Lincolnwood $247,565 $148,058 59.8% 
14Schaumburg $144,928 $84,800 58.5% 
15Niles $167,119 $92,429 55.3% 
16Elk Grove Village $162,781 $86,400 53.1% 
17Inverness $473,996 $238,680 50.4% 
18Arlington Heights$274,086 $128,259 46.8% 
19Glenview $377,356 $176,328 46.7% 
20Northbrook $385,141 $179,35746.6% 
21Hoffman Estates $194,240 $87,869 45.2% 
22South Barrington $699,475 $283,838 40.6% 
Source: Zillow, Chicago Tribune

Northwest Cook County Local School Spending, 1997-2015


School District1997 Spend 2015 Spend CHG 
1Park Ridge CCSD 64 $38,947,288 $68,607,178 76% 
2Skokie SD 69 $14,372,177 $24,709,186 72% 
3Niles 219 $80,149,522 $136,645,631 70% 
4Morton Grove SD 70 $8,280,041 $12,726,078 54% 
5Rosemont ESD 78 $2,932,804 $4,266,979 45% 
6CCSD 62 (Des Plaines) $48,496,317 $70,391,396 45% 
7Fairview SD 72 (Skokie) $7,767,215 $11,190,670 44% 
8Ridgewood CHSD 234 (Norridge) $11,943,985$17,088,230 43% 
9Skokie SD 73-5 $12,615,977 $17,850,759 41% 
10Glenview CCSD 34 $43,573,804 $61,425,785 41% 
11Schiller Park SD 81 $11,128,796 $15,312,717 38% 
12Northbrook/Glenview SD 30$16,279,676$22,351,209 37% 
13Pennoyer SD 79 (Norridge) $2,855,556 $3,909,710 37% 
14Northfield Twp HSD 225 $86,574,043 $116,600,515 35% 
15Union Ridge SD 86 (Harwood Hts) $4,512,917 $5,822,222 29% 
16Golf ESD 67 (Morton Grove) $7,724,203 $9,652,943 25% 
17Comm Cons SD 59 (Arlington Hts) $74,317,336 $88,379,545 19% 
18West Northfield SD 31 $13,735,729 $16,153,021 18% 
19Northbrook SD 28 $29,256,788 $33,942,877 16% 
20Township HSD 211 (Palatine) $191,715,697 $221,561,748 16% 
21Wheeling CCSD 21 $64,716,208 $73,192,054 13% 
22Rhodes SD 84-5 (River Grove) $5,295,021 $5,838,872 10% 
23Skokie SD 68 $25,715,142 $28,247,283 10% 
24Maine Twp HSD 207 (Park Ridge) $108,912,806$119,308,741 10% 
25Lincolnwood SD 74 $18,482,184 $20,125,726 9% 
26Township HSD 214 (Arlington Hts) $207,958,792 $226,124,461 9% 
27Norridge SD 80 $8,052,688 $8,750,500 9% 
28Arlington Heights SD 25 $55,019,123 $58,609,954 7% 
29Northbrook ESD 27 $23,052,704 $24,494,674 6% 
30East Maine SD 63 (Des Plaines) $36,426,157 $38,633,206 6% 
31Prospect Heights SD 23 $17,940,191 $18,951,948 6% 
32Schaumburg CCSD 54 $161,516,477 $167,378,353 4% 
33East Prairie SD 73 (Skokie) $7,086,783 $7,246,528 2% 
34Mount Prospect SD 57 $21,500,398 $21,459,620 0% 
35Niles ESD 71 $8,876,492 $8,781,284 -1% 
36Palatine CCSD 15 $125,750,344 $124,041,515 -1% 
37River Trails SD 26 (Mt Prospect) $22,820,366 $22,025,152 -3% 
Source: Illinois State Board of Education; All 1997 numbers inflation-adjusted.